NPQML Application form

Your Details
Forename / Surname
*Your TRN - If unknown contact
/ *Date of birth
Home Address
Post code
Employment Telephone
Home Telephone
Mobile Telephone
Home Email / Preferred Email address
Employment Email
*Equal opportunities monitoring
White / Asian – Other
Irish Traveller / Mixed – White and Black Caribbean
Black – Caribbean / Mixed – White and Black African
Black – African / Mixed – White and Asian
Black – Other / Other mixed background
Indian / Other
Pakistani / Not known
Bangladeshi / Information refused
Do you have a disability? Yes/No

*These details are essential to register with the National College

Your Employment
Role/job title
Length of time in role?
Employer name
Employer Address
Post code
Headteacher’s Name
Headteacher’s Email
Sponsor’s Name
Sponsor’s Email

A sponsor is the person in your school who is nominating your application and verifying your readiness to start the course

Name of organisation or individual to be invoiced
Address for invoice
Email address
Telephone Number
Your Coach
QTL’s courses draw on your work with a coach. Please name the person in your school or organisation who will act as your coach
Name of Coach / Has previously been a coach? / Yes/No
Email address
Your school and setting(please tick as appropriate):
Primary / Academy
Secondary / Free School
Early Years / Non-maintained Independent
Special / Foundation/School College
Pupil Referral Unit / Community School
Secure Unit / Voluntary Controlled School
Local Authority Maintained / Faith School
Other (Please state)
Demonstrate your reasons for wishing to develop your skills at leader.
a) Please provide two recent examples of leadership roles where you have led a team, or within a team, or possibly whole schools, and explain how they demonstrate your success as a middle leader.
b) Please identify what you feel are your key areas for development as a leader and thereby hope to gain by attending this programme
Word Limit – 500 words
Name of the Team you currently lead
Number in Team

Line Manager’s reference

You are asked to verify the evidence provided by the applicant and provide any relevant additional evidence. Please give your assessment of the applicant’s achievements and the impact of their role as a leader
Word Limit – 200 words

Headteacher’s endorsement

As Headteacher, I endorse the application for the NPQML Course from:
(Name of applicant) …………………………………………………………………………..
Signed (Headteacher): Date:

Applicant declaration

I understand that I will be liable for any outstanding course fees for non-completion of the qualification.
I declare that the information provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge at the time of application
Signed (Applicant): Date:

Please return the completed form by email to: