Board Meeting Minutes

March 26, 2014

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The Board of School Trustees met in regular session at 6:00 p.m., Wednesday, March 26, 2014 at the Avilla Elementary School.

Mr. Beall called the meeting to order with Dr. Holliday, Mrs. Babcock, Mrs. Schellenberg, Mr. Lutter and Mr. Pyle present. Mrs. Linson, Superintendent, Mrs. Lamon, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Leitch, Business Manager, and Mrs. Wright, meeting recorder, were also present.



Mr. Beall asked the following citizens to introduce themselves: Amy Mosley, Alisa Smith, Rose Rickey, Matt Rickey, Robin Peters, Jenifer Holbrook, Jesse Hicks, Jacob Moore, Kyle Cooper, Dominic Adams, Ashlee Fiandaca, Jo Drudge, Grace Housholder, Terry Housholder, Debra Hockley, Michelle Bird, Andrew Deming, Charlie Barber, Brian McNamara, Shari Leffel, Deaneen Pashea, James Swartzlander, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Yates, Bob Myer, Sandie Myer, Natalie Pine, Rebecca Tilbury, Lindy Munson, Jennifer Kramer, Abdel Rahman Afify. Nayla J Salem, Omar Daqah, Maria Hallman, Sue Walkup, Karen Gandy, Heather Green, Gary Wymer, Kara Hand, Andy Ogle, Cathy Linsenmayer, Zach Linson, Mike Shultz,and Dennis Nartker.


East Noble instrumental music teacher Jim Swartzlander spoke to the Board again in support of the new middle school; Judy Spencer expressed concerns about not building on the current site and what would happen to the building; and Lacy Spencer expressed concerns about building a new building on the corporation owned site across from South Side School.


Following a motion by Mrs. Babcock, and seconded by Dr. Holliday, the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the February 26, 2014 meeting as presented.

6. CLAIMS OF MARCH 26, 2014

Following a motion by Mrs. Babcock, and seconded by Mr. Lutter, the Board voted unanimously to approve the following claims for March 26, 2014:

·  Handwritten checks #32347 - #32450, dated 2/21/14 – 3/20/14 in the amount of $2,870,797.10

·  Checks #32451 - #32602, dated 3/26/14 in the amount of $ 192,947.54

·  Self-Insurance Fund checks #2156 - #2161, dated 2/24/14 – 3/17/14 in the amount of $ 184,711.19

·  January payrolls: P-4 & P-5 in the amount of $1,369,231.04

Grand Total: $ 4,617,686.87


  1. Resignations/Retirements/Terminations

Following a motion by Mrs. Schellenberg, and seconded by Mr. Pyle, the Board voted unanimously to accept the following resignations: Kaitlyn Parks as media assistant at East Noble Middle School effective March 21, 2014; Tricia Arnold as second shift custodian at East Noble Middle School effective March 12, 2014; Peter Kempf as head boys’ track coach at East Noble High School effective February 18, 2014; and Nicolette Benedict as Arts and Communications Pathway Leader effective at the end of the 2013/2014 school year.

Following a motion by Mr. Pyle, and seconded by Mr. Lutter, the Board voted unanimously to accept the retirement of Rose Rickey, seventh grade health teacher at East Noble Middle School, effective at the end of the 2013/2014 school year.

  1. Reassignments


  1. New Hires

Following a motion by Mrs. Schellenberg, and seconded by Dr. Holliday, the Board voted unanimously to approve the following new hires (Pending completion of the required Expanded Criminal Background Screening): Rachal Tanesky as School Counselor at North Side and Wayne Center Elementary Schools effective April 7, 2014; Crystal Sheets as part time food service assistant at Avilla School effective March 10, 2014; and Dallas Perlich as second shift custodian at East Noble Middle School effective March 17, 2014.

