ULSAC commitee meeting October 2nd 2006

Attendance: Michelle, David, Sarah, Anjali, Angeliki, Mairead, Jeremy, Vicki, Alyn, Laura, Richard, Jim

Apologies: Bonnie, Andy, Daniel, Martin, Sophia, Kat

Training team: Sarah

Freshers fair: more help need, boat for freshers fair possibility of out front

Theory lectures: have enough instuctors for lectures,

Pool lessons: have an advanced sign up sheet- can sign up to 4 lessons in advanced

Training dives: Liability sheet for divers- for those eligible (BSAC try dives) maybe all trainies sign one.


Membership secretary: Lisa

pre dering training material 10 pack equals 400 pound- on someones credit card- Lisa paid

Bsac forms avaliable for renewal and £28 standard fee for branch membership,

can now pay bsac direct debit need seperate form contact lisa.


agreed to help out trainign team

Fundraising : Sophia

Has completed 4 out of 8 write ups to thank sponsers for their contibutions to the club fundraising.

Also the battle of the bands was discussed- and was agreed that the risk out weighed th possible benefits.

Trasurer: Angeliki

Need memeberrs to pay up after isle of Man to make funds avaliable.

Boat fund has not been included in yearly budget from ULU - Vicki to organise a meeting to discus this issue.

Equipment- Richard

O2 kits all checked

1 marinox kit damaged the casing- not water tight- possibility to use a shore kit or placing in the black pelican case

new case £466 inc vat

Constant and demand valve all okay but will dpouble check. Club has 9 cylinders of oxygen- servicing every 3 years - need to check dates

each will caost £30 + vat and take 10 days

and need new pocket masks?

Advanced training team will start dive leader on the 16th of October


Just need servicing

Paul and Andy did work on boats whilst in the Isle of Man, Alyn replace a merchant strap which was damaged.

Other business:

Medicas: Bonnies parents have agreed again to complete the club medicals.

Medicals orignally 10 pound this may be increase the charge to £15


lots needed .Possibility of 1st of the month for gatherings


Farez take of Alisons name of the website.

Congratulations to Richard for completing his NQI.

and kristoff also on his OWI

Laura away for 7 weeks any issues to be discussed with Michelle whilst away.

Question arose about signing off qualification books-Laura is the only one who can sign off these.

next meeting 6th November 6pm.