Romeo and Juliet ACT III Pre-Reading Discussion Questions

Name: ______

Grade 9GT

1. How does Shakespeare’s use of hypocrisy in characters so far impact the plot?

2. What is it about the play that strikes you as truly tragic so far? (Think elements of Shakespearean tragedy!)

3. What do you think is the reason Shakespeare has set up two “wise” characters as advisors to the two young lovers?

4. Why do you think Shakespeare wrote in mostly rhymed meter or poetic form?

5. An allegory is a story that represents real life through symbolism. What symbols are present in the story? What do they mean?

6. In what way are the “antagonists” and “protagonists” similar? Different? Explain!

7. What do you think is Shakespeare’s message in the play thus far? Why do you think this? Give evidence.

Romeo and Juliet ACT III Pre-Reading Discussion Questions

Name: ______

English 9H

1. What do you think is Shakespeare’s message in the play thus far? Why do you think this? Give evidence.

2. What do you think is the reason Shakespeare has set up two “wise” characters as advisors to the two young lovers?

3. What has surprised you about this play so far? Why?

4. Who do you think will die in this play (it is a tragedy, after all), and what does that represent?

5. What messages are you seeing in the play so far about family, love, hate and loyalty? How does this reflect the values of the Renaissance? Be specific.

Romeo and Juliet ACT III Pre-Reading Discussion Questions

Name: ______

English 9CP

1. What do you think is Shakespeare’s message in the play thus far? Why do you think this? Give evidence.

2. What do you think is Shakespeare’s opinion on young love? Why?

3. Why is Friar Laurence a hypocrite?

4. How is Mercutio the only “true” or “honest” character in the play so far?

5. Do you think Romeo and Juliet simply become more infatuated with each other because they “want what they can’t have”? Why or why not? Explain.