Prospective Relationship of Forgiveness 1

Appendix, Intended as Online Supplement

Responder/Nonresponder and Cohort Comparisons on Demographic Variables, Forgiveness, and Psychological Distress Symptoms Reported at Time 1

Cohort One / Cohort Two / Combined
Agree (n = 180) vs. refuse (n = 99) contact after T1 / Among 180 who agreed, completer (n = 102) vs. noncompleters (n = 78) / Agree (n = 163) vs. refuse (n = 55) contact after T1 / Among 163 who agreed, completer (n = 80) vs. noncompleters (n = 83) / Completers in cohort one (n = 102) vs. completers in cohort two (n = 80)
Race (Black vs. White vs. Other) / c2 (2) = 2.83 / c2 (2) = 3.79 / c2 (2) = 3.43 / c2 (2) = 1.64 / c2 (2) = 2.83
Age1 / c2 (3) = 8.75* / c2 (3) = 2.46 / t(209) = .52,
Rg = .22, D = 1.06 / t(155) = -.02,
Rg = .35, D = 1.06 / t(178) = -.27,
Rg = .35, D = 1.59
Forgiveness / t(269) = -.23,
Rg = .30, D = 1.32 / t(175) = 1.05,
Rg = .59, D = 1.32 / t(203) = .51,
Rg = .56, D = 1.37 / t(151) = -.61,
Rg = .57, D = 1.37 / t(180) = .62,
Rg = .30, D = 1.37
Depression / t(277) = -.86,
Rg = .51 , D = .68 / t(178) = -.38,
Rg = .26 , D = .68 / t(210) = -1.90,
Rg = .33 , D = .56 / t(157) = -.92,
Rg = .27, D = .56 / t(180) = .62,
Rg = .30, D = .50
Anxiety / t(277) = 1.36,
Rg = .24, D = .57 / t(178) = -1.03,
Rg = .25, D = .57 / t(210) = -.80,
Rg = .19, D = .47 / t(157) = -.08,
Rg = .16, D = .47 / t(180) = .52,
Rg = .51 , D = .66
Stress / t(277) = .03,
Rg = .16 , D = .63 / t(178) = -1.00,
Rg = .28 , D = .63 / t(210) = -1.61,
Rg = .34 , D = .60 / t(157) = -1.06,
Rg = .26, D = .60 / t(180) = .45,
Rg = .24, D = .63
Weeks between T1 and T2 / - / - / - / - / t(179) = .58,
Rg = .24, D = 5.0
Note. 1The age variable was categorical for Cohort One and was continuous (calculated from birth date) at Cohort Two. T1 = Time 1. T2 = Time 2. *p < .05


1For the first cohort, of the 180 females who agreed to be contacted, 15 could not be reached, 38 agreed but we were unable to obtain completed questionnaires from them, 25 refused to participate, and 102 completed the questionnaire. For the second cohort, of the 163 females who agreed to be contacted, 10 could not be reached, 46 agreed but we were unable to obtain completed questionnaires from them, 27 refused to participate, and 80 completed the questionnaire.

2Unfortunately, 33 participants placed a check mark in front of, for example, “weeks ago” instead of writing in the specific number of weeks ago. As it was not possible to accurately score these responses, 33 participants are missing data on time since offense.

3Although the current analyses use the logic of the cross-lagged panel design, it should be noted that because forgiveness was assessed only on one occasion (Time 1), the current design is not a true cross-lagged panel analysis.