Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International

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Background Statement for SEMI Draft Document 4965B


Notice: This background statement is not part of the balloted item. It is provided solely to assist the recipient in reaching an informed decision based on the rationale of the activity that preceded the creation of this Document.

Notice: Recipients of this Document are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patented technology or copyrighted items of which they are aware and to provide supporting documentation. In this context, “patented technology” is defined as technology for which a patent has issued or has been applied for. In the latter case, only publicly available information on the contents of the patent application is to be provided.

Background Statement

Since the use of 450 mm wafers in R&D and mass production is nearing, IC device manufacturers are moving to standardize their handling and storage. The tape frame and the cassette for tape frames have been used for a long time in the packaging process for cutting the wafer and die separation. So it will be a necessary jig in the 450 mm manufacturing process.

The purpose of this standardization is to define the mechanical interface of the load port on the semiconductor manufacturing equipment, where the 450 mm tape frame cassette (450 TFC) can be loaded and unloaded.

The ballot will be discussed at 450mm Assembly & Test Die Preparation TF and adjudicated at the Japan Packaging committee meetings in SEMI Japan Office, Tokyo, Japan on 22 June, 2012.

If you have questions, please contact to 450 mm Assembly & Test Die Preparation Task Force;

Akihito Kawai (DISCO Corporation)

Tel. +81-3-4590-1115

Fax +81-3-4590-1076


Or contact SEMI Staff, Hiro’fumiKanno at

SEMI Draft Document 4965B


1 Purpose

1.1 This standard is to define the mechanical interface of a load port in semiconductor manufacturing equipment, where the 450 mm tape frame cassette (450 TFC) can be loaded and unloaded. By this definition, it enables interoperability of load ports and carriers and it aims to promote the automation using 450 TFC.

2 Scope

2.1 The interface specification of this standard is driven by and intended to mate with a carrier compliant to the 450 mm tape frame cassette (450 TFC) and it applies to 450 TFC.

2.2 This standard is intended to specify only the mechanical interface between 450 TFC and the load port.

2.3 Loading and unloading of 450 TFC is assumed to be done by semi-automated (PGV) or automated (AGV or OHT) handling.

NOTICE:SEMI Standards and Safety Guidelines do not purport to address all safety issues associated with their use. It is the responsibility of the users of the Documents to establish appropriate safety and health practices, and determine the applicability of regulatory or other limitations prior to use.

3 Limitations

3.1 This standard does not intend to address manual loading or unloading of 450 TFC.

3.2 Since this 450 TFC is not supposed to have doors (like the FOUP), this standard does not intend to define the BOLTS interface.

3.3 Since the increased scaling of the 300 mm methods (KC and KCP interface) have not yet been demonstrated with the actual equipment, the users of this standard need sufficient prototyping and data gathering.

4 Referenced Standards and Documents

4.1 SEMI Standard


NOTE 1: SEMI Standards Japan Packaging committee is developing a specification for the 450 mm tape frame cassette intended to be used in conjunction with this document.

NOTICE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents cited shall be the latest published versions.

5 Terminology

5.1 Abbreviations and Acronyms

5.1.1 450 TFC — Tape Frame Cassette for 450 mm wafer

5.1.2 BP— Bilateral Plane

5.1.3 FP— Facial Plane

5.1.4 HP—Horizontal Plane

5.1.5 KC—Kinematic Coupling

5.1.6 KCP—Kinematic Coupling Pin

5.1.7 PGV—Person Guided Vehicle

5.1.8 AGV—Automated Guided Vehicle

5.1.9 OHT—Overhead Hoist Transport

5.1.10 TFRB — Tape Frame Release Bar

5.1.11 EB— Equipment Boundary

5.1.12 LB— Load Boundary

5.1.13 SME— Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment

5.2 Definitions

5.2.1 450 TFC— used generally as a “term” only to identify the tape frame cassette used in fabs for 450 mm wafers.

5.2.2 plane— a theoretical surface which has infinite width and length, zero thickness and zero curvature.

5.2.3 bilateral plane (BP)— a vertical plane, defining x=0 of a system with three orthogonal planes (HP, BP, FP), coincident with the nominal location of the rear primary KCP, and midway between the nominal locations of the front primary KCP.

5.2.4 facial plane (FP)— a vertical plane, defining y=0 of a system with three orthogonal planes (HP, BP, FP).

5.2.5 horizontal plane (HP) - a horizontal plane, defining z=0 of a system with three orthogonal planes (HP, BP, FP), coincident with the nominal location of the uppermost points (tips) of the three KCPs.

5.2.6 tapeframe cassette— a carrier that holds one or more tape frames.

5.2.7 tape frame— the frame which uses the wafer tape and retains the wafer. It is used in dicing and die-bonding processes, as well as shipping and handling during these processes. (see SEMI G88)

5.2.8 wafer tape— an adhesive plastic tape which retains the wafer or separated die.

5.2.9 front (of carrier)—the side that is facing to the equipment and allows the tape frame input and extraction.

5.2.10 rear (of carrier)—the furthest side from the equipment.

5.2.11 TFRB — a bar to release the tape frames.It unlocksautomatically when the 450 TFC is placed on the load port of the equipment.

5.2.12 450 equipment boundary (EB)— the plane which defines the boundary between the load port and the SME, and is also parallel to the FP. (see dimension y1).

5.2.13 450 load boundary (LB)— a plane parallel to the boundary between the load port and the fab aisle (see dimension y2).

5.2.14 450 load height— the distance from the horizontal plane to the fab floor.

