Last Update:10-1-12 beh

PROCEDURE/PROCESS: Federal Procurement Compliance Coordination and EPLS

This procedure was developed to coordinate the use of federal required documents when the Office of Transit (OT) is procuring any product or service through a bid or competitive proposal process.

The Office of Transit must include allrequired FTA federal clauses in its procurement where FTA (Federal) funding is used. The following are examples of procurement types: Rolling Stock, Materials & Supplies, Professional Services, Architectural & Engineering, Operations & Management and Construction.

The OT bids out for Personal Service contractsfor consultant services to assist transit systems in various studies or to provide various types of technical assistance. The OT also procures software and equipment from time to time. OT must include the FTA federal required clauses associated with the type of procurement.

The National Rural Transit Assistance Program (RTAP) provides an up to date product known as Procurement Pro. Procurement Pro is updated by a consultant annually and includes all of the FTA federally required clauses.

The OT subscribes to RTAP and is register to use this product. The following steps will produce the required federal clause documents to use in each type of procurement:

1. Login at Ohio DOT username is BHODOT. The password can be obtained from the OT Compliance Officer.

2. The log in will take the user directly to the Procurement Pro Dashboard. Select “Create a New Project”. There are two choices, either choice will work, Procurement Pro(PP) or QuickPRO(QP). PP provides a shell document in which the user may build a complete procurement document, if needed. QP is a quick way to retrieve only the federally required clause. So click “Get Started” under QP.

3. Choose the Procurement Type that fits. For example, OT’s Personal Services procurement type is typically “Professional Services”. Note that there are examples provided by choosing “Examples” beside each of the procurement types. Once you have chosen, checked a Procurement Type, then click next.

4. Enter the estimated budget. Click Next. You will be prompted for type of competitive procedure. Check the one that is most appropriate for the OT procurement. For example, for Professional Services OT uses a Request for Proposal (RFP) procurement but for Rolling Stock it uses Invitation for Bid (IFB). Click Next.

5. QP provides a checklist of all the federal clauses and federal certifications required for the procurement chosen. Click Next. Once you have clicked all the way through the federal lists, then QP prompts you to “save to my computer”. Once this document is saved it can be used to attach to the OT procurement.

Alternate Method for Updating Checklist

6. To obtain the current circular guidance for Third Party Contracting (C 4220.1X) go to: The most current version of 4220 is located in this circular list. Click on the most current version of 4220.1X (at the time of this writing it was 4220.1F). Go to Appendix D. Appendix D includes the required FTA Third Party Contract Provisions which also include the Master Agreement (MA) reference. Print this out and save as a PDF. Use this as a checklist. Remember you will need to update this list annually.

7. Updating the Third Party Contracting list. There is a summary of changes listing located at: Click on Summary of Changes. Print this list out and check it against the federal clause checklist to see if there are any changes.

Note: use as an alternate method to verify the RTAP Procurement Pro list.

8. The FTA Master Agreement (MA) is typically updated October 1st annually. Note that some years FTA does not update the MA if no changes are needed. The current MA at the time of this procedure is located at: The MA document is needed to look up the references noted on the checklist, the MA provides the federal language for each federal clause reference. The MA link should be saved on your browser favorites.

9. Another helpful link is the following: This links to the “Proposed Circulars” section of the FTA website.

10. Once you are show you have the most updated FTA Federally Required clauses then attach the clauses and certifications to the proposed procurement and/or contract.

Excluded Parties Listing System (EPLS)

Before awarding a procurement to a vendor OT must review Excluded Parties Listing System at

1. If the search returns no results then the vendor is not debarred or suspended. Check to make sure you are using the correct vendor name. OT may enter into contract with vendor.

2. If the vendor comes up in the search then OT may NOT enter into contract with the vendor.