APRIL 2002 - 2003



APRIL 2002 - 2003


The Community Action Plan (CAP) has been produced by the Swinton and Pendlebury Community Committee to reflect the key priorities in this area of the City. The Committee is made up of local Councillors and community representatives, and supported by a group of "Link Officers" who represent Council Directorates and related agencies, including Greater Manchester Police and Fire Service. Efforts are currently being made to involve a link officer to Health Services and local business interests.

The key issues facing the area / community have been identified as :

1. Children and young people - provision of accessible and affordable activities at local neighbourhood level;

2. Tackling crime and fear of crime.

3. Working for good quality housing and environment for all residents.


The Plan follows the same format as the Regeneration Strategy for the City and gives Directorate objectives for the year. The emphasis of this is "Building Sustainable Communities" and is addressed under the following headings :

A Economic Development

B Social Inclusion

Strengthening Local Communities

Tackling Crime

Children and Young People

Improving Health

C The Environment


Land Use

Enginee4ring Design


The Plan will be reviewed regularly, but formally, in October, 2002.


Page No.
Area Profile
Economic Development
1. / Encouraging investment in Swinton and Pendlebury
2. / Supporting Business Development
3. / Maximise the potential of local people
Social Inclusion
1. / Strengthening Communities
2. / Tackling Crime
3. / Children and Young People
4. / Improving Health
The Environment
1. / Housing
2. / Land Use
3. / Engineering Design
Key Contacts


The Swinton SDA comprises three wards, Swinton North, Swinton South and Pendlebury. Much of the area is a stable and attractive suburban residential area, though there are pockets of deprivation. The main commercial and retaining areas are located in the centre of the area, around the Swinton Shopping Centre and the main Civic Offices for the City of Salford. Retailing, offices and light industrial uses are also found along the A^^^. The two main industrial areas are the Wardley Industrial Estate and in the Irwell Valley around Clifton Junction.


In 1998 total population was 38,375. In the Census of 1991 it was 39,086.

The SDA is a mixed area. Swinton South is a stable and relatively prosperous area of Salford; Swinton North and Pendlebury are fairly similar, although a number of small pockets of deprivation have begun to appear over recent years, in particular around the Valley, Poets and Clifton estates.


In the recent Index 2000 both Swinton South and Pendlebury Wards' positions have improved within the City, with only Swinton North moving up the City ranking. However, nationally all three wards have moved up the index, in particular Swinton South has jumped over 3,000 places since 1998.


The Swinton wards have generally lower rate of unemployment than the national average. Pendlebury has a higher rate of long-term unemployment, but is still just below the national average.


The crime statistics identify hotspots within the SDA. Swinton Town Centre is a hot spot for vehicle crime, as is Pendlebury Hospital Central. The Poets Estate has a high level of juvenile nuisance and is also in the top 10 police beats for burglary of dwellings. The Valley Estate has high levels for all key crimes.


A. Economic Development

Objectives: 1. Encouraging Investment in Swinton and Pendlebury

2. Supporting business development

3. Maximise the potential for local people

Ref: / Local Issue / Action Required/Targets / Funding / Outcome / Lead Agency / Timescales
A1 / Encouraging investment
See file note attached / Development of Agecroft Commerce Park.
3 firms located
20 jobs created / NWDA
ERDF / Development of employment opportunities.
Support business growth. / NWRDA / April 2001 - April 2002
A2 / Copies of the Economic Development monthly reports to be passed to Link Officer meetings. These reports contain information on all enquiries and updates on business activity. / Economic Development Officer to update Action Plan of new businesses approved on a monthly basis via Neighbourhood Co-ordinator. / Economic Development / April 2001 - April 2002


