Approved 6/8/15
Flora Public Library Board Minutes
Monday, May 11, 2015
Call to order: 7 PM – by President Maralee Johnson
Present were President Maralee Johnson, Robbin Dickey, Becky Stocke, Pat Booth, Karen Briscoe, Treasurer Dr. Robert Marley, Library Director Donna Corry,
Absent: Joe McCoy, Ellen Erwin, William Atwood
Recognition of Visitors: None noted.
Correspondence: None noted
Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve minutes by Robert Marley, seconded by Robbin Dickey. Motion approved unanimously.
Treasurer Report: Motion to approve the Treasurer’s report made by Karen Briscoe, and seconded by Becky Stocke. Motion passed unanimously.
Interest in the amount of $572.94 was added to the Endowment CD#1
-The health insurance amount for the library increased by 3% instead of the estimated 7%. The amount of increase per month is $114.32 or $1,371.84 per year. The City gave the library an additional $4,000 for the sole purpose of covering the increase of the library’s portion of staff health insurance.
Committee Report – None noted
Payment of Bills – motion made by Robert Marley and seconded by Pat Booth. Motion passed unanimously.
Unfinished Business:
1) Roof –Replacement of Ceiling Tile – The box of new ceiling tile is now in and volunteers will complete the replacement of the remaining tiles in the near future.
It was noted that there were no leaks during the recent rainstorm.
2) Other Unfinished Business – None noted
New Business:
1) FY2015-2016 Beginning Budget – Donna Corry reviewed the beginning budget for the 2015-2016 fiscal year. The beginning budget included the base budget amount that was approved by the city plus carry over amounts. Donna noted that instead of carrying over the technology fund amounts for the Children’s Computer Center, Microfilm Fund and Technology Funds, one check was written to transfer those amounts to tech fund savings.Motion to approve the beginning budget effective May 1 was made by Dr. Marley and seconded by Karen Briscoe. Motion carried unanimously.
2) The final budget amendment for FY2014-2015 was presented. Several line items were adjusted and the gift/memorial and technology fund line items were amended. Bob Marley moved and Robbin Dickey seconded a motion to approve the amendments as of 4/30/15.
3) Reports for FY2014-2015 4th Quarter were reviewed.
4) After a discussion about the landscaping, it was agreed that Becky Stocke could contact William Corry about trimming the library landscaping and setting up automatic watering devices. It was noted that the water faucet that twisted off has been capped and will be repaired by BRO Plumbing when the parts arrive.
5) While discussing possible budget cuts earlier in the year, it was suggested that the amount of hardware maintenance paid to Lazerware be trimmed. Donna reported that some printers, barcode readers and scanners have been removed from the maintenance plan. However, she reported that removing any of the library computers from maintenance will drop Lazerware services from a Tier One library to a Tier Two. This will result in higher per unit annual fees as well as higher labor charges during calls for equipment that is not covered. Robbin Dickey moved and Becky Stocke seconded a motion to remain as a Tier One library as long as financially possible. Motion carried unanimously.
Upcoming Meetings/Events:
The 2015 Summer Reading Program, “Read to the Rhythm!” will run from May 28-Aug. 1
Open: Nothing noted
Adjourned: 7:40pm
Recorded by Karen Briscoe
Acting Secretary