Project Overview part 1: define
Name of Project: / Simple machines / Duration: 2 weeks
Subject/Course: / Science / Grade Level:3
Other subject areas to be included, if any: / Computers and public speaking
Project Idea
Summary of the issue, challenge, investigation, scenario, or problem: / Students will identify and bring in or draw a picture of a simple machine that is used in their home and explain or demonstrate how it uses force.
Driving Question / How are simple machines used around your home?
Content and Skills Standardsto be addressed: / P.FM.E.3 Force- A force is either a push or a pull. The motion of objects can be changed by forces. The size of the change is related to the size of the force. The change is also related to the weight (mass) of the object on which the force is being exerted. When an object does not move in response to a force, it is because another force is being applied by the environment.
P.FM.03.35 Describe how a push or a pull is a force.
P.FM.03.37 Demonstrate how the change in motion of an object is related to the strength of the force acting upon the object and to the mass of the object.
P.FM.03.38 Demonstrate when an object does not move in response to a force, it is because another force is acting on it.
T+A / E / T+A / E
21st Century Skills
to be explicitly taught and assessed (T+A) or that will be encouraged (E) by project work, but not taught or assessed: / Collaboration / X / Other:
Presentation - Screencast that will be posted on classroom wiki.
- Presentation of simple machine and what work it does at their home. / X
Critical Thinking: / X
Presentation Audience:
Culminating Products and Performances / Group/Individual: / Some Presentations maybe done as individuals, others may be done as small groups depending on the simple machine they have chosen from their home. / Class: / X
Individual: / Experts:
Web: / X
Project Overview part 2: design
“Grabber”to launch inquiry & generate interest: / Entry document – bring in an example – lever and fulcrum, have smallest student lift teacher. Screencast of simple machines(incline plane, lever, lever and fulcrum, pulley, wedge, screw, wheel and axle).
Assessments / Formative Assessments
(Checkpoints During Project) / Quizzes/Tests / Practice Presentations / X
Journal/Learning Log / Notes
Preliminary Plans/Outlines/Prototypes / Checklists / X
Rough Drafts / Concept Maps
Online Tests/Exams / Other:
Summative Assessments
(End of Project) / Written Product(s), with rubric:
______/ Other Product(s) or Performance(s), with rubric:
Screencast / X
Oral Presentation, with rubric / Peer Evaluation
Multiple Choice/Short Answer Test / Self-Evaluation
Essay Test / Other:Diorama, display
Debriefing Methods / (Individual, Group, and/or Whole Class) / Journal/Learning Log / X / Focus Group
Whole-Class Discussion / X / Fishbowl Discussion
Survey / Other:
Needed / On-site people, facilities: / Playground equipment, (slide)
Equipment: / Computer, interwrite pad, microphone, document camera
Materials: / Simple machines, wedges, lever and fulcrum, pulleys, incline planes, screws, wheels and axels.
Pre-selected video clips.
Students will bring in a simple machine from home
Community resources: / Playground slide


© 2008 Buck Institute for Education

Project Teaching and Learning Guide
Project:How do simple machines make work easier? / Course/Semester:science/ first semester
Knowledge and Skills Needed by Students
to successfully complete culminating products and
performances, and do well on summative assessments / Scaffolding / Materials / Lessons to be Provided
by the project teacher, other teachers, experts,
mentors, community members
Prior knowledge of force, push, pull. /  / Previous lessons on these topics.
Building of simple machines by having experience with each simple machine. /  / Daily lessons about each simple machine (incline plane, lever, lever and fulcrum, pulley, wedge, screw, wheel and axle).
Knowledge of screencasting. /  / Previous lessons teaching and practicing screencasting.
Journaling process in classroom. /  / Previously taught procedure at beginning of year.
 / .


© 2008 Buck Institute for Education

project: What are some simple machines around your house?? / Start Date: September 10
Discussion about if students can lift Mrs. Sheldon. Have student’s lift Mrs. Sheldon / Discuss force is a push or pull. Have students push and pull an empty chair and an occupied chair. Journal about the force needed to move both chairs. Students will journal about the different force/work. / Review force is a push or pull then have students push on the wall for 30 seconds, relate to work as an object force (push or pull) and motion or movement. Journal about completing work means force applied to an object equals motion/movement. / Introduce students to a lever and fulcrum, 2”X8”X6’ and a 4”X4”x8”. Label parts and have students lift the teacher and pairs of students with the lever. Tape meter stick to wall and record amount of work to lift the load. Take photos, journal and post on class wiki. Students’ journal, draw and label lever and fulcrum identify work. / In pairs, students will roll marbles down an incline plane (paper towel tube) on tile floor and on carpet recording distance rolled. Compare distance rolled, journal about uses for an incline plane the difference in distance rolled, draw a conclusion.
Discuss the amount of force it can take to move a load and if friction can make a difference, demonstrate moving a ½ brick across a table using a spring scale to record the amount of force. Repeat using dowels under the ½ brick. Journal using the numerical amount of force related to the force and friction. / Introduce students to a wheel and axle, Knex. Students complete worksheet identifying wheel and axle of a screwdriver, faucet, steering wheel and rolling pin. Students lift 10 metal washers attached to a string using axle then lift after attaching a wheel. Worksheet and journal about which took more work. / Show video clip from United Streaming, Building the Pyramids of Giza. Go out to playground andpull students up the slide, discuss and compare to the video clip of moving stone on an incline plane. / Students will bring in or draw a simple machine used in their home and practice explaining the force and work it completes. / Students will screencast their final explanation.