2007 Training Series 01

August 1-3, 2007

Puerto Princesa City, Palawan


The Society for Conservation GIS aims to strengthen and enhance the skills of individuals and institutions in the use of GIS. As part of its year- long activities of building and supporting its members, a series of training has been designed to address training gaps, refresh users and introduce current innovations both in technology and applications.

The Palawan Geographic Information Network (PGIN), a long time network of GIS users that has been recently formalized under the auspices and leadership of Palawan’s Governor Mario Joel T. Reyes (Executive Order 03, Series of 2007) will be the first participant of the SCGIS trainings series of 2007 along with members of the academe, non-profit organizations and environmental science graduate and undergraduate students.


  1. The GIS training aims to introduce new and old users with basic mapping, GIS and GIS concepts.
  2. It aims to create a more leveled GIS skills based specifically for the PGIN members.
  3. It aims to acquaint participants with the multiple applications of GIS in everyday life and encourage its use and exploration.
  4. It aims to orient the participants about SCGIS Pilipinas, its works and linkages and serves as an opportunity to recruit new members.

Training Design

The 1st SCGIS Pilipinas training in Palawan will have a duration of three days. The two days will be spent doing simultaneous classes on Basic Mapping and GIS Principles, Concepts and Standards (International and Philippine Context), Use of GPS and ArcView Applications. The 1st half of the 3rd day will be a throw-all-concerns forum for all participants, identification of areas for collaboration and mapping out next steps. The afternoon will be a GIS orientation for undergraduate and graduate students and a presentation of various GIS applications.

An ArcGIS booth will be created for those that have advanced GIS skills and concerns. This is happening through the kindness of an incoming Clark University graduate student, Mr. Joel Masselink, our geographer volunteer trainer who is in the Philippines for a very short visit.

Target Participants

Palawan GIS Network

Provincial Planning and Development Office

Municipal Planning and Development Office Staff (24 Municipalities)

Conservation International

City Planning and Development Office

Palawan Council for Sustainable Development

Enterprise Worldwide Networks

Katala Foundation

Palawan State University, Research Office

Environmental Legal Assistance Center


Western Philippines University

World Wildlife Fund

Provincial ENRO

Palawan NGO Network

Commission on Social and Special Concerns (formerly Tribal Filipino Apostolate)