Identity Project - Physics

How can you assert your individuality within the constraints of the laws of physics?

How creative can you be while maintaining functionality?

The short and simple:

You will create the blueprint of a complicated machine designed to accomplish a simple task. The items used in this machine will tell astory about your past and future identity utilizing images from your “Where I’m From” poem. It will show conservation of energy and momentum, incorporate each of the three types of collisions and be at least 8 steps. Calculations will be made of energy, velocity and momentum for each step.

Timeline and Expectations:

1.Days 1-3 Where I’m from/ Where I’m going: In many cases, the design of a machine will need a certain aesthetic appeal that is determined by the needs of the customer. In this case, you are the customer and the machine should be built to reflect how your past has influenced both your current identity and your future identity. You will need to create a theme for your machine that tells a story about what has defined you in the past and what will be important to you in the future (family, career, future interests etc.). The final task of your machine must be something simple that reflects accomplishment of your goals (for example a future carpenter might have a hammer fall on a nail). You will also need to write a short paper explaining theme possibilities, and reasoning behind the items selected.

2.Day4 Presentation of Theme: You will briefly (1-3 minutes) describe to the class your past history and where you will be going, as you hope to reflect it in your machine

For Full Credit (15 pts):

(10 pts) Several (3+) possible themes are suggested and documented. Selection process of final theme is clearly reasoned and documented. Clear connections are made from your past to future plans.

(5 pts) Presentation is ready on time, spoken clearly and professionally (well practiced) and thorough.

3.Days 5-8 Identifying objects to incorporate related to theme, determining appropriate masses and distances: Your end goal should be a machine that tells a story about your future self through the objects used and their interactions. The design process requires a full exploration of many possible solutions to a problem. You will sketch the design of at least three different complete machine sketches. You will need to document the design process and any changes you make during the brainstorming/ preliminary sketch stage. Once you have created an overall plan for your machine you will determine all measurements of mass, height, distance and any other relevant quantity. You will use this information to calculate the potential energy/kinetic energy/work done as well as the velocity/momentum at each step.

4.Days 9-12 Calculating forces on masses, Work/Potential Energy, Kinetic Energy, velocity, momentum, Kinetic Energy after collisions

For Full Credit: (25 pts) Students design performs 8 step task. Actions of identity related materials relate to each other and overall theme in addition to accomplishing task. Work/Energy is transferred in each step correctly in the design, as well as all three types of collisions. All relevant quantities (mass, distance etc.) are listed. Calculations pages are complete and correct.

5.Thanksgiving Break- Drawing a final design

For Full Credit: (20 pts) Students design performs 8 step task. Actions of identity related materials relate to each other and overall theme in addition to accomplishing task. Work/Energy is transferred in each step correctly in the design, as well as all three types of collisions.

6.Thanksgiving Break- Extra credit Creation of Rube-Goldberg machine:

7.After the Break- Reflection on incorporation of identity and working within constraints: In a standard five-paragraph paper, you will summarize the development process (days 1-5), what difficulties you had working within the constraints given and what changes you might make if you were to do the project over again.

For Full Credit: (10 pts) Writing has good flow and offers an in depth examination of the incorporation of identity items and the theme. A thorough discussion of all constraints and problems arising from them is included. All written conventions and mechanics are exemplary and reflect the same quality as would be expected in an English class.



Development Process-


Changes for a future project?-


Extra Credit: Themes that are extremely creative/ humorous will receive extra credit.

The building of the machine will also result in extra credit to be determined by instructor.

No live animals may be used in the machine.

The machine must not imply profane, indecent or lewd expressions, or any illegal items.

No hazardous materials or explosives can be used on the machine.