1. This is a specific style applied to a font.
  2. Bodini
  3. Courier
  4. Times
  5. Typeface
  6. This style is the slant and weight of a character, such as bold or italic.
  7. Script
  8. Font style
  9. Times
  10. Sans Serifs
  11. This font style consists of letters that have attributes on the tips that add weight and dimension.
  12. Bodini
  13. Times
  14. Modern 20
  15. Serifs
  16. This font consists of letters that do not have attributes (serifs) on the tips.
  17. Times
  18. Bodini
  19. Sans Serifs
  20. Courier
  21. This font is designed strictly to catch the eye; should be used sparingly.
  22. Script
  23. Serifs
  24. Ornam ental/Decorative
  25. Modern 20
  26. These are typefaces that appear to have been written by hand, with a calligraphy pen, or a brush; should never be used to key in all caps.
  27. Arial
  28. Gill Sans
  29. Verdana
  30. Script
  31. These are letters which share an equal amount of space, no matter of their size.
  32. Concord
  33. Conflict
  34. Leading
  35. Monospace
  36. This pattern requires horizontal spacing between letters.
  37. Monospace
  38. Proportional
  39. Kerning
  40. Concord
  41. This pattern consists of letters that take up space relative to their size.
  42. Leading
  43. Kerning
  44. Tracking
  45. Proportional
  46. This pattern has effects on the type face, size, and/or weight used to: direct reading patterns; organize information; and emphasize important information.
  47. Concord
  48. Kerning
  49. Monospace
  50. Contrast
  1. John is adding the main heading to the school newspaper. Which font is appropriate?
  2. Sun Valley Daily News
  3. Sun Valley Daily News
  4. Sun Valley Daily News
  5. Sun Valley Daily News
  6. John is keying an article for the FBLA magazine. He needs the text in column 2 to align with the text in column 1. Which type effect will he use?
  7. Kerning
  8. Leading
  9. Monospace
  10. Proportional
  1. The reproduction of letters on a page is:
  2. Times
  3. Typeface Origins
  4. Typography
  5. Font
  6. First designed for the Times of London Newspaper in 1932.
  7. Times
  8. Georgia
  9. Headlines
  10. Comic Sans MS
  11. This font is designed as a typewriter face for IBM to emulate typewriter output for reports, tabular work, and technical documentation.
  12. Comic Sans MS
  13. Tahoma
  14. Courier New
  15. Century Gothic
  16. This font was originally developed for comic books.
  17. Courier New
  18. Trebuchet MS
  19. Comic Sans MS
  20. Century Gothic
  1. This font was originally developed by Century magazine; later adapted and widely used in elementary textbooks and reading primers.
  2. Comic Sans MS
  3. Century Schoolbook
  4. Georgia
  5. Trebuchet MS
  6. This font is used for small sized text in dialog boxes and menus; can be rotated and scaled.
  7. Trebuchet MS
  8. Tahoma
  9. Century Gothic
  10. Goudy
  11. This font is designed for easy screen readability.
  12. Trebuchet MS
  13. Century Schoolbook
  14. Courier New
  15. Tahoma
  16. This font was originally developed to ensure satisfactory output from modern digital systems.
  17. Century Gothic
  18. Georgia
  19. Comic Sans MS
  20. Times


  1. Complete 20163 demonstrating the three C’s of Typography by applying Concord to paragraphs 1 and 2, Conflict to paragraph 3 and 4, and Contrast to paragraphs 5-7. Go to my web site and download 20163.
  2. Using MS Publisher, prepare a flyer for an upcoming school dance in which basketball players at SWHS will be featured. Your flyer must answer the questions who, what, when, where and how. Please be complete.