Name ______Date ______Pd. ____

Short Story Vocabulary List #1 (Words 1-10)

Honors English 8


1.  Read each sentence carefully.

2.  Highlight at least 3 context clues that help you guess the meaning of the underlined word.

3.  Using the context clues provided in the sentences below, guess which word goes with each definition in the table below. Write each word next to the proper definition. Spell the word correctly.

4.  Decide if each word is a noun, verb, adjective, or adverb and record your answer on the right-hand side of the table. Think about how the word is used in the sentence. What is its function?

Each vocabulary word is underlined and bolded:

1.  Since school was cancelled at the last minute, we decided to take an impromptu ski-trip for the day.

2.  The little girl tentatively snuck a cookie out of the cookie jar, doing her best not to get caught.

3.  He listened intently to the teacher as she gave the directions for the assignment.

4.  The dark, ominous clouds signaled that an intense and powerful storm was headed our way.

5.  I had no choice but to sit and listen to my parents’ diatribe about how I need to study harder and get better grades.

6.  Taking cold medicine at night helps me sleep, but I often feel a bit somnolent in the morning.

7.  Because his sense of hearing was so acute, he could easily hear what was going on in the next room.

8.  Bob vehemently denied playing any role in the robbery, but the police refused to believe him.

9.  Even though it wasn’t easy, Jane stayed resolute in order to fulfill her goal of being a famous singer.

10.  The group of girls stopped to look at Suzie with derision when she showed up to the dance in a hideous dress.

Vocabulary Word
My Guess / Definition / Part of Speech-
My Guess
harsh, abusive criticism
uncertainly; in a hesitant way
unplanned; made or done without preparation
purposefully; with close attention
passionately; with intense emotion
keen; sharp; sensitive
seeming to indicate something bad is going to happen
firm; determined
ridicule; mockery

Answer Key

Vocabulary Word
My Guess / Definition / Part of Speech-
My Guess
diatribe / harsh, abusive criticism / noun
tentatively / uncertainly; in a hesitant way / adverb
impromptu / unplanned; made or done without preparation / adjective
intently / purposefully; with close attention / adverb
vehemently / passionately; with intense emotion / adverb
acute / keen; sharp; sensitive / adjective
somnolent / drowsy / adjective
ominous / seeming to indicate something bad is going to happen / adjective
resolute / firm; determined / adjective
derision / ridicule; mockery / noun

Flashcard Format Example – Be Sure to Number Your Cards

Front of Card

Word: ascend POS: verb


Back of Card

Definition: to move, climb, or go upward; to rise or slant to a higher point. / Sentence: With so much daylight left, the climbers decided to continue to ascend all the way to the peak of the mountain.
Synonym/Example: soar / Antonym/Non-Example: descend