Objective : A2 - Supporting Business Development

Ref: / Local Issue / Action Required/Targets / Funding / Outcome / Lead Agency / Timescales
A2 / Swinton Precinct
Sent in by Faridanot ED - now under Development Services / Develop Action Plan for Swinton Precinct / SRB5
City Council / Improved sustainability of Swinton Precinct / City Council
Development Services / April 2001 - 2002
Business Support / Support 3 companies' expansion plans / SRB5
DTI / Support growth of existing companies / City Council
Economic Development / April 2001 - 2002
Only funding provided by SRB5 IS FOR Moneyline Loan Fund. The DTI grants are not available to all companies. There were no DTI grants in Swinton in 2001/2002. 1 Business Loan from Moneyline.
There was a one off event - there is no funding available to carry this on. / Keep this target hoping we get some funding from ERDR.
Encourage companies to access training facilities at Moorside School -
50 companies accessing training. / ERDF / Support growth of existing business.
Enhance competitiveness. / Salford Hundred Venture / April 2001 - 2002
Business Security - 15 companies received £15,816 grant assistance, against £42,873 private sector contribution in Swinton 2001/2002. / Support 20 companies to enhance business security. £20,000 will be available for Wardley 2002/2003 for collective schemes so this could be a realistic target for 2002/2003. / SRB5 / Reduction in business security problems. / City Council
Economic Development / April 2001 - 2002
Wardley Industrial Estate
(see updated sheet attached) / Develop Action Plan for the Business Park involving local companies / SRB5
SRB6 / Improved environment on the estate.
20 companies involved in the Steering Group. / City Council
Economic Development
Self-employment and Business Start Up / Support 12 business start ups.
There were 24 new business start ups in Swinton 2001/2002.
Change the figure to 24 for 2002/2003. / SRB5
Service / Creation of new firms and employment opportunities / Salford Hundred Venture / April 2001 - 2002
Community Enterprise
Achieved output for 2001/2002-07-24 Keep the same for 2002/2003 / Support existing community enterprises and assist in development of 2 additional enterprises / SRB5
City Council / Enhanced community enterprise and community capacity / Salford Community Venture / April 2001 - 2002

Update on Agecroft as at 19/03/02

Phase 2 (site A)

In terms of the Networkcentre Development which was opened in June 2001, Langtree Group have managed to let 9 out of the 13 available units. A list of the occupying companies is as follows:

Unit 6 Acumen Seals

Unit 7 Bee Strong Windows

Unit 8 LJF (Glass)

Unit 9 Metfast Ltd

Unit 10 Reflex Choice

Unit 11 Global Telecoms Installation

Unit 12 JB Window Machine Services Ltd

Unit 14 Joseph Clothing Co Ltd

Unit 15 CTM Communications Ltd

As yet I have no job details but have arranged to access the returns sent to English Partnerships. As an estimate I would guess at the creation of 35 new jobs.

Phase 2 (site B)

An application was submitted and approved late last year by Langtree for two industrial units one providing 2360 sq m, and a second larger one providing 3361 sq m. The units are suitable for light industrial or warehouse use and include ancillary two storey offices. Construction has not commenced and as yet no occupiers have been identified.

Phase 2 (site C)

I am not aware of any developer interest in this site.

Phase 2 (site D)

Securicor are to locate new premises on the site comprising 3,550 sq m. The building shell and external works are now nearing completion. The 250 jobs will be mostly safeguarded rather than new.

Phase 2 (site E)

A full application by Nimans has been approved for 3,140 sq m office accommodation and 4,950 sq m warehousing accommodation. This is accommodate business expansion and they plan to relocate 180 staff from the Quays. No further details on timescales are available.

Phase 4

Practical completion of the 220,000 sq ft facility for Bunzel is due in April 2002 with phased occupation by May 2002. 140 existing jobs from the existing Swinton site will be relocated and the company aims to create a further 80 new jobs.

An outline planning application for development of the balance of the site, comprising a further 380,000 sq ft of B1, B2 and B8 development was approved by the Planning and Transport Regulatory Panel some time ago, subject to a Section 106 Agreement. However the decision notice was only issued last following the applications signature of the Section 106 Agreement.

Update as received by Hollows 15/03/02 on future activity for Phase 3

Following certainty of legal commitments from occupiers on the remaining Phase 2 plots (hopefully in the next 4 weeks), the first step in relation to Phase 3 will be for NWDA to commission a Traffic Impact Assessment to establish that this additional land – in total or in part – can be adequately accessed. I would expect that NWDA can commence this process in April. Following this confirmation, I currently propose that NWDA carries out site remediation works and disposes of serviced plots in the same manner as for Phase 2. I have currently projected the remediation work to commence in 2002.03 and carry on into 2003/04, at which time the serviced plots can be made available. It may be possible to bring this programme forward, depending on the amount of remediation required and the pre-site work period.





