Week of October 23, 2017

We will begin our study of the book of Ruth. The test next week will include the memory verse:

Ruth 1:16-17

“But Ruth replied, ‘Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if anything but death separates you and me.’”

We will read the story “Boss of the Plains”. The vocabulary test Friday will be on the words:

settlers – people who travel to a little-known area and make a home

derbies – stiff felt hats with rounded tops and narrow brims (lower front edge)

sombreros – large straw hats with tall tops and broad brims

homburgs – soft felt hats with dented tops and rolled brims

drenching – soaking

suited – fitted the needs of

frontier – unexplored land

territory – a region or area of land

pioneers – people who are the first to settle in a region

form – as a noun, a mold used to give shape to something

tuberculosis – a disease that usually affects the lungs

gear – equipment

adventurers – travelers in search of unusual or exciting experiences

determined – sticking to a purpose

opportunity - a good chance

prairie – a wide area of flat or rolling land with tall grass and few trees

tanned – changed animal hide to leather by soaking it in chemicals

scoffed – made fun of

pelts – the skins of animals with hair or fur still on them

hatchet – a small ax

sapling – a young tree

swig – a large gulp of liquid

matted – became tangled or twisted

scorching – burning hot

picturesque – very beautiful

distinctive – unusual

unique – one of a kind

wranglers – cowboys

gamble - a risk

corral – a fenced-in place where cattle or horses are kept

decoy – an object used to take attention away from one thing and move it onto another

zephyrs – breezes, especially winds from the west

The mid-week spelling test Thursday and the final test Friday will be on the words:






Thursday’s English test will be on nouns.

Wednesday we will have a social studies test. Vocabulary cards were sent home Wednesday, and the papers we did were sent home today (Thursday). Some of the vocabulary words are:

glacier – a huge sheet of ice that covers land

gorge – a deep, narrow valley

hydropower – power produced by capturing the energy of flowing water

hydroelectricity – electricity produced by flowing water

lighthouse – tower with bright lights that shine far out over the water to guide ships

peninsula – a piece of land almost surrounded by water

vineyards - places where grapevines are planted

bog– an area of soft, wet, spongy ground

sap – liquid that circulates through a plant carrying water and food

quarries– places where stone is dug, cut, or blasted out of the ground

mineral – a metal or other resource dug from the ground

bay – a part of a sea or lake that cuts into a coastline

inlet– a narrow opening in a coastline

watermen – people who gather different kinds of seafood from the bay

crab pot – a large wire cage with several sections

Niagara Falls – large falls located between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, which produces hydroelectricity and is a tourist attraction

We are learning about the northeast region of the United States. The states and capitals in the northeast region are:

Hartford, ConnecticutDover, DelawareAugusta, MaineAnnapolis, Maryland

Boston, MassachusettsConcord, New HampshireTrenton, New JerseyAlbany, New York

Harrisburg, PennsylvaniaProvidence, Rhode IslandMontpelier, Vermont

Each student should be reading a book where an animal is the main character. The report will be done as a movie using pictures to give a summary of the book. This report is due any time between now and Monday, November 20. You must include at least six (6) scenes (main points) from your story. Decide on which box you are going to use and bring in the box so I can give you the paper. Be sure to pick out the way you are going to display the pictures before drawing to make sure you are drawing the correct size pictures. Also, keep reading those books for AR!

Hello 4th Grade Parents,

Fall Festival is around the corner (only a month away) and we need your help! We are asking parents this year to donate 1-2 gift cards valuedbetween $5.00 - $100.00 or you can donate cash so that gift cards can be purchased. Please put gift cards or cash into an envelope and label them Fall Festival and send them with your student or drop them off in the office. Fall Festival is our biggest fund raiser for the year and everyone's contribution helps!

Another way to contribute would be to talk with your employer or friends/family with local businesses and see if they can donate a gift certificate or item to be used in the auction.