We have described an infinite flux that makes the improbable probable. We have called that flux Heaven Trigram and the improbable Wind Trigram. We have called the flux eldest son yang and the integration of the infinite the middle son, the creative isolation of the infinitesimal, is the youngest son. The infinite aggregates into Lake Trigram and breaks into Flame Trigram. The point of association is youngest daughter and the point of disintegration is middle daughter. The fixed point that organizes these into the real world is eldest daughter information. The resulting real world is Earth Trigram and its analysis is Mountain and its feed back order is Water Pit Abysm. The entropy of this system and its evolution is Thunder Trigram.

In respect to evolution, Flame is Natural Selection, and Water Pit Abysm is feed back mechanisms, Wind is adaptive peaks and set points and Thunder is its maladaptive expression. Speciation and analysis are Mountain Trigram and recombination and population genetics are Lake.

The world of atoms and particles and quantum mechanics is middle daughter yin, and the world of space time relativity is youngest daughter. The realm of energy and systems is eldest daughter and the realm of energy and thermodynamics is eldest son. The integration of all this is middle son yang and its creative expression in my personal existential inexistence is youngest son yang.

My own existential inexistence is extremely bound up in the systems of birth and rebirth that characterize this world and its astrology. This situation is described by a Daoist writer, Zhi Gang Sha, in his book “The Power of Soul.” Zhi Gang Sha is describing the spiritual aspect of existence from the point of view of the Daoist tradition. Not being Daoist, I do not agree with everything that he writes, nor does he use language that I would use. Yet, the situation that I find my soul in, the challenges it faces, and the solutions for these challenges, are substantially in agreement with the program suggested by Zhi Gang Sha. In the end we face the simple choices suggested by Plato in his writings, by Buddha in his writings, by Jesus and his associates, in their writings, by Vivekananda and Yuketswar, by Emerson, by Ernest Holmes, by Emmet Fox in his book on the Sermon on the Mount. The Dhammapada tells us that hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love, that this is an ancient law. The road to peace and joy is the Nirvana path, the path of Heaven.

Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, November 17th 2012

My astrology shows that I am caught up in the wars of the souls to gain a foothold in this galaxy and this planet. My afflicted Pluto, Saturn, Mars show this involvement with anger, and pride and rivalry of ancestry for power and influence in this realm against other rival groups of souls. I am involved in a clash between Mars, Saturn, and Pluto for power in this system. I am involved in karma in which I attempt to win points and recognition for my group of souls, like rivalry in a baseball game. My Buddha nature is suppressed by this karma of the local gods and lords. My soul is deep into the dynastic rivalry of families, lords, and kings. My soul is caught up in the romance and politics of the astral world. I am fighting out the Karma of my family and its group of affiliates. You can see it in my astrology and in my family tree.

I am in denial about just how much spiritual work needs to be done and just how much danger I remain in from the dark side of the force for good, the lower and slower way to obtain the One. My alcoholism is a symbol of that disease, the lust, the pride, the anger, the envy that is involved, the extent to which I am controlled by these lower powers working though my associates living and dead, my ancestors, my family, living and dead, those I am dependent upon and codependent upon.

Nov 17th 2012 Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield CA

I believe that I need to know the truth about existence, but that is dangerous because I come from an astrology and an ancestry deep into the prophecy angle. To know more about existence that some of my rival clans and ancestral orders would put us one up, would establish a pride position that would satisfy brain chemistry and clan rivalry. I can be used as a pawn in rival clashes of dynasties, of ghosts just above the level of incarnation in an alcohol like dreamworld of anger and fear and emotional turmoil, attaching to peoples minds in their dreams, floating from one dreaming entity to another in a dreamworld land of attached detachment. This world is a very dangerous place for souls with a heavy Neptune and Pluto investment, strong on the dreamworld underworld that is increasing in power as my planets progress toward a Neptune Jupiter opposition in their progressions.

It is obvious that Science provides the correct description of the visible finite world and that mythological systems like astrology and Daoism are correct in their assessment of some of the Jungian synchronicity and complexity that is generated by the interface of the visible quantum world and the hidden imaginary number realm of quantum mind and Jainistmonadology. If we think of a tetrahedron of Earth Trigram, Lake Trigram (Water Element), Wind Trigram (Air) and Flame (Fire), Science, would provide Earth and astrology and synchronicity would provide Water, finally this mathological metaphysics would represent Air, Fire/Flame would be the shamanism and free will that the individual monad could provide outside the larger system to change it and modify it in the spirit or Ernest Holmes and his Science of Mind textbook.

Thanksgiving 2012, Allan Ralph Andrews, November 22nd 2012, Bakersfield, CA.

