AP World History1st Semester Exam Review2013-2014

1 What role did the Catholic Church play in Western Europe during the Middle Ages?

2 Value in human reason was influenced by which ancient civilization?

3 Describe feudalism in medieval Europe.

4 Which religion was prominent in in the Byzantine Empire?

5 What were the social and economic impacts of the plague?

6 Leonardo da Vinci, Machiavelli, and humanism are representative of what time period?

7 What goods were traded across the Sahara between Muslim merchants and West African


8 What is the impact of Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses?

9 What was a significant effect of Mansa Musa’s pilgrimage to Mecca?

10 What was an important result of the English Civil War?

11 Which innovation led directly to a rise in literary rates, the circulation of literature, and the

spread of secular ideas?

12 Be able to analyze data in charts, graphs, illustrations, and maps. Be able to recognize the location of civilizations on maps.

13 What was a major characteristic of the Renaissance in Europe?

14 How does Niccolo Machiavelli describe a wise ruler?

15 Be able to identify various architecture techniques from different civilizations.

16 Describe the Mongol involvement with the Silk Road.

17 What type of leader did both the Inca and the Aztecs have?

18 In the 1500s, why were European merchants arriving in China were restricted to the ports of

Macao andCanton and were required to pay in either gold or silver?

19 What were Muslim traders trading across the Sahara through the fifteenth century?

20 What is the historical significance of Joan of Arc?

21 Why did the Chinese built the Great Wall and the Grand Canal?

22 Newton’s scientific contributions were made possible by whose earlier work?

23 In the Andes, crop cultivation and food storage was a result of what process?

24 How are Montesquieu, Voltaire, and Rousseau similar?

25 What was a key characteristic of an absolute monarchy in the 16th and 17th centuries?

26What contributed most to the decline of Native American civilization in Latin America after the arrival of European explorers?

27Which type of government best safeguards the individual rights of its citizens?

28 Give an example of a violation of freedom of the press.

29 What are unalienable rights?

30 What was a modern-day outcome Ottoman Turks spreading Islam to eastern Europe?

31 What are three factors leading to the rise of the Mongol Empire?

32 Which ancient civilization was influenced by Abraham, Moses, Saul, David, and Solomon?

33 What effect did the fall of Rome have on the Roman Catholic Church?

34In what way did Islam have political, social, and economic influence over Europe, Asia, and Africa?

35 List the characteristics and accomplishments of the Tang Dynasty.

36 What two weapons, developed during the Hundred Years’ War between England and France,

weakened feudalism, thereby contributing to the end of medieval Europe?

37 The Vedas and Upanishads make up the sacred writings of which religion?

38 Be able to identify religion and civilizations in art work.

39 During classical civilizations, how did cultures develop?

40 What was the major impact of Alexander the Great’s conquests?

41 What made people in Babylon fear consequences for breaking the law?

42The rise of the Mongol Empire contributed to what other changes in Europe & Asia?

43 In what ways did ancient Mesopotamia influence the classical civilizations of Greece and Rome?

44From where did Romansborrow aspects of their classic culture?

45Greek art and culture emphasized which qualities?

46What was the highest Hindu caste in India?

47Know the order of development of the ancient civilizations.

48What development allowed Nomadic groups of people to begin to settle down?

49How the Indus Valley or Harappan civilization unlike Sumer and Egypt?

50What is one reason the earliest civilization developed at the eastern end of the Fertile Crescent in present-day Iraq?

51What is the view of the Buddha in Mahayana Buddhism?

52Classical civilizations and river valley civilizations are similar in what way?

53What is the major difference between the governments of the Sang and Zhou dynasties, and later Chinese dynasties?

54During the Han Dynasty, who instituted the civil service exam?

55Who could participate in the Athenian democracy?

56 What isNeo-Confucianism?

57Which Pillar of Islam that helped create the first trans-regional civilization?

58What was the impact of the Ming Chinese naval expeditions of the early 15th century C.E.?

59During the Middle Ages, what was the most direct effect of the printing press in Europe?

60The Silk Roads allowed products to move between which empires?

61 How was the European diet changed by exploration and colonization in the New World?

62 How were the Native Americans impacted by the Columbian Exchange?