File Ref: F30175

/ Report of the Grants and Schemes
Standing Committee to the
Teaching and Learning Committee

This report, which is presented by the Grants and Schemes Standing Committee, provides an update of the issues, if any, that have arisen and selections made in relation to the 2013 Schemes.


The composition of the Grants and Schemes Standing Committee for 2013 is as follows:

Winthrop Professor Phil Hancock, Deputy Chair of the Teaching and Learning Committee - Chair

Winthrop Professor Denise Chalmers, Director, Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning

Winthrop Professor Alan Dench, Dean of Graduate Research School

Ms Gemma Bothe, Nominee of the Postgraduate Students' Association

Associate Professor Meredith Blake, Faculty Representative from the University's Teaching and Learning Committee

Professor Sandra Carr, Faculty Representative from the University's Teaching and Learning Committee

Associate Professor Bonnie Thomas, Co-opted member

Assistant Professor Lee Partridge, Co-opted member

Ms Sally Jackson, Academic Policy Services, Executive Officer


The Committee met on the following dates;

·  17th April

·  15th October

and considered items by circular distributed on;

·  5th July


The Grants and Schemes Standing Committee received 10 applications for the 2013 Teaching Fellowship Scheme and agreed to award 3 Fellowships to the following applicants:

Applicant / Co-applicant / Faculty/School
Peter Arthur / Martha Ludwig / Science/Chemistry and Biochemistry
Shannon Johnston / Wade Jarvis / CATL/Business
Bonnie Thomas / Sabine Kuuse / Arts/Humanities


In accordance with the Guidelines for the Postgraduate Teaching Internship Scheme a call for applications was circulated campus-wide in July 2013. As a result 27 applications were received.

Year of Internship / 2004 / 2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014
No. of Applications / 31 / 38 / 43 / 37 / 20 / 31 / 31 / 26 / 26 / 20 / 27

As a result of its deliberations, the Committee agreed that 18 internships are offered for 2014, the successful interns are as follows;

First Name / Surname / School / Faculty
Eugene / Arthurs / Population Health / MDHS
Simon / Cox / Humanities / Arts
Liesel / Gentelli / Centre for Forensic Science / Science
Renee / Gruber / Earth and Environment / Science
Stephen / Heyns / Architecture / ALVA
Tim / Howle / Sport Science, Exercise and Health / Science
Salman / Khan / Computer Science / ECM
James / Leader / Mechanical and Chemical Engineering / ECM
Bede / Mickan / Earth and Environment / Science
Theresa / Miller / Humanities / Arts
MJ / ONG / Sport Science, Exercise and Health / Science
Dilyara / Nigmatulina / Law / Law
Michael / Ovens / Humanities / Arts
Jennifer / Perry / Humanities / Arts
Tim / Rosenow / Paediatrics and Child Health / MDHS
Genevieve / Simpson / Earth and Environment / Science
Margaret / Uloth / Plant Biology / Science
Catherine / Wingate / Anatomy, Physiology and Human Biology / Science

A number of interns have been offered a place dependent upon the acceptance of their research proposal before the commencement of the internship and / or subject to successful revision of their teaching plan as agreed with CATL (the Internship Supervisor).

PhD Candidate Teaching and Learning Publication Project

The final Guidelines for the PhD Candidate Teaching and Learning Publication Project were endorsed by the Teaching and Learning Committee at its October meeting.

A call for applications to the Scheme will occur in early December to coincide with the end of the 2013 Postgraduate Teaching Internship Scheme.

Sally Jackson

Executive Officer – Grants and Schemes Standing Committee

6 November 2013


2013 Report from Grants and Schemes Standing Committee to the Teaching and Learning Committee