SERRV Retailer Retreat Registration Form

General Information

When: September 16-18, 2012 (Sunday afternoon through Tuesday afternoon)

Where: Best Western Inn on the Park/ SERRV Administrative offices in Madison, WI

What: SERRV Retailer Retreat

SERRV is a nonprofit organization with a mission to eradicate poverty wherever it resides by providing opportunity and support to artisans and farmers worldwide.
For more than 60 years, SERRV has worked to eradicate poverty through our direct connections with low-income artisans and farmers. We market their crafts and foods, find joint solutions to their challenges, and help them grow and embrace the future. One of the first alternative trade organizations in the world, SERRV is a founding member of the World Fair Trade Organization (formerly IFAT) and a founding member of the Fair Trade Federation (FTF).


Join Us September 16-18th in Madison, WI for our first ever SERRV Retailer Retreat. SERRV is hosting a seminar for our dedicated store customers who are interested in exploring the world of fair trade retailing. We will be joined by experts from the world of fair trade, gift shop retailing, and marketing. They will share their expertise and you will have a chance to ask questions, discuss experiences, and visit face-to-face with one of our artisan partners from Asia. Visit for updates and information!

Presenters include:

·  Candi Smucker-Owner of Baksheesh A Fair Trade retailer of Sonoma and St Helena, CA

·  Renee Bowers – President of the Fair Trade Federation

Registration: $200

Early Bird Registration: $150 (If registered and check received by 8/1/2012)


·  Only 1 person per organization may attend any one retreat (Wait list available for additional guests per organization)

·  Must register by 8/15/2012

·  SERRV will provide:

o  Meeting space

o  Program

o  Meals during all scheduled activity times

·  Due to limited space we are currently limiting registration to SERRV customers


Please mail completed registration form (below) and check to:


Attn: Meghan Roberts

122 State St, Ste 600

Madison, WI 53703

Fax: 608.255.0451

Feel free to contact us with any questions, comments, or concerns or 1.888.243.4423

Attendee Information

Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Contact Preference: Home Cell
Emergency Contact Name:
Emergency Contact Number:

Store Information

SERRV Customer #:
Store Phone:
Store Email:

Additional Information

Special needs (including food preferences):
What do you hope to accomplish by attending SERRV’s Retailer Retreat?
How did you hear about the SERRV Retailer Retreat?
Room preference: Single ($85/night) Shared Double ($45/night) Not Needed
**SERRV will make room reservations
If shared double, is there someone you would like to share a room with?
We will do our best to accommodate your request.

Cancellation/ Reimbursement/ Refund Policy- SERRV will not be able to provide refunds because of our need to reserve hotel rooms, meeting space, and our guests’ time. Part of the benefit of attending SERRV’s Retailer Retreat is networking during breaks and meals. No discounts will be offered to those attendees who choose not attend the entire event. If you have any specific questions, comments, concerns please do not hesitate to contact Meghan Roberts ( or 1.888.243.4423)