JUNE 2016



JUNE 22-23, 2016


These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2016 to THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 2016


1.1Call to Order / Quorum Check – OPEN/CLOSED

The Sealant Task Group (SLT TG) was called to order at 9:00 a.m., 22-Jun-2016.

It was verified that only SUBSCRIBER MEMBERS were in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting.

A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:

Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)

* / Alan / Fletcher / US Air Force / Proxy for D. Kleinschmidt
* / Kent / DeFranco / Lockheed Martin Corporation / Chairperson
Proxy for D. Nickerson, D. Carney, R. Nagarajan, M. Simard, R. Bove, R. Wilt, S. DeMoss
Lindsay / Schurle / Spirit AeroSystems
* / Manuel / Koucouthakis / Honeywell Aerospace
* / Norberto / Roiz-LaFuente / Airbus Defense and Space
* / Stephen / Judge / Bombardier

Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)

Fernando / Alarcon De Lastra Halcon / Canagrosa
* / James / Trainer / PPG Aerospace PRC-DeSoto Int'l Inc. / Proxy for J. Mazin, J. Steele
Robert / Pianalto / PPG Aerospace - Australia
* / Ronald / Hendriks / Chemetall GmbH
Ranganathan / Srinivasan / ST Aerospace Ltd.

PRI Staff Present

Keith / Purnell

1.2Safety Information – OPEN/CLOSED

Fire exits in themeeting room were reviewed. Attendees were also requested to inform PRI Staff of any emergencies.

1.3ReviewCode of Ethics (Ref: Attendees’ Guide) and Meeting Conduct – OPEN/CLOSED

The code of ethics was reviewed and explained to the SEAL TG members.

1.4Present the Antitrust Video (only @ the first open and first closed meeting of the week for each Task Group) – OPEN/CLOSED

The Antitrust Video was discussed with the theSEAL TG members.

1.5Review Agenda – OPEN/CLOSED

The agenda was reviewed. There were no changes.

1.6Acceptance of Meeting Minutes – OPEN

Motion made by A. Fletcher and seconded by R. Hendriks to approve the February 2016 meeting minutes as written. Motion PassedUnanimously.

2.0Review Membership Status – open

The voting membership was reviewed and proxy votes were recorded.

  • Subscriber Voting Member: UVM
  • Supplier Voting Member: SVM
  • Alternate: ALT
  • Task Group Chairperson: CHR
  • Vice Chairperson: VCH
  • Secretary: SEC

Compliance to voting requirements per PD 1100 were reviewed. M. Facus of Pratt & Whitney has not met the requirements for maintaining their voting rights. The Voting Members and Chairperson agreed to waive the voting requirement for this occurrence, as M. Facus supports multiple Task Groups. M. Facus will maintain Voting Member status.

Company / Voting Member Type
[UVM, SVM, ALT] / Ballots / Meetings Missed
M. Facus of Pratt & Whitney / UVM / Feb-2016 / Oct-2015 / June-2015

ACTION ITEM: K. DeFranco to contact the SLT TG Pratt & Whitney voting member and discuss the requirements to remain a voting member. (Due Date: 28-Aug-2016).

The following requests for additions or changes to voting membership were received and confirmed by the Task Group Chairperson pending verification of PD 1100 requirements:

First Name / Surname / Company / Voting Member Type
[UVM, SVM, ALT] / Meetings Attended
Josh / Mazin / Flamemaster / SVM (was ALT) / Feb 2012 / Feb 2013
Angelina / Mendoza / UTC Aerospace (Goodrich) / UVM (was ALT) / Feb 2012 / June 2012
Stephen / Judge / Bombardier / ALT UVM / June 2015 / June 2016

Motion made by M. Koucouthakis and seconded by A. Fletcher to approve S. Judge as an Alternate User Voting Member. Motion Passed Unanimously. S. Judge has attended two Nadcap meetings.

Individuals removed from the SLT TG since the February 2016 Meeting:

Company / Name / Voting Member Type
UTC Aerospace (Goodrich) / Ella Watson / UVM / SEC
Cessna Aircraft Company / Brent Clothier / UVM / VCH
Flamemaster / Linda Smith / SVM

3.0Sealant Task Group RAIL – open

The Rolling Action Item List (RAIL) was reviewed.

For specific details, please see the current Sealant Rolling Action Item List posted at under Public Documents.

4.0Staff Report – open

Staff Engineer, K. Purnell, presented the PRI Staff Report that included Auditor Status, SLT TG Metrics, Most Common NCRs, Non-Sustaining NCR’s, Latest Changes, Future Nadcap Meeting Dates and Locations, Staff Delegation Metrics, Average Number of Major and Minor NCR’s, and Audit Cycle Time. Supplier cycle time was of particular concern as three of the last six months exceeded the goal of 28 days that pushed the overall audit cycle time into the red. Suppliers were encouraged to communicate with K. Purnell if they have any questions on responding to NCR’s.

The SLT TG completed a survey on frequency of Nadcap meetings. Results of survey was if the AC7129 Sealant Application checklist becomes part of the proposed Aero Structure Task Group then the SLT TG could go to two meetings per year.

5.0SSC Report – open

K. Purnell presented the Supplier Support Committee (SSC) update that included an overview of the SSC Leadership Team, how the SSC helps suppliers, current SSC activities, and their new Supplier Initiatives. For additional information please review the SSC minutes posted on the PRI website at

K. DeFranco asked for a volunteer to become the SSC representative for the SLT TG. No Supplier volunteered to act as a representative at this time.

ACTION ITEM: Suppliers interested in being the SLT TG SSC representative should contact . (Due Date: 22-Sep-2016).

6.0Status of Assembly Task Group – open

Formation of an Aerospace Assembly Task Group was proposed at the June 2015 Nadcap meeting. A Working Group was formed, as a Nadcap Management Council Sub-Team, consisting of Airbus, BAE Systems, Northrop Grumman, and PRI. The Working Group created a survey that was reviewed and approved at the October 2015 Nadcap meeting. The survey was emailed to NMC Members in November 2015 and results were reviewed at the February 2015 Nadcap meeting. Three additional Subscribers, Boeing, Embraer, and Finmeccanica, joined the working group.The Working Group was tasked to define the audit scope and structure for the proposed Task Group. The Working Group changed the Task Group name to “Aero Structures Assembly” and developed the following scope:

This Audit Criteria is intended for use to survey a facility seeking accreditation from Nadcap for Aero Structure Assembly. Scope of accreditation can include but is not limited to hole preparation, fastener installation, bushing and bearing installation, shimming, electrical bonding, and sealant application. The purpose of the accreditation is to assess a Supplier’s ability to consistently produce an Aero Structures Assembly that conforms to the customers’ procurement requirements.

(Scope of accreditation excludes system installation, pumps actuators, cockpit systems, wiring harnesses, jigs / fixtures and MRO)

Audit Scope and Structure was presented to NMC Globalization and Strategy and NMC Steering at the June 2016 Nadcap Meeting with a request to create a Task Group with technical experts to validate the audit scope and create a business plan for NMC, PRI, and PRI BoD approval. The AC7129 Sealant Application Checklist will mostlikely be absorbed into the Aero Structure Assembly checklists.

7.0Audit Effectiveness – open

The SLT TG reviewed the Audit Effectiveness material provided to the SLT TG Leadership and Staff Engineer.

Selection of Job Audits – Current checklists state “Auditor shall perform # of Job audits” This will be changed to “Auditor shall select and perform # of Job audits”. An Auditor Advisory will be issued to address this until the revised checklists are released.

Paper / Demo / Virtual / Coupon Audits–Checklist wording was added to state which types of processes must be taking place during an audit. For other processes that are not in production the Auditor shall select a previously completed job, have the paperwork pulled and have the supplier demonstrate for the auditor how the process was performed.An Auditor Advisory will be issued to address this until the revised checklists are released.

Define Level of Specifications – Testing specification requirements are defined in the SLT Audit Handbook. To verify level of specification for job audits, Auditor is to select a purchase order for the Paper job audit

  • Pull the P.O.
  • Pull technical documents from P.O.
  • Verify supplier has latest document revision
  • Does P.O call out specific revision levels?
  • Are any documents referenced superseded?
  • Look on print for, specifications, inspection instruction, technical information
  • Verify supplier has referenced documents, latest revision by spot checking a sample.
  • Is test specification referenced available, perform spot check?

An Auditor Advisory will be issued to address this until the revised checklists are released.

Validate Flowdown of Customer Requirements–Only one unique user requirement has been identified and will be incorporated into the SLT audit handbook. P.O. requirements are verified during Paper job audits and have been defined in the level of specification review.

An Auditor Advisory will be issued to address this until the revised checklists are released.

