Chedgrave Parish Council
You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Chedgrave Parish Council at The Church Rooms, Chedgrave on Thursday 1st March 2018 at 7.30 pm.
Hayley Goldson
Clerk to the Parish Council
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend.
- To consider receiving apologies for absence.
- To approve the minutes of the last council meeting.
- To discuss matters arising from those minutes.
- To record declarations of interest from members in any item to be discussed.
- To adjourn the meeting to allow public participation.
- To receive reports from: District and County Councillors, Police and Parish Councillors.
- To discuss any items arising from the Clerk’s report and receive updates.
- To discuss co-opting two parish councillors to fill the current vacancies.
- To discuss the Parish Plan.
- To discuss the regeneration of the Grebe Drive play area
- To discuss the Lych Gate Memorial project.
- To nominate a person or group of persons to take responsibility for the dedication ceremony for the Lych Gate.
- To set dates and times for the Annual Parish Meeting, The Annual Meeting of The Parish Council and a Special Meeting to agree the content and production of the Parish Plan and tenders for works at The Pits To discuss tenders for works at The Pits
- To discuss the provision of streetlighting in Chedgrave.
- To discuss the quotes received for window cleaning and grass cutting and decide on contractors.
- To discuss matters arising from the HRAA allotment AGM and to agree a date for an inspection.
- To discuss and decide whether to hold Picnic In The Pits or any other events this year.
- To discuss and agree a response to the Greater Norwich Development Plan Consultation.
- To consider planning applications:
BA/2018/0052/FUL, Replacement outbuilding, Walklin Cruisers, Pits Lane, Chedgrave, Mr Denis Walklin Norfolk
2018/0314, Works to trees in Conservation Area, Mr Michael Allsop, 19 Pits Lane Chedgrave Norfolk NR14 6NQ, Monterey Cypress - Fell, Holly - Fell
- Planning decisions:
2017/2827, 8 Hillside Chedgrave NR14 6HZ, Replacement rear extension and internal alterations, Approval with Conditions - To approve payments as detailed below
Clerk’s salary and expenses (inc. phone allowance, stationery, stamps) / £282.87
Loddon PC for Data Protection Training / £76.92
See the Difference for Bus Shelter cleaning / £13.20
Ben Sutton (Timber) Ltd (lychgate oak) / £2738.44
Ladywell Accountancy Services (PAYE) / £42.00
Total / £3153.43
Receipts: Grazing £80.00
Lyles Heath Cotts sub (UK Power Networks) £24.45
Total: £104.45
22. To receive items for the next meeting.
Date and time of next meeting Thursday 5 April 2018 at 7.30 pm at the Church Rooms, All Saints Church, Chedgrave.