Missouri Emergency Nurses Association

Meeting Minutes

Date: August 12th, 2016

Time: 1:00 pm–5:00pm

Location: Doubletree at Hilton, Springfield, MO

Agenda Topic & Discussion / Actions/Follow-Up
  1. Call To Order:
  • The meeting was called to order at 1302, Sharon Trumbly, MOENA President presiding
  • Introductions complete with no disclosures noted
  • Chapter delegate roll call taken and delegates confirmed
  • Quorum verified by Joan with 15 voting delegates in attendance. Delegate voting cards distributed

  1. Approval of Minutes:
  • Motion to approve May meeting minutes by Helen Sandkuhl, Chris Hoag-Apel, 2nd. Minutes approved.
/ Informational
  1. Treasurer’s Report: Presented by Helen
  • Report distributed to all those in attendance
  • Does not recommend placing report on website, has seen other state councils hand out copies
  • Expenses: TNCC grant, membership drive, leadership conference, attendance at government affairs meeting, state communication telephonic system, LA marketing items, educational conference CEUs
  • Deposits: TNCC/ENPC, Education Conference
  • Motion to approve by Pat Clutter, 2nd by David Gueldner. Treasurer’s report approved

  1. National/Conference Updates: Kathy Carlson
  • Strategic Plan – located on website
  • Financial Report – Aggressive 2015 budget, not met. CATN and GENE didn’t do as well as expected. As of May 2016, doing well mostly due to TNCC/ENPC courses
  • Day on the Hill: Advocating for:
  • Mental Health Care Report
  • EMS Standing Orders
  • Updated Controlled Substance Act
  • Airplane - Kids in Transit Safety Act
  • Workplace Violence
  • Utah, Georgia and Delaware joined
  • Business Development
  • Advertising Sponsorships
  • New product development
  • Future Conference Locations:
  • 2017 – STL
  • 2018 – Pittsburg
  • 2019 - Austin
  • 2020 – Las Vegas
  • 2021 – Baltimore
  • 2022 – Atlanta
  • 2023 – San Antonio
  • 2024 – Anaheim
  • Foundation
  • More than 260 applicants
  • More than 150 Conference applicants
  • Encouraged to apply for scholarships
  • Membership Campaign
  • 42,024 members (3.19% increase from last June)
  • 698 new members join in June
  • 80% retention rate
  • TNCC/ENPC Coordinators have to be ENA members
  • Several TNCC/ENP instructors are not members
  • ENA Connect
  • Discussion areas
  • Share documents
  • Event calendars
  • Open Forum Launch Date
  • August 8th, 2016
  • Institutes
  • New e-learning Management Program
  • New courses: CEN Review
  • Clinical Suite with Elsevier
  • Emergency Nursing Orientation
  • Emergency Nursing Triage
  • 2016 LA Conference:
  • Over 150 sessions, 37.25 Contact Hours
  • Opening Session – Passion for the Art of Nursing by Kathleen Bartholomew