Also, the following ECA positions at East Noble High School for the 2013/2014 season:

Kerry Nelson as head boys’ track coach, Cliff Hannon, Jeremy Smurr, and Ryan Starkel as assistant boys’ track coaches, Cody Wait and Bill Krock as assistant girls’ track coaches, Marissa Burkhart as head softball coach, Phil Carroll and Ashley Rodenbeck as assistant softball coaches, Larry Leighty as assistant baseball coaches, Bill Knapp and Andy Uhl as assistant wrestling coaches, Glenn Campbell and Steve Keck as assistant girls’ basketball coaches, Dick Bentz as head boys’ golf coach, Steve Cooper as assistant boys’ golf coach, Sean Page as head boys’ and girls’ swimming coach, Bonnie Reed and Tracy Palmer as assistant swimming coaches, and Bob Avery as Spell Bowl coach and Winter Play theatre director.

  1. Leave Requests

Following a motion by Mrs. Babcock, and seconded by Mr. Lutter, the Board voted unanimously (4-0) to approve the following maternity leave requests: a maternity leave request made by Jaime Carroll, 4th grade teacher at Avilla Elementary School, beginning approximately March 17, 2014 through the end of the 2013/2014 school year; a maternity leave request made by Neah Eltzroth, second grade teacher at Rome City Elementary School beginning May 5, 2014 through the end of the 2013/2014 school year; an unpaid medical leave request made by Glen Jones, East Noble School bus drive, beginning February 28, 2014 until further notice; and a request made by Kenneth Mapes, custodian at North Side Elementary School, to use personal sick leave days for additional family sick leave days as needed.


A.  Goal 1: Presentation to Honor Flight

East Noble Interact Club President Natalie Pine presented a check for $4,034 to Honor Flight Northeast Indiana President Bob Myer. The Interact Club began raising funds during the school year to help send World War II veterans to visit their memorial in Washington, D.C. The Clubs fundraising efforts will help send 10 northeast Indiana veterans to the memorial this spring.

B.  Goal 1: AFS Award Presentation

East Noble High School was presented the 2014 Top AFS School Award in recognition of their dedication to global education and increasing intercultural learning in our school and community. AFS Regional manager Michelle Bird, East Noble AFS president Jo Drudge, and current exchange students Omar Daqah of Palestine, Abdel Rohman Afify of Egypt, and Nayla J. Salem of Bahrain were present to present the award.

C.  Goal 1: Hour of Code Presentation

Sixth grade Avilla Elementary School student, Kyowa French, presented a PowerPoint presentation sharing his experience with computer coding programs introduced to students during the Hour of Code day in the buildings.

D.  Goal 1: Overview of JAG Program

Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) classes began this year at East Noble High School under the direction of teacher Ashlee Fiandaca. This program is supported by Community Action of Northeast Indiana, Inc. (CANI) and is committed to helping at-risk students stay in school through graduation, transition into college and/or enter into a successful career choice. High school seniors Kyle Cooper, Dominic Adams, Rebecca Tilbury and Jake Moore shared their experiences while in the JAG program and how it has affected their choices after graduation.


A.  Review of Building Project Process

Mrs. Linson highlighted the next process in the Middle School building project. The Board of Trustees will have to find a site, decide on a building plan based on the needs and wants of the middle school and determine a cost. A committee will be formed, visits will be planned to see other middle school buildings, and an architectural firm and financial advisors will be selected. A 1028 Hearing will be held in June notifying the public about the project and any other needed capital projects at this time. A building site may or may not be indicated at this time. People will have the opportunity to vote on the proposed East Noble Middle School building project on the November 4, 2014 election. No decision has been made on the existing school building but Mrs. Linson reviewed Indiana Code 20-26-7-1, Charter School Law, stating that unused district facilities, requires public school corporations to inform the DOE when a school building is closed, unused or unoccupied.

B.  Action to Adopt Board Policies 0000-2999

Following a motion by Mrs. Schellenberg, and seconded by Dr. Holliday, the Board voted unanimously to adopt Board Policies 0000-2999 as presented.




Mrs. Babcock shared that she attended the Digital Learning Day Open House that the ENSC buildings hosted today inviting families and community members to learn more about how tech is being used in our classrooms.


There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Beall adjourned the meeting at 7:27 p.m. The Board met for a Work Session following the regular meeting with an Executive Session immediately following to discuss personnel per I.C. 5-14-1.5-6.1 (2), (5). The next Regular Board Meeting will be Wednesday, April 16, 2014 at the East Noble Bus Garage, 550 W. Ohio Street, Kendallville beginning at 6:00 p.m.


President Secretary