Job Audit Length – No change is required.

Update checklists – All three checklists were revised in 2015;next revisions are in process.

Training on Subscriber Requirements – Only one unique user requirement has been identified and will be incorporated into the SLT audit handbook.

An Auditor Advisory will be issued until the revised SLT Auditor Handbook is released.

The attached SLT TG Status report was submitted for discussion at the Planning and Operations meeting.

ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to issue the Audit Effectiveness Auditor Advisories. (Due Date: 28-Jul-2016).

8.0OP 1117 Auditor Consistency – open

Review Progress –The SLT TG reviewed its Auditor Consistency progress and Auditor Consistency Tracking Spreadsheet. All actions were up to date. It was identified that the Task Group Metrics in eAuditNet below the line do not match the requirements of the latest revision of OP1116.

ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to update the metrics screen below the line to only include (Data Set Review, Observations Required, Observations Completed, Supplier Feedback). (Due Date: 22-Jul-2016).

Review Draft OP1116 Appendix SLT – The revised draft OP1116 Appendix SLT was reviewed and no additional changes were identified. K. Purnell is to update the internal audit checklist for OP1116 Appendix SLT and then ballot both documents for approval.

ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to update the internal audit checklist for OP1116 Appendix SLT and then Ballot both documents for approval. (Due Date: 29-Jul-2016).

9.0Future Changes to AC7200/1 and AC7202 – open

Suggested changes were reviewed and Draft AC7200/1 and Draft AC7202 were revised to incorporate those changes. Definitions for Initial Acceptance Tests, Pail and Drum, Batch and Lot, Sem Kit, Injection Kit, and Mix on Demand need to be added to both AC7200/1 and AC7202.

ACTION ITEM: K. DeFranco to add definitions of Initial Acceptance Tests, Pail and Drum, Batch and Lot, Sem Kit, Injection Kit, and Mix on Demand need to both AC7200/1 and AC7202. (Due Date: 8-Jul-2016).

ACTION ITEM: K. DeFranco to review both AC7200/1 and AC7202 and email copies to K. Purnell. (Due Date: 8-Jul-2016).

ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to send the reviewed drafts of AC7200/1 and AC7202 to the SLT TG in PDF format with a spreadsheet for capturing comments. Response due to in 30 days. (Due Date: 19-Jul-2016).

10.0Audit Handbook Review – open

Audit Handbook changes were reviewed and additional changes were made. K. DeFranco will perform a final review then send the handbook to K. Purnellfor distribution to the SLT TG for comment.

ACTION ITEM: K. DeFranco to review SLT Audit Handbook and forward to K. Purnell. (Due Date: 8-Jul-2016).

ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to send revised SLT Audit Handbook in PDF format with a spreadsheet for capturing comments. Response due to in 30 days. (Due Date: 19-Jul-2016).

11.02016 Auditor Conference – open

Topics for the October 2016 Auditor Conference

The SLT TG Auditor Conference is expected to be on Sunday, 23-Oct-2016 from 10:45 am – 5:00 pm. Topics will include:

  • Most Common NCRs and NCR Data Analysis for Auditor Consistency (K. Purnell)
  • Checklists AC7200/1, AC7202 & AC7129 (K. DeFranco and K. Purnell)

Review of revised checklists

Review of Revised Auditor Handbook

Selection of Job Audits – Job Tracker

Paper/Demo/Virtual/Coupon Job Audit

Level of Specification Review

Verification of Customer Flow down Requirements

Subscriber Unique Requirements

  • Sealant Surveillance (K. DeFranco)
  • PRI Sealant QPG & G9 Update (K. DeFranco)
  • Question and Answer Session (Subscribers and Auditors)

Job Audit Length

Auditor Feedback

K. Purnell is to verify if any of the Sealant auditors are required to attend the Sunday morning AQS training.

ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to determine if AQS training affects Sealant auditor training times and if there are any NMC training topics to add. (Due Date: 30-Aug-2016).

