2017-2018 Leadership Application

Leadership is a class about making the school a better place. We host events, conduct assemblies, promote positive relations, and reinforce unity within the student body. If you would like to engage yourself in the Yelm High School experience, we would love to have independent, involved, and innovative students in next year’s class. All applications and required materials are due on 3/31/17 to Ms. Smith.

We appreciate your interest in the class and filling out this application. The information on this application, especially your answers to the questions, will be used to determine your eligibility to be part of the 2017-2018 Leadership class.

You must read and sign for the expectations below, fill out the following question pages, and give the teacher recommendation forms to two of your teachers. It is preferable to have one teacher be an English teacher, either current or former. Please do not forget to fill your name out on the teacher recommendation forms.


●I agree to apply myself to my studies and maintain to the best of my ability satisfactory grades with a minimum cumulative GPA of (3.0).

●I understand multiple and/or serious infractions could lead to my removal from the Leadership program since Leadership students are supposed to be role models for the student body.

●I will exhibit exemplary behavior inside and outside of school.

●I understand that Leadership activities sometimes occur before, during, and after school. If I am a member of a committee that requires my participation at those times, I will do my best to attend and uphold my responsibilities.

●I understand that I must be able to work well in a group, take initiative, take pride in my work, give and receive constructive criticism, be tactful when speaking with others, be organized, and exhibit school pride.

I have read the requirements and understand what is expected of me.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

Leadership Questionnaire

Please honestly answer the following questions in the space provided and write neatly using complete sentences.

1. What special qualities would you bring to the Leadership class?

2. Describe a project/activity that Leadership should sponsor next year and what you would do to get it started.

3. What are the qualities of a leader? Which ones do you possess?

4. What have you participated in that shows your leadership skills?

5. How can Leadership create a unified student body with a strong voice?

6. What do you do in your spare time?

7. How do you prioritize the Leadership class compared to your other classes?

8. What do you see is a need in YHS that Leadership could help in?

9. Interpret the quote, “Attitude reflects leadership.”

10. Is there anything you feel is important for us to know about you not addressed in the previous questions?

Leadership Activity Planning

The first day of school is not as far as you’d think. As a member of Leadership, you have been put in charge of the first-day of school celebration. The purpose of this first-day of school celebration is to welcome back the students and teachers, help students find classrooms throughout the day, and make students excited about returning. You have three other Leadership members who are part of your group to help organize this event. Please use the timeline provided on the next page to plan the event and include specific tasks that need to be completed to make the event successful.

Event Plan: ______

Two Weeks Prior
One Week Prior
Week of Event
Day Before Event
Day of Event
Day After Event

Teacher Recommendation Form

If you have received this form, that means a student is applying to be part of the 2017-2018 Leadership class and would like you to fill out a recommendation form.

Student Name: ______

Teacher Name: ______

Please rate the students on the characteristics listed below. (1 = never, 3 = sometimes, 5 = always, N/A = not applicable).

We ask you to drop this form off in MS. Smith’s box, not the student, to ensure honesty. Rest assured that your responses will remain confidential. Your honest response will be greatly appreciated.

This student:

-can work independently and stay focused. (1 2 3 4 5)

-exhibits positive attitudes alone and within groups. (1 2 3 4 5)

-uses free time wisely. (1 2 3 4 5)

-completes work in a timely manner. (1 2 3 4 5)

-contributes to class in a positive manner. (1 2 3 4 5)

-can give and receive constructive criticism well. (1 2 3 4 5)

-is able to look at ideas and views from different perspectives. (1 2 3 4 5)

-takes pride in their work. (1 2 3 4 5)

-is a good representation of the school’s values. (1 2 3 4 5)

-can be trusted to behave appropriately in and out of school. (1 2 3 4 5)

If you were the Leadership advisor, would you want this student as part of your Leadership class? (circle one)


Do you have any concerns with the student or wish to convey something about the student not necessarily shown through the questions above?


Teacher Signature: ______Date: ______

Teacher Recommendation Form

If you have received this form, that means a student is applying to be part of the 2017-2018 Leadership class and would like you to fill out a recommendation form.

Student Name: ______

Teacher Name: ______

Please rate the students on the characteristics listed below. (1 = never, 3 = sometimes, 5 = always, N/A = not applicable).

We ask you to drop this form off in MS. Smith’s box, not the student, to ensure honesty. Rest assured that your responses will remain confidential. Your honest response will be greatly appreciated.

This student:

-can work independently and stay focused. (1 2 3 4 5)

-exhibits positive attitudes alone and within groups. (1 2 3 4 5)

-uses free time wisely. (1 2 3 4 5)

-completes work in a timely manner. (1 2 3 4 5)

-contributes to class in a positive manner. (1 2 3 4 5)

-can give and receive constructive criticism well. (1 2 3 4 5)

-is able to look at ideas and views from different perspectives. (1 2 3 4 5)

-takes pride in their work. (1 2 3 4 5)

-is a good representation of the school’s values. (1 2 3 4 5)

-can be trusted to behave appropriately in and out of school. (1 2 3 4 5)

If you were the Leadership advisor, would you want this student as part of your Leadership class? (circle one)


Do you have any concerns with the student or wish to convey something about the student not necessarily shown through the questions above?


Teacher Signature: ______Date: ______