ARA Inspection Report

ARA Site Inspection report


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ARA Inspection Report

ARA Site Inspection report

Animal Ethics Seminar
for Animal Ethics Committees and Researchers

Wednesday 2nd October 2013

Ryan Auditorium, James Carroll Building

Australian Catholic University (MacKillop Campus)

40 Edward Street, North Sydney

Time / Discussion Topic / Presenter/Facilitator
Session 1 / 9.00 – 9.10 / Welcome and introduction / Prof Andrew Dart (Chair, ARRP)and
Prof Heaven (Australian Catholic University)
9.10 – 9.45 / Animal Behaviour talk - the effects of enrichment on mouse models of brain disorders (20 – 30min pres, 10min Q&A) / A/Prof Anthony Hannan (Florey Institute)
9.45 – 11.00 / Site inspections – snapshots and innovations
(10min pres each, 5 min Q&A at the end of each presentation)
·  Use of Suprelorin to control reproduction in mice / Dr Lucie Nedved (Garvan Institute of Medical Research)
·  Use of embryo freezing and sperm freezing to preserve mouse lines / Mr Kevin Taylor (Australian BioResources Pty Ltd)
·  Sow stalls / Mr Kenton Shaw (Rivalea)
·  Murray River Turtles / Dr Rick Spencer (University of Western Sydney)
·  Zebra fish facility / Ms Cecelia Jenkin (Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute)
11.00 – 11.30 / Morning tea
Session 2 / 11.30 – 12.30 / “Translational” research versus basic science (15-20min pres each, 20 min Q&A at the end) / Prof S Bruce Dowton (Macquarie University)
Prof Mark Connor (Macquarie University)
Facilitated by A/Prof Anthony Hannan
12.30 – 12.50 / Major changes in the revised Australian code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes. Presentation and Q&A session / Dr Mary Bate (National Health & Medical Research Council)
12.50 – 1.50 / Lunch
Session 3 / 1.50 – 3.00 / AEC administration procedures – identifying the use/role of Animal Welfare Officers. (10 min presentation each, 20 min Q&A at end) / Ms Stephanie Cass (Novartis Animal Health Australasia)
Dr Lucie Nedved (Garvan Institute of Medical Research)
Dr Robyn Gentle (Newcastle University)
Dr Josephine Joya (University of NSW)
Dr Ross Matthews (Sydney West Local Heath District)
3.00 – 3.30 / Case study: A multidisciplinary approach to ethical dilemmas. (20 min pres, 10min Q&A) / Dr Rayson Tan (Garvan Institute of Medical Research)
3.30 – 4.00 / Collection and collation of wildlife survey data
(20min pres, 10min Q&A) / Dr Mike Fleming (Office of Environment and Heritage)
4.00 – 4.20 / Elimination of target safety testing and the development ofIn-vitroassays for testing of livestock vaccines / Dr Greg McKay & Dr Robert Dempster (Virbac Australia)
4.20 – 4.30 / Summary / Closing / Professor Andrew Dart

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