My body is a piece of carrion feed on by numerous souls and soul complexes and hungry ghosts out of its karma and ancestry and past. There are many souls, as Dr. Zhi Gang Sha explains in his book, The Power of Soul. But this world and its universe are temporary and fade away into the complex web of time and space that lies beyond. Each soul has its own path that is infinitesimal and cannot be followed by groups of souls, it is too tiny, but it is also immortal, because, being primary, it alone is truly immortal, and being infinitesimal, it alone has primary access to the infinitely dimensional infinite sphere of all primary integration that is the Elohim and middle son yang pi aspect of God. Elohim is the middle son yang Vishnu Hen One, and Yahweh is the “e” progression Shiva eldest son yang that courts Kali to pull out the Dharma that is eldest daughter yin Nous, or Cosmic Mind and Law and information systems and levels of organization. But the primary creative point is the Psyche PneumaJiva Buddha Christ True Prophet that is the Brahman Son of God Aslan the Lion youngest son yang. Mary is Kali is Isis is the female aspect of the eldest son Jahweh Shiva infinite flux dancing. In Buddhism, eldest daughter is called Dharma, and she is called out by the Karma flux that begins and ends all things, her eldest son is the Buddha that becomes Nirvana in middle son yang through his enlightenment in youngest son yang.

The associated souls of my current body are tired of their marriage to each other and crave the divorce that we call death so that they can go where they need to go with the lessons they have learned from the classroom that is this body and its person. The lineage, the karma of this body is the school these classrooms, mansions of Jesus, belong to.

Dec. 2nd 2012 , Bakersfield, CA, Allan Ralph Andrews

My body will die in a few years, my karma line will dissociate in hundreds, thousands, millions of years, depending. This world will end in hundreds of millions and its solar system in billions and the galaxy and its cosmos will eventually disappear as worthwhile places, some hungry ghosts souls monads may linger on it what will become a hell, thus, fulfilling all the predictions. Eventually, all this will grind into some sort of entropy and my soul monad will have to leave its associations alone to return to the Heaven paradigm from which it came. Thus, the judgment day theology has a dimension of truth. The Buddhist are correct. What is important is the trinity of eldest daughter Dharma, middle son Nirvana and youngest son Buddha, the Christians call it Father (Mother Mary Isis Santa Sophia Wisdom as the parallel consort), Holy Ghost, and Son and the Platonists called it Nous, Hen, Pneuma/Psyche. It is all the same under any name. In dialectics, the Buddha is the thesis, Dharma and Karma are the antithesis, and Nirvana is the synthesis. But, it is still all the same. Only Heaven endures, all the rest is flux and no self and suffering, eldest son yang, youngest daughter, and middle daughter of the Thunder Trigram.

Dec 2nd 2012 Allan Ralph Andrews

The reason why we get metaphysical things so utterly wrong is the metaphysical roots of things are too simple for us to comprehend and their relations with the finite world are too complex for us to understand. From the simple relationship of eldest son yang energy and eldest daughter yin information comes the equation of all things, the log e extended to infinity in energy against the weightless zero of mathematics. The boundless energy flux curves the dance of Father Jahweh Shiva into the Elohim One that is Nirvana Brahman Vishnu Allah Holy Spirit in the boundless pi that encloses all things in endless love and joy. This awakens the virgin Santa Sophia Nous wisdom of Kali Mother aspect of the divine parent and Dharma law of the information system of all things. From this Nous emerges the Psyche PneumaJiva monad that is the Brahma Krishna Aslan of Narnia Christ Buddha angel prophet entering into the creative imaginary number (i) as the infinitesimal here and now freedom of creative phenomenology time.

This monad combines with others to make the many soul complexes that create the astral realm of astrology and rebirth known to Buddhism, Hinduism, and Daoism, the realm of synchronicity and the collective unconscious, the “race thought” of the Science of Mind textbook by Ernest Holmes. These soul complexs are terribly complex, each soul having its own time system and each soul complex existing in its own multidimensional space time manifold. This complexity is the shadow land described in Plato’s Allegory of the Cave that prevents the mind from discovering its true origins in Heaven and Wind Trigram as divine creativity in the Sun of infinite becoming shining on the Form of the Good.

Astrology, immortality, the relationship of souls and soul complexes can never be unraveled, never completely made visible, it is beyond analysis by the mind because it emerges from the very dialectic that creates the mind. The simple mind is the thesis and its complex shadow is the antithesis, the synthesis belongs to the realm of pi described in the discussion above. But, this is ultimately only know through faith, it is a metaphor of the dreamtime of the right hemisphere of the brain and will never be a fact of the left hemisphere, never an object of science. When science captures a glimpse of it, what is seen can only be Maya, a shadow, and illusion, for the finite cannot see the infinite in is boundless glory and live, the vision of Jahweh would explode the finite human brain. That is why it must be explored through metaphor and meditation. The integration of the brain is preparation for the integration of the brain and its larger context. If you think you can see this context, you have missed the point of it, as Thomas Merton explains, in his book, Seed of Contemplation.

Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, Dec 4th 2012

This world is a dreamworld, it is a Cave like that of Plato’s Allegory. Our astrology and karma are what bind us to our place and only meditation and contemplation per Thomas Merton and Ernest Holmes and Emmet Fox and Ajah Chan and Dr. Zhi Gang Shi, etc, can allow us to escape our bondage. This world is a Narnia and only the Aslan of our hearts, our inner Buddha Mind, Mohammed Prophet mind, Krishna Mind, the Socrates in our heart, can set us free.

The process can be thought of in respect to the types of numbers and personality disorders. If the Heaven trigram of flux in eldest son Shiva Jahweh “e” and boundlessness oneness in Hen Elohim Vishnu pi Holy Ghost inclusive love and pleasure and (i) in imagainary number monad creativity of the Buddha Jiva Monad Son Brahma creates an irrational number shizotypalgenerativity the produces the chaos of the Flame Trigram and a schizoid complex number perfection that generates the Euler Identity and mathematical ideals of the Wind Trigram and an avoidant unknown number generating the complex manifolds of Lake Trigram, so Wind Trigram can in turn generate the algebraic formulations that form the orderly set theory relationships of compulsive Water Pit that masochistically collect the recombination and gene pool syngamy of Lake in positive number sums and multiples. So the paranoid roots forming out of the infinitesimal monad trigonometry of Wind can generate the analytic geometry of Mountain Trigram that develops the sadistic negative numbers of Flame and its open topology in antisocial functions and vectors entering into the probability of Thunder and its evolving emergent exponential progressions in the borderline masochism that connects Lake Trigram to the maladaptive emergence that is Thunder and its histrionic real number relationship to the finite arithmetic and the dependent rational numbers of Earth Trigram and its known numbers that emerge on the narcissistic edge of Mountain and Earth.

Here the hungry ghosts of phenomenological mind haunt the simple monad souls of Mountain as the complementary opposite of the astrological karma and the synchronicity and astral soul complexes of Lake which connect the soul with the collective phenomenology under the passions of rocks and lakes and the entire soul complex noted by Daoist philosophy and described by Dr. Zhi Gang Sha in his book the Power of Soul. The hungry ghosts become trapped in hells generated out of the Flame Trigram, or in various level of organization and Dharma order regulated by the feed back systems that emerge from Wind and Lake in the compulsive masochism and dependence of the purgatories described by Dante in his Divine Commedia, which are various levels of organization in various systems of universes where souls incarnate as described by Daoist and Buddhist and Hindu metaphysics. The soul either emerges narcissistically and sadistically in its own trap of isolation in Mountain Trigram and Flame or disappears into the avoidance and masochistic suppression and borderline self destruction that is its association with soul complexes in rocks and trees and insects and other order of being.

Just as there are orders of numbers in mathematics and of personality disorder in psychology, so there are order of association and disassociation for souls, orders of religious metaphor that symbolizes these polarities, Buddhist Schizoid complex numbers, and Jain Paranoid roots, Hindu Schizotypal irrationals, Daoist avoidant unknowns, Jewish compulsive formulas and Moslem dependent rationals, Christian masochistic sums and borderline exponents, Protestant histrionic real numbers and New Age narcissistic known numbers, Aboriginal sadistic negative numbers and antisocial shamanistic functions. Each is a window to a portion of the dialectic of Kants Critique of Pure Reason and Hegel’s interpretation of that dialectic, the topology of Flame and freedom and the cubist temper against the set theory and reason of Water Pit Trigram and the Baroque temper. The trigonometry and analysis of the Impressionist temper in Mountain Trigram simplicity opposed to the complex dialect of the Post-Impressionist temper in Lake Trigram. The calculus of the Romantic temper in the infinity of Heaven Trigram against the arithmetic of the finite in Earth Trigram science. The ideals of the Classical temper in Wind Trigram necessity and its opposite in the Expressionistic temper of the contingency that is Thunder Trigram.

Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, Dec. 5th 2012

The result is eight kingdoms of existence, Heaven, the infinite flux that generates all things, Wind Trigram, the improbable ideal that emerges from Heaven, Thunder Trigram the entropic expansion that generates evolution at all levels of organization, Earth the finite world systems evolution generates, Mountain, the simple monads of phenomenology that Wind and Heaven produce, Mountain is the realm of hungry ghosts, Flame the chaos of broken elements that constitute the hells, the novel realms of being emerging though mutation, natural selection, and extinction in the competition of cosmic systems, Lake Trigram, the association of the monads into reincarnating soul systems in animals, rocks, stars, even gods and humans, Water Pit, the giant dharma system of regulation and purgation that governs the whole, as level after level of organization evolves out of Thunder into Earth.