New Testament Readings Week 12 (14th – 18th November)
Monday 14thNovember
Read: Hebrews 9.The word “Tabernacle” means dwelling place, and in its earthly form was an illustration ofGod dwelling in heaven.The sacrifices couldmake an outward ceremonial cleansing of sin but didn’t have power to change the heart or the conscienceof individuals.Only Jesus is able to completely purify us inside and out. Similarly, while Old Testament sacrifices were repeated, under the new covenant Jesus sacrificed Himself once for all, and entered the realdwelling place of God in Heaven to obtain our forgiveness.
Why is Christ going to return to earth a second time according to verse 28?Are you looking forward to His coming in the way the New Testament writers did?
Tuesday 15thNovember
Read: Hebrews 10. The Old Testament Law was never meant to be an end in itself but actually pointed to the need for Jesus’ salvation (the 10 Commandments reveal the character of Christ). Repeated sacrifices werenever enough to cover over sin,butwhat Jesus didon the cross was, and is the only way anyone can be madepure in God’s eyes.The writer is addressing wavering Christians who had previously been so devoted as to suffer for Christ but were now losing confidence in their faith. These Jews were under pressure from their culture and their peers to go back to the old sacrifices, but to do so would be a big mistake. Because there is no other way of salvation, except through Christ,it is important to persevere, and encourage one another by meeting together as church.
What can you do to prevent yourself from backsliding? Can you see ways in which Jesus is changing you?
Wednesday 16thNovember
Read: Hebrews 11The writer now goes on to give examples of people who have persevered in their faith and salvation. All these Old Testament heroes took God at his word. Their faith wasn’t blind but a reasonable trust that what God promised, would happen. God didn’t always give them the complete picture. He would tell them what to do and they did it even if it seemed senseless from a natural point of view. Noah’s attitude to sinwas counter-cultural, Abraham’s trust that God could produce a nation through his infertile wife, Moses rejecting his life of luxury in the Egyptian royal familyand identifying with God’s people. All these required people who would swim against the stream. Many suffered and didn’t always get to see the full results. These people had their
New Testament Readings Week 12 (14th – 18th November)
Monday 14th November
Read: Hebrews 9. The word “Tabernacle” means dwelling place, and in its earthly form was an illustration of God dwelling in heaven. The sacrifices could make an outward ceremonial cleansing of sin but didn’t have power to change the heart or the conscience of individuals. Only Jesus is able to completely purify us inside and out. Similarly, while Old Testament sacrifices were repeated, under the new covenant Jesus sacrificed Himself once for all, and entered the real dwelling place of God in Heaven to obtain our forgiveness.
Why is Christ going to return to earth a second time according to verse 28?Are you looking forward to His coming in the way the New Testament writers did?
Tuesday 15th November
Read: Hebrews 10. The Old Testament Law was never meant to be an end in itself but actually pointed to the need for Jesus’ salvation (the 10 Commandments reveal the character of Christ). Repeated sacrifices were never enough to cover over sin, but what Jesus did on the cross was, and is the only way anyone can be made pure in God’s eyes. The writer is addressing wavering Christians who had previously been so devoted as to suffer for Christ but were now losing confidence in their faith. These Jews were under pressure from their culture and their peers to go back to the old sacrifices, but to do so would be a big mistake. Because there is no other way of salvation, except through Christ, it is important to persevere, and encourage one another by meeting together as church.
What can you do to prevent yourself from backsliding? Can you see ways in which Jesus is changing you?
Wednesday 16th November
Read: Hebrews 11 The writer now goes on to give examples of people who have persevered in their faith and salvation. All these Old Testament heroes took God at his word. Their faith wasn’t blind but a reasonable trust that what God promised, would happen. God didn’t always give them the complete picture. He would tell them what to do and they did it even if it seemed senseless from a natural point of view. Noah’s attitude to sinwas counter-cultural, Abraham’s trust that God could produce a nation through his infertile wife, Moses rejecting his life of luxury in the Egyptian royal family and identifying with God’s people. All these required people who would swim against the stream. Many suffered and didn’t always get to see the full results. These people had their
focus on the right things. They didn’t live their lives as though earth is all there is, but were looking to God and Heaven as their ultimate goal.
