Making Observations and Using the Five Senses

Extra Lesson Plan: The Sense of Hearing

Time Frame: 20-30 minutes

Learning Standards:


Life Science: Living Things and Their Environment

Recognize that people and other animals interact with the environment through their senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste.

Skills of Inquiry:

- Use listening skills.

- Discuss observations with others.

Student will be able to:

Use their listening skills to identify what they think sounds are without seeing the objects that make the sounds.

Anticipatory Set: Ask the students the following questions: 1) Why is hearing important to us? 2) Does anyone know what people use in their ears when they can’t hear? 3) Do you think you would be able to identify objects just by hearing them only?


1) Explain to the students that they MUST keep their eyes closed. Tell them that you will be making a series of noises. They need to try and guess what objects are making these sounds without looking.

2) Pass out the sound worksheets and tell them to circle which object they think is making the noise.

3) Start using the objects provided to make a sound. Do them in this order: 1. Tennis ball, 2. Stapler, 3. Pencil Sharpener, 4. Clapping hands, 5. Opening and closing the door

4) Go over the answers with the students and see how many they were able to identify correctly.

Closure: Ask the students how hard it was to only use their sense of hearing. Ask them why it is important that we can use all of our senses together.

Assessment: Participation in class discussions and activities

Resources and Materials: Sound worksheets, tennis ball, stapler, pencil sharpener, your hands, and a door to open and close.



Sound Worksheet

Circle one

1. Pencil Sharpener Tennis Ball Stapler

2. Stapler Clapping Hands Pencil Sharpener

3. Clapping Hands Opening Door Pencil Sharpener

4. Clapping Hands Tennis Ball Opening Door

5. Stapler Pencil Sharpener Opening Door