Travel Policy for ODCTE Staff
CareerTech Summer Conference 2018
(Updated March 16, 2018)
1.)Because of ongoing budget concerns, all ODCTE staff will berequired to share the cost ofa hotel roomor pay the difference out of pocket for ½ of the room rate for that designated conference hotel.
2.)Staff choosing to stay at a non-designated hotel will be reimbursed a maximum ½ of the highest double occupancy rate ($65)plus taxes per night of the designated conference hotel. Attach a designated hotel letter when submitting a travel claim if staying at a designated conference hotel.
3.)Staff has the option for this event to secure lodging with a personal credit card. For those employees who want to use the p-card, please contact your designated p-card travel coordinator to secure reservations. Employees are responsible for obtaining lodging documentation.
4.)The 60-mile rule will be enforced. When applicable, staff is responsible for obtaining an approved 60-mile waiver from home or office whichever is the closer, in advance of the conference.
1.)ODCTE staff will be reimbursed the current OKC “in lieu of” rate (currently, $69.00 per day/$17.25 per quarter).
1.)If staying at a non-designated hotel or utilizing allowance in lieu, no mileage will be reimbursed for travel between point of lodging and point of business purpose.
2.)Non-exempt travel staff will be required to adhere to the current state trip optimizer rules for personal vehicle mileage.
3.)Only use state vehicles for business use. (Do not use for golf tournament.)
4.)Carpooling is strongly encouraged whenever possible.
1.)Self-parking fees will be reimbursed.
2.)Should you choose to valet park, you will be required to pay the difference.
1.)The current Per Diem rates for OKCare: $59.00 per day ($14.75 per quarter).
2.)All meals provided through the conference shall be deducted. This includes meals provided by or partially sponsored by a vendor/outside source.
1.)All ODCTE staff attending the conference is required to pay the standard $50 conference registration fee. The only exception to this rule is for staff strictly working the conference and not attending any portion of the conference, including the general sessions, business meetings, etc.
2.)State staff will only be reimbursed the early bird registration fee. No late fees will be approved with the exception of new hires.
I:SC18/Housing/State Staff Travel Policy