Synopsis General Meeting Minutes

Wed. Feb. 4, 2015

Vincent Massey Library

Sign In– 22 members Thank you to everyone who attended today’s meeting. Clayton Wilson and Rob Westfield that Chaired the meeting.

Call to order;Approval of Agenda; Reading of the Equality Statement; Roll call of officers:Swearing in of New Members – None; Minutes of previous meeting Sat. Jan. 10, 2015. Moved by Carole-Anne Wilson-Hough, seconded by Joanne McKay. Accepted as corrected.

Matters arising out of minutes - None

Secretary-Treasurer’s Report– BobKardal - No report, not present

Correspondence - Rob Westfield

  • CUPE Sask – Supreme Court decision on Bills 5 & 6
  • Young Workers Social – Feb 23, 2015
  • CUPE Unite for Fairness – Feb 20, 2015 – Prince Albert
  • Saskatoon Public School Literacy for Life Banquet – May 4, 2015

President’s Report – Jasen Markwart - No report, not present

Reports Of Committees And Delegates

Synopsis General Minutes – Wed. February 4, 2015

  1. Education Committee– James Bearden - Division wide PD day Thurs. Feb. 19th at Tommy Douglas School.
  2. Labour Management–Jasen - No report
  3. Pension and Benefits – Dave Spence -No report, not present at today’s meeting.
  4. Shop Steward – Rob Westfield
  5. Scholarship – Sonia Aguilar - new brochure for student scholarships will be going to the schools

6. VP Communication– Clayton Wilson - Contact Clayton if you see some info that needs to be changed or update

7. Social Chairperson – Sandra Sobottka - Not present, no report

8. Ed Workers – Scott Barrett- Not present, no report

9. Occ Health – Ray Heather - No report

10. Negotiation/Bargaining – Jasen Markwart - no report, not present

Reports from Delegates and Educationals

SFL (Oct. 28 to Nov 1, 2014) – report Winter School (Jan 25 to 28, 2015) 2/4 gave their reports.

Unfinished Business- None

New Business

Unite for Fairness – Fri Feb 20th in Prince Albert. Moved and seconded we send 2 members. Carried

Donna Nelson and James Bearden to attend session

Literacy for Life Banquet May 4, 2015 – Moved, amendedand seconded that we purchase a table of 8 for Literacy Banquet at $675.00. The draw will be from 2 executive members and 3 members at March and April General meetings that enter their names into a separate draw than the Good News Draw, which we will still have at the General meetings. If a member whose name is draw is for example an evening caretaker they will have to arrange to take time off, costs not covered by the union. Carried.

Tuition Assistance – None

Questions –

Literacy for Life – draw winners will be announced. Each month is from a new set of members who attend the general meeting.

Good of the Union - Contact Shar-Lee Haichert our wellness coordinator for cards to be sent to members

Good News Draws –

#15 - Terry Nelson

#3 – Ray Heather

Adjournmentat8 pm

Next Meeting – Sat. March 7, 2015 at 10 am Walter Murray Cafeteria

General Minutes – Wed. February 4, 2015