ENG3U / Mr. P. Langevin

Analytical Response to Poetry Essay - Rubric

Criteria / 1 - Beginning / 2 - Developing / 3 - Proficient / 4 - Highly Proficient
Organization / The introduction is weak and there is no thesis
statement. Transitions are absent. Conclusion is missing. / The introduction and thesis statement are weak. Transitions are present, but weak. Conclusion is present, but ineffective. / The introduction is good, but not particularly interesting and there is a clear thesis statement. Transitions are satisfactory. The conclusion brings the analysis to a satisfactory close but is not compelling. / The introduction is strong and grabs the reader’s attention, and there is a clear thesis statement. Strong transitions are used throughout paper. The conclusion is effective and leaves a memorable
Analysis / The analysis shows little or no understanding of the poetry, with little support or explanation of the meaning. Missing most of the key points and poetic devices. The essay does not show evidence of a central theme for the poems selected. No quotes or paraphrasing were used. / The analysis shows some ability to interpret the poetry, though meaning is pointed out with little support or explanation. Missing several key points and poetic devices. The central theme of the chosen poems is evident, but not supported by the essay. Very few quotes or paraphrasing were used to prove the analysis. / The analysis shows an ability to interpret poetry and explain most of the meaning. Most poetic devices are identified and explained. The central theme of the chosen poems is supported by the essay. Quotes and/or paraphrasing are used, but not effectively. / The analysis shows a clear ability to interpret poetry and explain meaning. Most or all poetic devices are identified and explained with insight. The central theme of the chosen poems is clearly and effectively supported by the essay. Quotes and/or paraphrasing are used correctly to prove the student’s analysis.
Format / Essay is under the minimum word count and does not use MLA formatting or a Works Cited list. / Essay is under the minimum word count and/or contains many MLA formatting errors in-text and/or in the Works Cited list. / Essay is at least 1,500 words long, with very few MLA formatting errors. / Essay is at least 1,500 words long, with no MLA formatting errors.
Writing / The content is unclearly written, with numerous spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation errors. / The content is generally clear, with a few spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation errors. / The content is clearly written, with one or two spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation errors. / The content is clearly written, with no spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.