Minutes (No. 209)

9thOctober 2017, 7.30pm, at the Robert Monk Hall

Members Present: Cllr M Ward (Chairman),Cllr D Chambers,Cllr A Rogers, Cllr B Rice, A Hall (Clerk),6residents

183/17 Apologies

Cllr B Turney.

184/17 Declaration of Interests

Cllr M Ward – any items relating to Foxton Society

Cllr A Rogers – any items relating to Foxton and Gartree Community Choir

185/17 Minutes of the Meeting held on 11thSeptember

These were agreed and signed. Proposed by Cllr Chambers and seconded by CllrRogers

186/17 Softwell Lane

Cllr Ward had circulated proposed letters to the resident concerned with the boundary dispute and to Aon Insurance. It was agreed that a letter to the resident should be sent but that a surveyor should be asked to value the land before writing to the insurers. Action: MW

187/17 Public Speaking

Nothing to report.

188/17 Heritage Warden

Nothing to report.

189/17Flood Warden

Cllr Rogers reported that she had seen lots of blocked drains, due to fallen leaves etc. and that she and other residents had been trying to clear these where possible and some had been reported. It was reported that a proper receptacle would be useful for storing waste, although there could be a problem with how this would be emptied. Cllr Rogers will investigate possibilities with the County and District Councils Action: AR

190/17 Tree Warden

Cllr Rogers reported that the Parish Council could apply to the Woodland Trust for a heritage tree to be planted as part of the tree charter initiative and this needs to be done by October 27th. It was suggested that this could be planted on the recreation ground. Cllr Rogers agreed to liaise with a trustee of the RMFC about this. Action: AR

191/17 Neighbourhood Watch

Nothing to report.


192/17 Suggestion to Discuss Closure of Langton Rd

It was agreed not to pursue this any further.

193/17 Utilities

Nothing to report.

194/17 Canal and River Trust/British Waterways

Cllr Rice reported that a meeting is due to be held and he will attend.Action: BR

Planning and Development

195/17 Planning Applications

17/01652/TCA Works to trees, 21 Swingbridge St. It was agreed to comment that a native tree should be planted to replace the one being removed. Action: AH

17/01354/FUL Land at Vicarage Drive. A letter had been received concerning changes to the details of this application. It was agreed that these were an improvement and that a reply should be sent to that effect, but also re-emphasising previous comments made Action: AH.

196/17 Airfield Farm

Nothing to report.

197/17 Enforcement

Nothing to report.

198/17 Local Plan Consultations

Harborough District Council Local Plan This is still circulating among members of the Parish Council.

199/17 Dog Bins

It was agreed to purchase a combined dog/litter bin to replace the one on the tow path near the swingbridge. Action: BR

200/17 Aon Insurance

AH had obtained details of another insurer from LRALC and it was agreed that quotes should be obtained in the new year.

201/17Use of Surplus Funds/Budget 2018-19

There had been previous discussion on the purchase of a mobile speed sign and it was agreed that further information was needed from the Speedwatch initiative before pursuing this. It was agreed that Cllr Ward and A Hall would work out a proposed budget sheet for 2018-19 which would be circulated and possibly agreed at the November meeting so that the precept could also be agreed.

Action: MW/AH

202/17 Lamp Post Poppies

All would help with this if possible and a date had been suggested.Action: All

203/17 Accounts

The following payments were agreed:

A Hall – clerking expenses, September 2017£33.30

A Hall – October salary£263.49

J Butlin – PAYE admin, October£12.00

RMFC – room hire£42.00

HDC – dog bin emptying£91.27

4 Counties Ground Maintenance – grass cutting£1200.00

204/17 Correspondence

An email had been received concerning data protection and the appointment of a Data Protection Officer. It was agreed that A Hall could take on this role as there did not appear to be any clash over priorities. It was also agreed to book two places on the next LRALC data protection training course which would take place on 31/1/18. Action: AH

205/17Items of General Information or For Next Agenda

Grass cutting to be placed on the agenda of the January meeting.

The meeting ended at 8.45pm

Date of next meeting: 20thNovember


Foxton PC Minutes 209

9th October 2017