Okaw Valley Sports Booster Meeting

August 27, 2008

OVHS Computer Lab

Meeting was opened by OVHS Principal/Athletic Director Eric Bruder. He was the facilitator until a President could be elected. Eric Bruder opened the floor for nominations for President.

Those nominated were Brenda Rothrock and Greg McLain. A vote was taken and it ended in a tie. After some discussion it was agreed that Brenda Rothrock would be President and Greg McLain would be Vice-President. At this time Eric Bruder left the meeting.

Brenda Rothrock and Greg McLain then opened the floor for nominations for Secretary. Those nominated were Jackie McLain, Shelli Foster, and Cindy Burch. After a vote, Jackie McLain was elected at Secretary.

The floor was then opened to take nominations for Treasurer. Only one nomination was given and it was Mike Sweeney. He was elected unanimously.

There was discussion as to whether coaches should be allowed to hold positions on the Board. A motion was made by Bret Krutsinger, seconded by Jeff Hyett to allow coaches to hold positions on the Board. 17 aye votes and 1 nay vote. Motion carried.

Nominations for three Members at Large were then taken. Those nominated were Jeff Hyett, Cindy Burch, Dave Keown, Bonnie Scott, and Shelli Foster. The three elected were Jeff Hyett, Cindy Burch, and Dave Keown.

The Okaw Valley Sports Boosters Executive Board will also include two Student/Athletes. Eric Bruder the Principal/Athletic Director will give suggestions of which students he thinks would best serve in these positions. He will give those names to the Boosters at a later date.

The Okaw Valley Sports Boosters Executive Board is:

President……………………………………………………………………………….Brenda Rothrock

Vice-President……………………………………………………………………….Greg McLain

Secretary……………………………………………………………………………….Jackie McLain

Treasurer……………………………………………………………………………….Mike Sweeney

Members at Large………………………………………………………………….Jeff Hyett

Cindy Burch

Dave Keown


Meeting dates were discussed. It was agreed that for the first few months, weekly meeting should be held. Sunday evening at 7:00 pm seemed to look the best. The next meeting was scheduled for Sunday, September 7, 2008 at 7:00 pm in the OVHS cafeteria.


Homecoming was an important issue needing addressed right away. OVHS Homecoming is September 12. Last year the Boosters sold Pork Burgers and Meal Deals. It was agreed to do the same again this year. Pork Burgers will be sold for $3.00 ea., Meal Deals (burger, chips, water) will be sold for $5.00 ea., and bottles of water will be sold for $1.50.

Suzanne Johnson agreed to head a committee to handle this event. She will meet with them and give a report to the Board.


Bonnie Scott came to the Board on behalf of the SOV football players. She and her husband Jack have the team to their house before every game and feed them a meal so they can be together as a team and begin to focus on the game. She asked if the Boosters would be willing to donate money to help cover the cost of a meal. She also mentioned that she will be going to the Sullivan Sports Boosters along with other organizations asking for donations. After some discussion Jeff Hyett made a motion, second by Greg McLain, to donate $200.00 to help feed a meal to the SOV Football team before a varsity game. All aye, motion carried.


Concessions at the home OVMS boys’ baseball games were discussed. It was agreed upon that Brooke and Andrew Hagerman would organize these. Any supplies they may need are to be purchased from Bethany Foods. Should they need anything else, they will bring those needs to the board.


This topic was tabled until the September 7th meeting so that Mike Sweeney can have time to gather more information regarding the past Booster organization. It was agreed that if there is no present Tax ID Number that we should begin the process to receive one. If that is the case the new name of the organization would be “Okaw Valley Booster Club”.


The length of the Board terms was discussed. A motion by Brenda Rothrock, second by Greg McLain, to let the terms be for one year with no limit on the number of terms served by any one person. All aye, motion carried.


After some discussion, a motion was made by Jeff Hyett, second by Mike Sweeney, to not have membership fees/dues. All aye, motion carried.


Mike Sweeney is to chair the Fundraising Committee. He will be in charge of those meetings and report back to the Board. It was decided to table this topic until September 7th meeting where we will have more time to cover this.


It was agreed that this matter needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Mike Sweeney will take care of looking into the old account and getting things switched over to the new organization. Jeff Hyett made a motion, second by Dave Keown, to have two officers (President and Treasurer) be on the signature card and have only one signature required for writing checks. Vote is as follows: Brenda Rothrock – abstain; Greg McLain – yes; Jackie McLain – yes; Mike Sweeney – yes; Jeff Hyett – yes; Cindy Burch – yes; Dave Keown – yes. Motion carried.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mike Sweeney, second by Cindy Burch. All aye, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Jackie McLain

Okaw Valley Sports Boosters, Secretary