Central Chapter: Amy Harrell
  • Annual Emergency Update on October 10th
  • Triage Course in April 6 & 7 in Columbia
  • Friday night lights campaign – stroke cards/education, scenario on stroke at halftime to educate public
  • Monthly meetings on the 3rd Thursday of the month in Columbia or Jefferson City
  • 2 members going to National
/ Submit Chapter reports to:
Crescent Chapter: Chris Hoag-Apel.
  • Health Fair at Casino: motorcycle/ATV safety, seatbelt safety, and poison control literature handed out
  • Neosho HS safety booth in September
  • October – safety fair at Lowes and Home Depot
  • Continue work on Calendar with Lafayette House
/ Submit written Chapter reports to:
Kansas City Chapter: Trina Cole
  • Last meeting Aug. 10th
  • Updating chapter website
  • Membership drive in May/June with 17 new members
  • Tour of Kansas City Cycling Race, invited to participate next year
  • New legislation discussion and policy needs
  • Injury prevention – state fair in Sedalia
  • It Only Takes One Campaign
  • October CEN review
  • TCRN in April with Jeff Solhiem
  • TNCC campaign-20 participants from rural areas
/ Submit written Chapter reports to:
Ozark Chapter: David Gueldner
  • Continue with TNCC and ENCP at Cox and Mercy
  • Classes also being offered at Rolla
  • Summer meeting – pool party and BBQ
  • Fall meeting – meeting in the Park with membership push
  • Planning for Chapter Conference in March
  • 8th Annual Spring in to Emergency Conference
  • Several member helped with helmet decorating and distribution of helmets at Conference of Pediatric Safety
/ Submit written Chapter reports to:
St. Louis Chapter: Joan Eberhardt
  • Continues to meet monthly
  • June/July – dinners sponsored for meeting
  • TNCC/ENPC courses
  • ENPC – I – August 20th
  • TNCC –I – August 21st
  • Rural Hospitals – 2 outreach courses
  • Plans for Emergency Nurses Day with Speaker and Dinner sponsored by Christie Medical
  • Sponsored individual for Wilderness Camp
  • Actively participating with EMS/Fire on Lifesaving Foundation – supporting individuals to continue education
  • Invited to participate in the YWCA, Walk a Mile in Her Shoes (focuses on domestic violence and trafficking)
  • Docu-drama for this Fall at local high school
  • 4 delegates going to National
/ Submit written Chapter reports to:
SEMO Chapter:Lori Merritt
  • Last meeting held on April 14th.
  • Continue to hold TNCC/ENPC courses
  • Conducting membership drive with several new members voicing interest
  • Next Meeting August 25th.
/ Informational
Achieves & Records:Gordon
  • No new information
  • Seeking co-chair/committee member
/ If interested in co-chair contact Gordon
Awards & Recognition:Lana Martin
  • Approximately 36 nominations with 9 winners
  • Awards Discussion:
  • CV information was not required
  • Review nomination form – need to include more information, consider mandatory requirement for contact information
  • Define what award meant and include on nomination form

Communications Report:Sharon on behalf of Jeanne
  • Website – continue work to update
/ Any corrections notify David, Jeanne, or Sharon
Newsletter: Jaime
  • Request for information
  • Nothing received to date
/ Send any information to Jaime
Compliance & By-Laws: Joan
  • Revised Bylaws are on website, voting at November meeting
  • Delegates to General Assembly:
  • Sharon Trumbly
  • Jeanne Fogarty
  • Jamie Blackwell
  • Gail Carol
  • Pat Clutter
  • Trina Cole
  • JoAnn Coogan
  • Jami Dahm
  • Joan Eberhardt
  • David Gueldner
  • Chandra Hazen
  • Amy Harrell
  • Lori Freeman
  • Gordon Rodgers (Alt)
  • 2017 Election Results:
  • President – Sharon Trumbly
  • President Elect – Jeanne Fogarty
  • Secretary – Lori Merritt
  • Treasurer – Helen Sandkuhl
  • Treasurer Elect – Jo Coogan
/ All members encouraged to review bylaws – voting at November meeting
All delegates need to pick up paperwork from Joan: Delegate Responsibilities must be signed and returned.
General Assembly Competency - Certificate must be printed and submitted to Sharon
Course Ops:Helen
  • TNCC 1-day renewal
  • available by 9/1/16 – obtain information on course director website,
  • Available for current providers prior to expiration
  • Pre-course modules with self-guided study materials also available 9/1/16
  • 2016 - 30 year anniversary for TNCC
  • Helen and Gail have consistently instructed for 30 years