2002 - 2003


Developments to April, 2002

¨  Programme of activities for sports development established

¨  'C' Project Worker engaged in activities with young people at Clifton

¨  Clifton Initiative and Valley Forum continued to provide networking facility and corporate support for developing funding strategies and new projects

¨  Production of successful newsletter style Community Action Plan

¨  LIVIA Projects identified at Clifton

¨  Friends of Beech Farm and Friends of the Valley established to establish neighbourhood projects / activities

Objectives to April, 2002

¨  Community Team to work corporately on issues relating to children and young people

¨  Promotion of Swinton Festival and appointment of Co-ordinator

¨  Continued support for tenants / residents / community groups

¨  Appointment of new LIVIA Worker

¨  Development of Community Centres

¨  Promotion of projects linked to reducing crime and anti-social behaviour

¨  Development of community groups

¨  Development of projects linked to healthier lifestyle

¨  Promotion of community based training

Objective B1 - Social Inclusion – Strengthening Communities

Ref / Local Issue / Action required/targets / Funding / Outcome / Lead Agency / Timescales
B1 / Recruitment and support for volunteers / Provision of information, training and support for community groups and volunteers / Various / Successful funding applications leading to the provision of various training opportunities / Community Team / Completed 2001.
Swinton Festival / Increased Community Representation at Swinton Festival.
Appoint Co-ordinator and set up Steering Group / Community Committee
Community Committee / Provided opportunities for fund raising and the promotion of Community Committee and community activities / Community Services / Completed May 2001/2002.
2002/2003 ongoing
Support for Community Groups / To make available information, training and practical support for the development of Community Groups / Various / Community Groups operate more effectively / Community Services / Ongoing
Development of Tenants'/
Residents' Associations / To provide information, training and support to encourage the development of Tenants'/Residents. Groups / Housing
Services / Tenants'/Residents' Associations meet their aims
and objectives / Housing
T.P.O. / Ongoing
Community access to computers / To provide information and access to training at the Valley and Clifton Resource Centres
Provision of IT Training / Various
As above / Successful IT training opportunities provided leading to qualifications
As above / Community
As above / Completed
Swinton Newsletter / Set up mechanism for production and distribution of newsletter / Community Committee / Provision of information. Promotion of projects and events etc. / Community Services / Current
B1 / Training Opportunities / To encourage more ‘estate based’ training and involvement from local colleges, etc. / Various / To enable local people to develop their skills and also encourage the growth of community activity; work successfully completed. / Co-ordinated by Community Services / Completed 2001.
Work for 2002/2003 currently ongoing
FOSRA / Re-launch of federation / Community Committee / Postponed – due to lack of support / Housing
Community Use of Buildings / Buildings Audit / Audit carried out City Wide / Community Services / Completed 2001
Clifton Resource Centre / Continue payment of basic running costs / Community Committee / Continued provision of running costs for Resource Centres / Community Services / Plan established.
2001 provision ongoing.
Neighbourhood Plan / To progress the Neighbour-
hood Plans identified by the Clifton Initiative / Various / Provision of activities and facilities in response to identified community need / Community Services / Current
Valley Resource Centre
/ Continue payment of running costs for Valley Resource Centre in accordance with agreement between Tenants Association, Helping Hands and Neighbourhood Liaison Team for apportionment of costs / Community Committee
/ Continued provision of running costs for Resource Centres
/ Community Services
/ Ongoing
Valley Resource Centre / Working in partnership / Housing / To enable the three projects using the Resource Centre to arrange safe and secure use of the premises / Housing / April, 2002
Beech Farm Residents Association / To enable the group to set up a local resource centre and hold community events. / Various / Increase in local resources and community activities / Co-ordination Community Services / Current
Friends of Beech Farm / To encourage the development of the group by exploring funding opportunities and general support.
To enable group to carry out local consultation. / Various
Community Committee. / To encourage estate based activity
Local consultation for use of park area / Co-ordination Community Services
Community Services / Current
Friends of the Valley / To set up new management group for the development of activities/events in and around the Valley Community Centre made up of all stakeholders.
To promote the aims and objectives of Friends of the Valley to strengthen the community and demonstrate good practice.
Refurbishment of kitchen.
Refurbishment of children's play area
Training for food hygiene / Community Committee
Eccles College / To encourage local involvement in estate based activities.
Increased community involvement.
Increased use of Community Centre.
Provision of hot food for older/vulnerable people.
Provision of healthy eating /cookery lessons to promote healthier lifestyle and intergenerational work.
Establish safe play area
Successful volunteer training leading to qualification / Co-ordination Community Services
Co-ordination Community Services
Community Services
Community Services
Community Services
Community Services
Community Services / Completed December 2001
April 2002