List of Questions for FAQ:

  1. What is a crosswalk and how do I use it?

A crosswalk is basically a file that maps the BPS code for district and province, to the World Bank databank code. It also maps district proliferation since several years prior to decentralization, allowing one totrace backthe old districts (the parent district that split into new districts). The data in INDO DAPOER uses the latest district frame which has 497 districts (including DKI Jakarta) and 33 provinces.

  1. Where can I find further information regarding a particular indicator?

The attributes for a particular indicator is listed on the ‘Series – Metadata’ sheetof the downloaded Excel file (please click ‘Yes’ for Metadata option in the ‘download’ feature). On it, you can find information regarding the source as well as other additional notes specific to that indicator (for example, the explanation to why values are missing for certain years or provinces).

If you need more detailed information regarding an indicator’s full definition, the formula to calculate it, or the survey it is calculated from, visit for a thorough description (only available in Bahasa).

  1. What are the sources of the data in INDO DAPOER?

The data in INDO DAPOER comes from various sources, but mainly comes from the Indonesia Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) with some others are from Ministry of Finance (fiscal data). Some are taken directly from BPS publications while some are processed from raw survey data by World Bank staffs.You can find information regarding the data source for eachindividual indicator on the ‘Series – Metadata’ sheet of the downloaded Excel file.

  1. Has the data on DAPOER been validated?

Several data on DAPOER has been validated, particularly those sourced from BPS publication. However, the team continues to work on data validation and making adjustments whenever needed. If you find any weird data or data that is different from DAPOER with the one you received from other source, feel free to email INDO DAPOER team at or .

  1. How often is the data in DAPOER updated?

This depends on the availability of the data source for each indicator. Some surveys are conducted every three years, while several others are conducted yearly. We will update the data once we receive the raw data, and once the data is cleaned and checked for quality. The problem is that the entire process may take a while. For example if a survey was conducted in a given year, we will only receive the data on the following year (or two), and in some cases the data is of not good quality yet—so we have to verify with the source and/or clean the data first. The verification and cleaning process could range from several months to more than a year depending on the data.

  1. Why are there missing values for some indicators?

The reasons are usually specific to each indicator. Some surveys are only conducted every three years, so there are bound to be some missing values in between. Some areas may have not been surveyed during a particular year due to several reasons (eg. due to conflict). The question to generate a specific indicator may not have been included in the questionnaire for a particular survey year. Or in the case of fiscal data, some regions may not have submitted their budget data in a particular year. Specific explanations for particular indicators could be found on the ‘Series – Metadata’ sheet of the downloaded Excel file.

  1. I have data from other sources, and the value is different from the one found in DAPOER. Which one is correct?

The method used to calculate the values may have been slightly different to ours. Sometimes we do make several adjustments to the data for validity reasons. But if you feel the values are too different and would like further clarification, feel free to contact the INDO DAPOER team via email at or .

  1. Some figures do not look right. How do I inform the DAPOER team?

If you strongly feel that there is something wrong with the data, or would like to have further clarification, feel free to contact the INDO DAPOER team via email at or .

  1. Does DAPOER have national-level data? Where can I find national level data?

As our focus is on subnational data, we do not currently have national-level data in INDO DAPOER. For national-level data you can try to find it on the World Bank World Development Indicators website or the Indonesia Central Bureau of Statistics website (only available in Bahasa).

  1. Related to GRDP data, why is the sum of the GRDP(at the province level) not the same as the National GDP?

The sum of the GRDP is not equal to national GDP since the calculation of GDP in the sub-national level is done by the Sub-national Bureau of Statistics while the calculation of GDP in the national level is done by the Central Bureau of Statistics. The reason of the gap between the sums of GRDP with the national GDP is because it has different sector coverage in the calculation. The example occurs for economy generated from the embassies in Indonesia which is calculated in the National GDP but not included in the calculation of Sub-national GRDP.

  1. Related to GRDP data, what is back-casting? And why is it done?

Data for sub-national GRDP by production is back-casted, both for the constant and nominal figures. Back-casted data for GRDP is GRDP data that estimated for districts/cities before the district/city is established. This is done by the parent district or province (in the case of Banten, the parent province is West Java) when they re-calculated the GRDP data. Therefore, there are districts/cities that has (estimated) GRDP data before they are established. The example for this data goes for Province Banten and several district/cities. The list of back-casted districts/cities is available on ‘source’ feature.