Which hero of faith stands out to you? How and why do they inspire you? How can a heavenly focus help you to trust God in the here and now?
Thursday 17thNovember
Read: Hebrews 12 We have the knowledge of Old Testament role models and this gives us an incentive to get rid of things that get in the way of our run. The temptation for us to give up on our spiritual race can be brought onby hardship and doubts. Suffering can have two different effects, either helping us develop spiritual maturity, or highlighting our immaturity;either driving us to depend on God or to turn away from him. The value of our faith is seen in the tough times and the times when it seems pointless to trust God. However the one thing that will get us through is holding on to what God has promised. This is central to what the book of Hebrews is all about.
How do you react to hardship and difficulty? What effect does it have on you spiritually? Which versesof scripture help you to keep going in tough times?
Friday 18thNovember
Read: Hebrews 13 The writer to the Hebrews goes on to give a whole list of instructions on how we are to live in the light of what Jesus has accomplished and how our faith should affect real day to day living.This is something that will be seen in expressions of love, supportand holiness.Thelist reveals signs of the foundation Christ has established in our hearts and is a good barometer for our spiritual condition.In Christ, the cross on which Jesus died is more effective than sacrifices offered on the altar in the tabernacle, because it provides a way for us to be close to God and to fulfil his purposes for our lives. Jesus was crucified outside the city of Jerusalemaway from where people lived, and similarly, we need to learn to live in a way that is different from the way the world thinks and lives.
For further study
Take time to read the 5 warning passages in Hebrews:2:1-4; 3:7–4:14; 6:4-12; 10:26-32; 12:14-29.
In each case try to discover:
- the context of the passage and how it reveals the superiority of Christ
- what we are warned against and the consequences of not heeding it
- any encouragements that help us tokeep walking in true faith.
focus on the right things. They didn’t live their lives as though earth is all there is, but were looking to God and Heaven as their ultimate goal.
Which hero of faith stands out to you? How and why do they inspire you? How can a heavenly focus help you to trust God in the here and now?
Thursday 17th November
Read: Hebrews 12 We have the knowledge of Old Testament role models and this gives us an incentive to get rid of things that get in the way of our run. The temptation for us to give up on our spiritual race can be brought on by hardship and doubts. Suffering can have two different effects, either helping us develop spiritual maturity, or highlighting our immaturity; either driving us to depend on God or to turn away from him. The value of our faith is seen in the tough times and the times when it seems pointless to trust God. However the one thing that will get us through is holding on to what God has promised. This is central to what the book of Hebrews is all about.
How do you react to hardship and difficulty? What effect does it have on you spiritually? Which verses of scripture help you to keep going in tough times?
Friday 18th November
Read: Hebrews 13 The writer to the Hebrews goes on to give a whole list of instructions on how we are to live in the light of what Jesus has accomplished and how our faith should affect real day to day living. This is something that will be seen in expressions of love, support and holiness.The list reveals signs of the foundation Christ has established in our hearts and is a good barometer for our spiritual condition.In Christ, the cross on which Jesus died is more effective than sacrifices offered on the altar in the tabernacle, because it provides a way for us to be close to God and to fulfil his purposes for our lives. Jesus was crucified outside the city of Jerusalem away from where people lived, and similarly, we need to learn to live in a way that is different from the way the world thinks and lives.
For further study
Take time to read the 5 warning passages in Hebrews: 2:1-4; 3:7–4:14; 6:4-12; 10:26-32; 12:14-29.
In each case try to discover:
- the context of the passage and how it reveals the superiority of Christ
- what we are warned against and the consequences of not heeding it
- any encouragements that help us to keep walking in true faith.