
Using a syringe

Drawing up the medicine

Giving the medicine

Cleaning and storage of syringe

Increasing the dose

Safety/Ipecac syrup



  1. Your baby has some special needs and is going home on medicine.
  2. It is important that you know how to give the dose ordered by the doctor.
  3. The nurse will tell you what the medicine does for the baby, show you how to give the medicine and help you develop a plan so you can remember when the medicine should be given.




  1. The syringe has a barrel and a plunger. The plunger moves up and down in the barrel and may be removed for cleaning.
  2. Use the side of the syringe that reads cc or mL.
  3. The dose may be stated in cc’s or milliliters (mLs). A cc is the same as an mL.


  1. Pull the plunger up and down several times in the syringe to make it move easier.
  2. Push the plunger all the way down in the syringe.
  3. Place the syringe in the bottle of medicine with the tip of the syringe covered by the medicine.
  4. Pull the plunger up and down two (2) complete times. This will get rid of the air bubble.
  5. On the second time, pull up the medicine just past the amount needed.
  6. Remove the syringe from the bottle and turn the syringe to point the tip toward the ceiling.
  7. Look for air bubbles. Start over if there are any.
  8. With the syringe still pointed at the ceiling, slowly push the plunger up until the tip edge of the black stopper is even with the proper line on the syringe for the amount of medicine to be given.


  1. Add your baby's medicine(s) [except Digoxin or Reglan] to 15 cc’s (half an ounce) of formula.
  • Digoxin and Reglan should be given on an empty tummy before you start the feeding.
  1. Let your baby suck his medicine from a nipple. Squirting the medicine directly into the baby’s mouth from the syringe may cause him to gasp or make him choke.
  2. Always talk with your baby's doctor before giving any medicine(s) the first time; the doctor may advise you to give the medicine(s) differently.


  1. Take the syringe apart.
  2. Wash the 2 pieces of the syringe in hot soapy water, rinse in hot water and air dry briefly. Then put the plunger back into the barrel.
  3. Store dry syringes in a clean bag or baggie.


  1. Do not change your baby’s dose of medicine unless instructed by the doctor.


  1. Keep all medicines locked away from children. It could be very dangerous if they accidentally take the medicine.
  2. If you suspect your child may have been exposed to a harmful substance:

a.CALL the Poison Control Number! 1-800-222-1222

b.DO NOT give your child anything by mouth or put anything on their skin unless you are told to do so by the PoisonControlCenter

c.DO NOT give your child Ipecac or Activated Charcoal unless you are told to do so by the PoisonControlCenter.

3.Post the poison Control Number by your telephone, the number is always the same no matter where you live

a.If you cannot find the number or can’t remember the number—CALL 911

b.Do not call your doctor or the hospital

4.Tell the PoisonControlCenter:

a.The substance your child may have been exposed to

b.If the substance was swallowed, breathed in or put on the skin

c.How much of the substance was taken or used, if you know

d.How you child is acting or anything unusual he/she is doing (e.g. Is he sleep or vomiting or bleeding).

5.If you are told to go to the hospital, take the substance in the container with you.

6.It is recommended that parents have Ipecac syrup at home.

a.Check the expiration date on your bottle of Ipecac syrup.

b.Discard if it is out of date.


  1. Take the baby’s medicine with you when going on trips.
  2. Carry the medicine with you instead of packing it in baggage that could get lost or might not be available when needed.


2/99, 02/01, 2/03, 7/05, 4/07, 6/10