12.0Sealant Surveillance – open

SLT Surveillance Auditors have identified over 166 issues in 2016 during surveillance. These are divided into eighteen (18) different categories. A brief summaryof the issues identified during Sealant Surveillance from 1 January to 31 May 2016:

ERROR CODES: / Occurrences
A) simple typo such as spelling, punctuation, decimal point, or transposition / 7
B) test result omitted / 1
C) wrong test result value reported / 61
D) calculation error / 0
E) wrong time, temperature, relative humidity, or fluid used / 0
F) wrong test procedure used / 0
G) wrong batch / lot numbers / 0
H) test equipment out of tolerance / 0
I) spec procedure not followed / 1
J) test report without correct date or signature missing / 13
K) wrong test specimen prep (size, shape, thickness or substrate) / 0
L) calibration dates past due, stickers missing or certificates in error / 0
M) test specimen(s) missing / 19
N) QA policy or procedure not followed / 0
O) Failing test result / 4
P) Missing test document(s) / 7
Q) Wrong test requirement on TR or Lab Test Sheet / 49
R) Missing information on TR, Lab Test Sheet, or test document / 4

Suppliers should be tracking this information internally and working to reduce these issues.

K. Purnell and K. DeFranco will work to see if there is a better way to present this information using charts and graphs.

ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell and K. DeFranco to see if there is a better way to present SLT Surveillance discrepancy information using charts and graphs (Tracking year / error to year / error). (Due Date: 30-Aug-2016).

ACTION ITEM: K. DeFranco to present SLT Surveillance discrepancy information at the next G9 meeting. (Due Date: 4-Oct-2016).

13.0AC7129 Auditor Interview and Training – open

No auditors are being interviewed at this time. There are several potential Auditor candidates for Sealant Application but there are no mandates or requests for AC7129 audits. It appears the AC7129 checklist may be absorbed into the proposed Aero Structure Assembly Task Group.

Sealant application Training Materials have been added to OP 1116 Appendix SLT.

14.0Sealant Task Group Initiatives – open

SLT TG created the following list of activities and rated them as High (H), Medium (M), or Low (L) priority and if they are (A) Active, (N) Not Active, or (C) Closed. The list was created so the SLT TG maintains focus on its high priority tasks.

(H-A)Tracking future changes to AC7200/1 and AC7202

(H-A)Job Tracker

(H-A)OP1117 auditor consistency progress tracking

(H-A)Audit Effectiveness, job tracker

(H-A)Sealant Audit Handbook Revision

(H-A)October 2016 Auditor Conference

(H-C)Compliance with NMC Checklist Vision – SLT Application Checklist AC7129

(H-C)Develop Auditor training requirements for SLT Application Auditors, will be determined on an individual basis. Added AIR4069

(H-C)OP1114 Appendix SLT revision to address addition of AC7129 and SLT Audit Handbook to references in 5.0

(H-C)Subscriber Specification Sealant Testing Requirements

(M-A)Auditor Consistency Oversight (Subscriber / Supplier Feedback) OP-1117 min once a year.

(L-C)Sealant Applicator / Technician Qualification Program (eQuaLearn)

(L-C)Sealant Test Laboratory Independent Audit Question Development AC7200/1 & AC7202

(L-N)Contract Sealant Application Auditors

15.0New Business – open

No new business was discussed.

16.0Meeting Close Out – open

All action items were reviewed and due dates established. For specific details, please see the current SLT Rolling Action Item List posted at under Public Documents.

Agenda Topics for October 2016 Nadcap Meeting in Pittsburgh were determined.

Open agenda topics will include:

  • Membership Review
  • SLT RAIL Review
  • Staff Report
  • SSC Report
  • Status of Assembly Task Group
  • Audit Effectiveness
  • OP 1117 Auditor Consistency
  • Future Changes to AC7202 and AC7200/1
  • Audit Handbook Review
  • Auditor Conference 2016 Feedback
  • Sealant Surveillance
  • Sealant Initiatives
  • New Business
  • Meeting Close Out

17.0AUDITORS – closed

Auditor performance was reviewed and included the Average and Total NCRs per Day written by the Auditors, Staff Engineer feedback, and Supplier feedback. This information is used for evaluating Auditor Consistency. No audits were observed since the October Nadcap Meeting. At this time no auditors require observation.

OP 1117 Auditor Consistency Tracking spreadsheet was reviewed. All actions required were addressed in the open meeting.

18.0AUDITS – closed

Scheduled and conducted audits were reviewed.

The current SLT audit schedule for the next six months was reviewed; Subscribers were encouraged to observe auditors other than C. Kay as he was observed multiple times in 2015. Zero observations audits are currently scheduled for 2016.

Sealant audits in Staff Engineer Review were reviewed; no specific actions were identified or required.

The eAuditNet Job Audit Tracker being developed should help mitigate the issue of audit gaming.