Education: Chandra
  • 58 attendees with 14 vendors
  • Budget neutral
  • 2017 Conference
  • May 18 and 19
  • Doubletree at Hilton in Springfield, MO
  • Chair for 2017 – Pat Clutter
  • Chair Elect for 2017 – David Gueldner
  • 2017 Conference Discussion - Jamie contacted by MEMSA asking for interest in combining with separate nursing track and awards banquet
  • Pat and Jamie to go to meeting with MEMSA in August to discuss
  • 2018, ICE will be combining with MEMSA
  • Lori Freeman reported on attending/speaking at the 2016 MEMSA – 200 attendees with only 88 on final day
  • Concern from vendors and ability to attend each conference d/t budget constraints
  • David - those with dual licenses and need for continuing education credit would benefit from combining
  • Helen discusses support from SLUH and flight nursing attendance, especially if all have equal say/share
  • Joan recommends legal input and review:
  • Expectations for MOENA
  • Financial obligations
  • Helen recommends continuing with 2017 MOENA conference and have a couple members on MEMSA planning committee/board
  • Chandra and Jamie discuss concerns regarding multiple conferences in April/May
  • MEMSA July 25th – 28th, 2017
  • Motion made by Pat to place current 2017 MOENA conference onhold until opportunity to explore MEMSA conference to include meeting on August 29th, report information back to the executive committee and allow executive and educational committee to approve combining the conference, 2nd by David.
  • Discussion – concrete expectations with contract in place to protect MOENA
  • Clear expectations between both groups – what MEMSA expects from MOENA and what MOENA expects from MEMSA
  • Motion approved
  • Motion made by Pat to extend discussion by 2 min, 2ndby Joan.
  • Helen recommends Joan, d/t long history with CCC, to also attend the meeting in August
/ Committee Volunteers – contact Pat if interested
Points or questions that need to be addressed with MEMSA need to be sent to Pat Clutter, Jamie Blackwell and Joan Eberhardt by August 24th
Emergency Preparedness: Chris
  • No report

Finance: Helen
  • Large revenue from ENPC and TNCC courses

Governmental Affairs:Pat on behalf of Jamie
  • Session complete, back in Session on Jan 1st
  • Bills passed, effective August 28th
•Hospital/facility to notify EMS prior to transport of an at-risk behavioral patient
•ERP can place patient on temporary hold for at risk behavior patient
IQSIP: Chris
  • No report

Marketing/PR: Gail
  • State Pen for EN 17 Conference - artwork available for review at November meeting
  • Jackets and shirts will be purchased for 2016 conference delegates, samples available after meeting
/ Non-delegates can order jacket – contact Gail
Membership: Jo
  • 763 members
  • All chapter presidents received the “no chapter” assigned list to review
/ Presidents should contact the unassigned member and ask them to request chapter assignment
Jo will f/u with Jeff regarding unassigned members
National Conference Update: Jami
  • Booth at 2016 National Conference – sharing booth with STL Chamber of Commerce
  • Several delegates have volunteered time to work booth
  • Micro fiber wipes to hand out at 2016 conference

Nursing/Advanced Practice: Jan
  • MONA practice and education committee – lifelong learning and mandatory continuing education
  • Phone call next week to discuss specifics

National News & Updates:Sharon
  • No additional info
  • See report given by Kathy

  • Pat running for board

Open Discussion:
  • Election of another Alternate Delegate – due to one delegate already withdrawing for health reasons.
  • Motion made by Pat to elect another alternate delegate for the General Assembly, 2nd by Joan
  • Discussion – Gail needs shirt and jacket size
  • Joan confirms that responsibilities for the alternate would be the same as delegates.
  • Motion approved
  • Motion made by Helen that 3 nights hotel and 4 days per diem be paid for by MOENA, 2nd David, motion approved
  • Helen requests that all finance requests should go to committee chair for approval then to be submitted to Helen
  • Motion to adjourn by Helen, 2nd by Chandra, motion approved
/ Alternate Delegate will need to send shirt and jacket size to Gail
Adjournment and Next Meeting:
  • Next meeting is November 5th, 2016 at Lake Regional
  • Adjournment at 3:49 pm.
/ N/A
Respectfully Submitted,

Lori Merritt, RN, MSN, CFRN

Attendance at MOENA State Council Meeting—August 12th, 2016

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