Please complete the form below. Once complete save and send the attachment to Thank you
1. What position are you applying for? Work experience
1.1 When would you be available for work experience:______
1.2 Do you have the right to work in the UK? Yes c No c (please tick as applicable)
2. Your details
Title / Surname / Forename(s)Address
Home phone number / Mobile number
3. Secondary Education
School(s) you went to from age 11 / Examinations (subject and results)4. University Education
University you went to / Date(s) / Degree Course & ClassificationFrom / To
5. Occupational Qualification eg, GDL
Name of College/University/Other institute / Date(s) / Results
From / To
6. Skills and Experience
Please outline your key skills and experience gained through paid employment, work experience or other activities or interests which you feel are relevant to your application:7. Previous Employment
Please include details of your most recent employment and use the space below to give details of other periods of employment – working backward from the most recent7.1 Name of present employer
Starting date / Leaving date
Job title
Reason for leaving
7.2 Previous employer
Starting date / Leaving date
Job title
Reason for leaving
7.3 Previous employer
Starting date / Leaving date
Job title
Reason for leaving
8. Health/Disability
Please give details below if you have a disability or suffer from ill health about which we should know and which may affect your ability to perform the job for which you are applying:How might we overcome any limitations?
Are you prepared to undergo a medical examination, if required?
Yes c No c (please tick as applicable)
9. Interests/Hobbies
Please give details of pastimes, sports, offices held in social/sports clubs, etc or other activities (eg, voluntary work):10. If you wish to do so, please give details of next of kin or person who can be contacted in an emergency:
Relationship / Phone number
11. Recruitment policy
It is the Company’s policy to employ the best qualified personnel and provide equal opportunities for the advancement of employees including promotion and training and not to discriminate against any person because of race, colour, ethnic or national origin, sex or marital status, sexual orientation, religion or belief, union membership or non-membership or disability.
12. Declaration
If this application is successful, I agree to abide by the Company’s Rules and Regulations and Conditions of Employment (a copy is available if required).I understand that if an offer is made, it is subject to a 13 week trial period which may be extended if required.
Declaration: I confirm that the information given on this form is, to the best of my knowledge, true and complete. Any false statement may be sufficient cause for rejection, or if employed, dismissal.
I give permission to contact the employers listed in section 7 above concerning any previous employment. If there is a particular employer you do not wish us to contact, please indicate which one(s).
Signature / Date Chester | Liverpool | Wirral | North Wales