5.2.15 450 load port— the interface location on a semiconductor manufacturing equipment, where a 450 TFC can be loaded and unloaded.

5.2.16 450 spacing—individual spacing of load ports on semiconductor manufacturing equipment in the case where it has more than 2 load ports. It defines individual spacing of the bilateral planes.

6 Requirements

6.1 Dimension— the dimension requirements for 450 TFC load port are shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2 and listed in Table 1.

6.2 Load Height— the nominal load height of any load port in a fab is defined by dimension z2. A set of load ports shall be adjustable at installation.

6.3 Aisle Clearance of Load Port— no part of the load port shall protrude beyond the LB. See dimension y2.

6.4 Clearance Above Load Port and below 450 TFC— no part of the load port except those features intended for interaction with the carrier (e.g., KCP, Sensing Pad, TFRB) shall protrude above dimension z6.

6.5 Horizontal Clearance for Overhead Transport— to provide clearance for overhead carrier transport, the height of the equipment between the EB and the LB of the SME shall be lower than z1 and every part of OHT shall be higher than z3.

6.6 Vertical Clearance for Carrier Delivery— there shall be a vertical clearance (or “chimney”) between the HP and the top of the SME to allow for carrier delivery. The front and rear of the chimney is defined by dimension y1 and the LB (defined by dimension y2), the sides of the chimney are defined by x2. No part of the semiconductor manufacturing equipment shall be in this chimney.

6.7 Volume for Fork-Lift Truck— there shall be a space for fork-lift handling between the LB and the EB (a space defined by x3 and z4). This area can be covered with a panel.

6.8 Docking Interface Placement Volume—a load port shall provide clearance for installation of a docking interface within the limits of a volume defined by y6 and z5. It extends over the full width of the SME. If nodocking interface is installed, this placement volume can be covered by a panel.

6.9 Spacing— load ports adjustment to each other on the semiconductor manufacturing equipment shall be located at a distance as defined by dimension x1.

6.10 KCP— a load port must have a set of three primary KCP as defined in the 450 mm carrier document.

6.11 TFRB Seating Area (option) — the TFRB seating area is a fixed horizontal surface or area on the load port designed to interact with the TFRB on the carrier. When the carrier is placed on the load port, the TFRB is released. This area is defined by x4, y4, y5, r1, z7. The TFRB seating area shall not interfere with the lead-in functionality of the KC pins on the load port.

7 Related Document

7.1 SEMI Standard



NOTICE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents cited shall be the latest published versions.

Figure 1

Interface between LoadPort and 450 TFC CarrierDelivery System

Figure 2

TFRB Seating Area(Top View)

Figure 3

TFRB Seating Area (Front View)

Table 1 Dimension Requirements of the Load port for 450 TFC

Symbol used / Figure / Value Specified / Datum Measured From / Feature Measured To
x1 / 1 / 7341 / BP of a load port / BP of an adjacent load port
x2 / 1 / 412 / BP / Clearance of on both sides of the load port above HP where no part of the SME shall protrude
x3 / 1 / 488 / Left hand side edge of exclusion volume for forklift access under SME (symmetric about BP) / Right hand side edge of exclusion volume for forklift access under SME (symmetric about the BP)
x4 / 2 / 2771 / BP / Center of TFRB seating area
(x5) / 1 / ≧90 / BP / Clearance of on both sides of the load port above HP where no part of the SMEshall protrude
y1 / 1 / 311 / FP / 450 EB
y2 / 1 / 338+0, -10 / FP / 450 LB
(y3) / 1 / (30) / 450 TFC Front View / -EB-
y4 / 2 / 150 / FP / Rear of TFRB seating area (not including radius)
y5 / 2 / 50 / FP / Front of TFRB seating area (not including radius)
y6 / 1 / 100 / LB / Front edge of placement volume for docking interface
y33 / 5.2.4 / 1940 / FP / Nominal location of rear primary KCP
z1 / 1 / 2410 / Floor / Vertical boundary for SME betweenEBandLB
z2 / 1 / 913 mm (Nominal)
with 10 mm
adjustability of load
port or set of load ports / HP / Floor
z3 / 1 / 2450 / Floor / Vertical boundary for OHT between EB and LB
z4 / 1 / 863 / HP / Upper edge of volume below load port recommended to kept empty for forklift access to SME
z5 / 1 / 100 / Floor / Upper edge of placement volume for docking interface
z6 / 1, 3 / 21 / HP / Encroachment of any non-interacting feature on the upper side of the load port towards the bottom of the 450 TFC
z7 / 3 / 21+2, -0 / HP / Top surface of TFRB seating area
r1 / 2 / R20 / Center of TFRB seating area / Extent of TFRB seating area

NOTICE:Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International (SEMI) makes no warranties or representations as to the suitability of the Standards and Safety Guidelines set forth herein for any particular application. The determination of the suitability of the Standard or Safety Guideline is solely the responsibility of the user. Users are cautioned to refer to manufacturer’s instructions, product labels, product data sheets, and other relevant literature, respecting any materials or equipment mentioned herein. Standards and Safety Guidelines are subject to change without notice.

By publication of this Standard or Safety Guideline, SEMI takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights or copyrights asserted in connection with any items mentioned in this Standard or Safety Guideline. Users of this Standard or Safety Guideline are expressly advised that determination of any such patent rights or copyrights, and the risk of infringement of such rights are entirely their own responsibility.

This is a Draft Document of the SEMI International Standards program. No material on this page is to be construed as an official or adopted Standard or Safety Guideline. Permission is granted to reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other reproduction and/or distribution without the prior written consent of SEMI is prohibited.

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