Prioritization Proposal
Proposal Name / Improve Performing Arts Staffing
Brief Description
(one or two sentences) / To support student learning and achieve enrollment growth in the performing arts by adding staff in theater arts and dance.
Years on Priority List
(5 points) / 2
What will be achieved?
(10 Points) / Student learning will be improved in the performing arts with the addition of two fulltime faculty members in their areas of specialty and one fulltime laboratory technician.
Justification: Why should this be done?
(20 points) / The Theater Arts department has seen reduced enrollments of 58% from a high in Fall 2004 due to reductions in faculty. This department can rebound with new faculty who will refresh the curriculum, clarify articulation pathways to four-year institutions, and recruit new students. Additional classified staff is needed to maintain equipment, maintain supplies and safe storage, and set up performances and rehearsals.
College Goals and/or Objective(s) & Student Learning.
(30 points) / These new positions will help the college achieve its growth targets (4).
The positions will aid the theater and music department (and the SSAR division) improve its effectiveness (6) and safety (2).
How will this proposal improve student learning?
New faculty in theater would increase the consistency of student learning outcomes across the department and expand the curriculum.
Does this proposal fulfill a mandate? / No
Does this proposal address a safety issue? / Yes, additional supervision of performing arts areas, and assistance in set up, will protect students and faculty.
Will this proposal benefit other areas of the college? / Yes: the arts are a major source of positive publicity for the college. Adding another fulltime faculty member will help the college gain recognition for its programs and for the students.
Will this proposal impact or require accommodations from other areas? / No
How will your proposal be achieved? Action plan summary: include primary steps, timeline for implementation, and who is responsible. / What
  • Post and hire classified position
  • Post faculty positions
  • Review and select candidates
/ When
  • Fall
  • Fall 08
  • Spring 09
/ Who
  • Dean, HR
  • Search committee, HR

Assessment process: How will you determine that your proposal has been successful? / Successful hiring; expansion of theater and dance enrollments; improvement of safety and efficiency of performing arts facilities.
Resources Required: facilities, equipment, software, staff, etc. (include cost estimate) / Faculty: 1 FT Theater Instructor
1 FT Dance Instructor / Cost: $75,000
Classified: 1 FT Instructional Technician / $30,000
Equipment: office computer / $9,000
Costs after 1st year: continued staffing
Comments of Dean or supervisor / Support
Suggested Prioritization
(from division)

Contact Person: __Jim Berg, Dean, SSAR______Discipline/area: _Art ______

Dean: __Jim Berg, SSAR______

(in FTES)
Department / Fall 01 / Fall 04 / Fall 07 / % Increase / FTES / FTF / % of div
Anthropology / 11.9 / 23.0 / 18.8 / 58% / 18.8 / 3%
Art / 144.1 / 134.3 / 137.0 / -5% / 54.8 / 20%
Geography / 15.2 / 5.7 / 8.8 / -42% / N/A / 1%
History / 67.8 / 83.4 / 91.0 / 34% / 30.3 / 13%
HSAD / 14.4 / 15.6 / 16.5 / 15% / N/A / 2%
Music / 70.8 / 94.1 / 91.5 / 29% / 91.5 / 13%
Philosophy / 46.0 / 58.8 / 56.9 / 24% / 56.9 / 8%
Political Science / 28.0 / 41.0 / 48.1 / 72% / N/A / 7%
Psychology / 94.8 / 110.6 / 107.5 / 13% / 107.5 / 16%
Sociology / 61.4 / 80.4 / 87.0 / 42% / 43.5 / 13%
Theatre Arts / 39.0 / 44.8 / 16.3 / -58% / N/A / 2%
DIVISION TOTAL / 593.4 / 691.7 / 679.4 / 14% / 59.1 / 100%
COD TOTAL / 3056.9 / 3577.5 / 3504.12 / 15%
SSAR AS % OF COD / 19% / 19% / 19%