North Shore Summer Music Experience

Jr. High and High School Music Camps

June 19th – June 25, 2016



Dear NSSME Camper,

We are just a few weeks away from the 2016 North Shore Summer Music Experience. We hope that you are ready for a great week of music making! Thank you for your registration for the 2016 North Shore Summer Music Experience. You have been accepted into the program and we are looking forward to your participation. This letter will provide important information about the camp. Included in this packet you will find a Registration Day Schedule, Payment Information, Medical Form, Release of Liability Form, Camp Rules, Packing Checklist, Camp Schedules, and Campus Map. Extra forms are available on the NSSME website. If you have any questions you may contact us by emailing us at , or visit us on our website at This site may be able to answer some of your questions regarding any other details about the camp.

Registration Day and Payment

Registrationwill be held on Sunday, June 19, 2016 from 2:00 - 4:00 pm in the East Conference Center which is located in Griggs Hall Section P. All campers (on-campus and commuters) must register at this time. Please plan on parking in Lot J. Included in this packet is information regarding your payment and tuition.

On-Campus Campers

Campers will be staying in Griggs Hall Sections P and Q. Please wait to unload luggage until after you have registered. Access to dorm rooms will not be available before 2:00 pm. NSSME counselors will be available to assist you. We will do our best to honor all roommate requests. Campers will find out who their roommates are, at registration.


Campers who are commuting are expected to register on Sunday, June 19thand are required to participate in the Sunday activities. Activities should be finished around 8:00 pm so please plan on getting picked-up at that time. Commuters are welcome to attend all camp activities, including evening events, if they so choose. If the camper is not staying for evening activities, please plan on picking up your camper around 5:00 pm each day. Meals will not be provided to commuters. Commuters may bring their own meals, or purchase meals in the dining center or food court.


Auditions will be held Sunday, June 19thfrom 3:00-5:00 pm. All campers must audition. Auditions are for chair, voice placements and lesson assignments. Music will be provided at the audition. Campers may also bring a prepared selection if they choose. Woodwind, Brass, Percussion, Bass, and Piano players are all encouraged to audition for Jazz Band. The jazz band audition will take place at the same time as your regular audition. Campers should proceed to their audition location after registering and moving in to their rooms. Included in this packet is a Registration Day Schedule, which includes the audition locations. NSSME Counselors will be available to assist you in finding your audition location.

Medical and Release of Liability Forms

Included in this packet are Medical and Release of Liability Forms. The Medical Form must be filled out and returned prior to a camper participating in any NSSME related activities. Any pertinent medical information and a physician’s signature will be required for any camper receiving ongoing medical treatment. This will be kept on file in case of an emergency. The Release of Liability Form must be signed by a parent or legal guardian for any camper planning on swimming during the scheduled pool party. Extra copies of these forms may be found on the NSSME website.

Swim Party

We are planning on having a swim party at the UMD Pool during the week. If you would like to attend the pool party please plan on bringing your swimsuit and towel. A signed Release of Liability Form must be on file in order to swim.

Recitals, Concerts, Closing Recital and Concert

Parents are encouraged to attend any of the recitals and concerts presented by the students. Except for the evening recitals/concerts and the closing concerts, only students who are registered for the camp are to participate in camp activities.

The final concerts will begin on Saturday, June 25thin theWeber Music Hall at 12:30 pm. Parking is available in Lots G and C. The following concert times are approximate:

Piano Recital12:30 pm

Choral Concert 1:30 pm

String Ensemble Concert 2:30 pm

Band Concert 3:30 pm

Concert Dress

Campers should be prepared to wear dark-colored dress pants/skirt and a light-colored dress shirt for the Saturday recitals and concerts.


Any mail sent to campers during camp week may be addressed as follows:

(Student’s Name)

c/o Dr. Mark Whitlock

212 Humanities

1201 Ordean Court

University of Minnesota Duluth

Duluth, MN 55812

Once again, we are very excited about the North Shore Summer Music Experience and we are looking forward to a fun and memorable week. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.


Dr. Mark Whitlock

NSSME Camp Director

31 W. College St. #206

University of Minnesota Duluth

Duluth, MN 55812
