9th June 2015
Dear Parents
Residential Educational Visit – 6th – 10th June 2016
PGL Marchants Hill Centre in Hindhead, Surrey
As in recent years, our year 6 residential trip next year will be to PGL Marchants Hill Centre in Hindhead, Surrey as the venue for the Yr6 residential visit next year. The cost of the visit will be £ 395.00 (depending on the total number of children attending). We are required to send a deposit to PGL before 24th July 2015 and would, therefore, ask you to pay a refundable deposit of £40 before the 15th July 2015 via ParentPay. This will secure a place for your child on this residential visit. If we do not receive a deposit payment, a place will not be booked for your child.
Whether you wish your child to participate or not, please will you complete and return the enclosed slip by 15th July 2015.
Staff and I hope that all next year’s Year 6 children will be able to attend this trip. It is a valuable experience for our children as they have opportunities to learn new skills, face challenging situations and work as part of a team. Experience has shown that participation in the trip provides an excellent preparation for the challenge of secondary school.
Insurance is arranged via PGL, a copy of the insurer’s policy summary will be issued to parents next year. In addition, PGL have £5m of public liability insurance.
It is important to note that parents who qualify for the Pupil Premium grant are entitled to remission for the board and lodging part of the cost which is £217.00. This would leave a total of £178.00 payable by you. If you have any other financial concerns please contact me in writing. The deposit payment of £40.00 is still required to secure a place.
The total amount payable must be received by us by1st April 2016. Following the deposit payment of £40 it is advisable to make 8monthly payments of £40.00 (£15.00 Pupil Premium) and a final payment of £35.00 (£18.00 Pupil Premium). Payments can be made via Parentpay at any time. Payments will be monitored throughout the year and balances sent out to you from time to time.
It is very important that our costs are covered for this trip as we do not receive any extra funding for it. If payments are not received then your child’s place may be in jeopardy.
If you have any questions regarding the finance for the visit please speak to Mrs. Thomson, the School Business Manager.
There will be an initial meeting for parents on 26th June 2015 at 8.50am. A further pre-visit meeting for parents will be held closer to the time of the residential visit, when we shall discuss the final details. You will be asked to complete a detailed contact and medical form and bring it to this meeting. You will also have an opportunity to meet the adults accompanying the classes on the visit.
Our Year 6 educational visits have been extremely successfuland well supported by parents in the past and we do hopethat you will feel able to support your child this year.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Stephanie Ellner
Head Teacher
Visit toPGL Marchants Hill Centre, Hindhead, Surrey
Child’s Name ………………………………………………………………………… Class …………………..
Please return to the school by 15th July 2015
I apply to you for a place on this visit for my son/daughter/ward:
(Full name)
Signed: Parent/Carer
I have made a £40 deposit via ParentPay
I do not wish my son/daughter/ward:
(Full name)
to participate in the Year 6 residential visit to PGL Marchants Hill Centre, Hindhead, Surrey
Signed: Parent/Carer
Reason (optional):
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