Public Acts 100-103 made significant revisions to the teacher evaluation process. These revisions include mandating new performance categories (Highly Effective, Effective, Minimally Effective, and Ineffective), lengthening the probationary period, making staffing decisions based on performance, mandating that student growth be a portion of the overall evaluation, and providing more flexibility on the format and timing of the evaluation process. The following guidelines have been developed to comply with these legislative changes and are in effect for the entirety of the 2013-2014 school year. In the future, these guidelines will need to change in order to comply with the requirements that come from the Michigan Council for Educator Effectiveness. It is understood that any reference to “Teacher” is meant to be inclusive of all certified staff members.
Each teacher will establishtwo Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) for the school year. SLOs are an opportunity for educators to craft clear goals for student learning and documenting students’ progress towards these goals. In 2013-2014, SLOs (student growth component) represent 25% of the overall annual year end evaluation.
Steps in the Teacher Evaluation Process
- Informational Meeting: Group meeting to be held at the beginning of each year.
The administrator will meet with all teachers to review and distribute documents related to
the teacher evaluation process.
- An Overview of the P-CCS Teacher Evaluation Process (Form A)
- Student Learning Objective (SLO) Worksheets (Form B)
- Post Observation Reflection Form (Form C)
- Summary Teacher Evaluation Report (Form D)
- Effective Instruction Observables Rubric
- Effective Instruction Non-Observables Rubric
- Student Growth Rubric
- Goal-Setting Conference (completedby November 1)
- The teacher will bring a draft of Form B to the Goal-Setting Conference.
- Two SLOs will reflect student growth.
- The administrator and/or teacher may establish one or more professional growth goals.
- All probationary and tenured teachers on an IDP will utilize Form BIDP.
- Finalize the documents with the date and signatures of administrator and teacher.
- Goals and Action Plans may be modified(with the consent of the administrator) during the year if necessary.
- Observations
- Administrator will conduct at least two unscheduled observations. At least two observations should be a minimum of 30 minutes in duration. Observations may occur at any time.
- If requested, a lesson plan communicating objective(s), connection to standard(s) and other aspects of the lesson must be submitted to the administrator.
- Teacher will complete each section of Form C and return to the Administrator at least 24 hours prior to the post-observation conference.
- Feedback
- Administrator will provide written feedback using the Effective InstructionObservablesRubric after each of the observations.
- The administrator shall conduct a post-observation conference with all teachers (using the Effective Instruction Rubric and Form C) after the first observation. The post-observationconference must be scheduled prior to December 1.
- The administrator will provide written and verbal feedback using the Effective Instruction Observablesand Non-Observables Rubricsafter any areas ofMinimally Effective and/or Ineffective practices are observed.
- Feedback should be provided within ten days of the observation and should provide preliminary suggestions for improvement.
- For probationary teachers, the post-observation conference may serve as the mid-year evaluation conference.
- Progress on SLOs should be reviewed and discussed throughout the year
- Post-evaluation Conference (suggested by May 25)
- A meeting with the administrator and teacher to discuss the annual evaluation.
- The final teacher evaluation rating will be based on the following and recorded on Form D: Summary Teacher Evaluation Report
- SLO Reflection
- Non-observable Rubric
- Observable Rubric
- The final teacher evaluation must be completed byJune 1
REVISED – 8/21/13