Center for Global StudiesFaculty Research Grant Application

All UW faculty and academic professionals are invited to submit proposals for Center for Global Studies Research Grants. Funding of up to $5,000 for travel and research expenses is availablefor projects that will support international research, further the goals of the Center for Global Studies, and help to foster progress in academic research outcomes such as publications and external grant applications. Funding shouldbe applied to international travel for research,but may also be used to bringpeople resident overseas to campus, as long asthey can assist with achieving the given project’s goals. Funding may also be used as seed money to support an externalgrant application process. However, if applied as seed money, it must be used for the grant that it is intended to support.We encourage collaborative projects involving interdisciplinary research groups with faculty from different units. Projects that involve graduate student or undergraduate student mentorship and directly help to internationalize UW’s activities are desirable. We aim to support projects focusing on the implications – from local to global – of evolving international challenges. As such, research projects from all colleges, centers and schools can extend the reach of our campus to the global arena. We will support applications related to international research projects addressing any challenge, whether founded in art, science, humanities, social sciences, agriculture, health, education, or engineering. We encourage projects that are creative, and if founded in a sound rationale those that have uncertain outcomes.

We anticipate funding 6-8 projects every year. Please contact Robert Field, associate director, with specific questions about this grant application r 307-399-3331. More information on the due dates and deadlines as well as on the Center for Global Studies can be found at

Applications should follow these instructions:

  1. Submit the suppliedcover application form as the front page of your proposal.
  1. Submit a two-page (max)project proposal that includes: project description; research objectives, research methods, anticipated outcomes or deliverables,potential benefits, and references. The front page, supporting documents and budget are not included in page count.
  1. Submit this budget form (add as last page of your proposal).Include research expenses only, including travel. This grant cannot be used for salary.

The Center for Global Studies Research Grant Committee will rate applications based on boththe criteria outlined above in the call for proposals, the strength of the submission to support international researchexcellence at UW, and adherence to guidelines given below. Ourevaluation will include consideration of the necessity of in person travel for the project and clarity of articulation of benefits to UW, including follow-up plans.

Submit your application as a single file in .pdf format via e-mail no later than the due date listed on our Website to . Please direct questions to Robert Field, or 307-399-3331.The Center for Global Studies Research Grant Committee will review the applications,and we will announce our selection(s)within four weeks of the submission deadline.

Name(s) of Principal Investigators:

Department: Click here to enter text.
Campus Address (Department, Building, Room)

Click here to enter text.

Preferred Email: Click here to enter text. Phone: Click here to enter text.

Project Title: Click here to enter text.

Proposed Dates of Travel: Click here to enter text.______

Destination(s): Click here to enter text.

Amount Requested(maximum request $5,000): Click here to enter text.

Outside Match(An outside match is always viewed favorably): Click here to enter text.

DateSignature (electronic signatures are acceptable)


Please submit a two-page (max) narrative proposal that addresses each of the following and uses the headers noted below. Your document should be formatted to 1” margins all around, with text lines single-spaced. Font should be 12-point font. If you include tables, figures or maps these do not count toward the 2-page limit. We encourage the use of imagery in your proposal. These should be placed within the body of the text, rather than at the end of the submission. Use one line space between sections noted below. Use page numbers.

Project Description: Start this section with general information that gives a wider context for your proposal, with reference to your discipline. Then provide a brief problem statement for your proposed research project. Why does this research matter?Is this project an extension of existing work or is it new? What is the international dimension, or international relevance, of this research?

Research Objectives: State the objectives or goals of your project. If more appropriate to your proposal, you may state research questions and/or hypothesis of your proposed research.

Research Methods: Describe your research methods and links with other researchers, including graduate students.

Anticipated Outcomes: Describe the outcomes and/or deliverables that you anticipate from your research that would be supported by this grant. Note data that will be collected and research analysis that will follow from your international fieldwork.

Potential Benefits: Clearly articulate the benefits to internationalization efforts at UW. Include follow up plans that move beyond data and analysis outcomes. Will your project have potential to strengthen other proposals or lead to publications? If yes, what types of grants and publication outlets will you aim for?

References: We anticipate that you will note a couple of key references within each of your Research Subject, Project Description and Research Methods sections. Your reference list does not count toward the 2-page limit.

Supporting Documents:Please attach documentation that demonstrates advanced planning. You may include documents of invitation, specific arrangements, and agreements with individuals or host institutions. Emails are acceptable but must show substantial communications between parties. Letters are preferable. No offprints, please. These should be included, and embedded, at the end of your Project Proposal document.

Budget: Attach your completed Budget form

Please use the following file naming protocol for your Submission:


PROJECT BUDGET- Include a justification for each budget item.

  1. Itemized estimated expenditures:

Transportation / Justification
International / $Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
In-country / $Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Per Diem or other*
$Click here to enter text. @Click here to enter text. days / $Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Materials / $Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Other (specify) / $Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Total Estimated Expenditures / $Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /

B. Itemized estimated resources/matching funds (identify source and amount):

Source / Amount
Click here to enter text. / $Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text. / $Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text. / $Click here to enter text.
Total Resources / $Click here to enter text.

C. Total Requested (A minus B) $Click here to enter text.

*For lodging and living expenses, the latter is also known as meals and incidental expenses (M&IE),please refer to UW’s Official University Travel and Reimbursement Policy (effective December 2017). You should use U.S. Department of State Per Diem rates (Maximum lodging costs and M&IE) or M&IE rates if you do not wish to claim for lodging costs. We also accept actual lodging costs (if lower than maximum allowed by US Department of State); as for some research projects this is free. M&IE should always be included, even if it is set within Per Diem expenses. Use the following link for rates: