Vocabulary #4 – The Running Dream

1.  Create an index card for each word listed below. Put the vocabulary term on one side. On the backside of the card, put the definition on the left and a visual (sketch) for the word‘s definition on the right. Be sure to re-write the definitions in your own words.

2.  On a separate sheet of paper, complete a “free write” using every word from this week. (*A “Free Write” is a piece of writing on a topic of your choice using complete sentences and paragraphs.) It can be your best rough draft and can be handwritten or typed…your choice.)

a.  Complete ALL of the following with your “free write”:

i.  Put a CIRCLE around each vocabulary word you use from this week’s list.

ii.  Include at least THREE different examples of Figurative Language.

iii.  Include and underline the following words “turkey”, “oodles”, & “spectacular”

Assigned Words / Part of Speech / Definition:
1. vulnerable / Adjective / susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm; in need of special care, support, or protection because of age, disability, or risk of abuse or neglect
2. assured / Adjective / confident; guaranteed; certain
(assure, assuredly, assuring)
3. validate / Verb / demonstrate or support the truth or value of; give confirmation or approval
(validated, validating, validation)
4. decipher / Verb / succeed in understanding, interpreting, or identifying; to discover the meaning of
(decipherable, deciphering, deciphered)
5. sternly / Adverb / In a hard, harsh or severe manner; strict
(stern, sternness)
6. stabilize / Verb / make or become unlikely to change; hold stable or firm
(stabilized, stabilizing, stabilization)
7. deceptive / Adjective / giving an appearance or impression different from the true one; misleading
(deception, deceptively, deceptiveness)
8. adapt / Verb / become adjusted to new conditions; to adjust conditions to make more fitting
(adaption, adaptive, adapted, adapting)
9. concede / Verb / admit that something is true or valid after first denying or resisting it; to admit defeat
(conceded, conceding, concededly)
10. abyss / Noun / a deep immeasurable space or cavity; wide or profound difference between people