Name and Date: ______
Flowers for Algernon: Vocabulary List 3
Read the list of vocabulary words, study their definitions and take note of their parts of speech.
1)To Admonish (verb) – to advise about something, or to scold someone for something mildly. Example: The teacher admonished him about/for talking too much.
2)Berserk (adj.) – violently frenzied; wild; crazed. Example: He suddenly went berserk and began attacking people.
3)Composure (noun) – a calm, self-controlled state of mind/being. Example: Despite the hysteria and panic around him, he retained his composure.
4)Cordial (adj.) – warm and sincere; friendly. Example: He gave us a cordial greeting.
5)To Cower (verb) – to crouch or cringe in fear. Example: The soldiers found him cowering in the closet.
6)Depraved (adj.) – corrupt; wicked; perverted. Example: The depraved criminal was given a life sentence.
7)To Despise (verb) – to regard with disgust, contempt and distaste; to loathe. Example: She despised him for his arrogance and his pettiness.
8)Docile (adj.) – easily managed or handled; giving in to supervision or direction. Example: The docile horse was easy to train.
9)Erratic (adj.) – differing from what is normal or regular; lacking consistency. Example: He found her erratic behavior confusing.
10)Euphemism (noun) – a mild, indirect or vague word or phrase substituted for one which is harsh, offensive or blunt. Example: “To pass away” is a euphemism for “to die.”
11)Exigency (noun) – a case or situation that demands prompt action or remedy. Example: He promised help in any exigency.
12)To Flail (verb) – to strike or lash out violently; to thrash. Example: He flailed his arms wildly.
13)Futile (adj.) – having no useful result. Example: All of her efforts to escape were futile.
14)Intuition (noun) – knowing without rational processes. Example: Her intuition told her to take the door to the left.
15)Juxtaposition (noun) – the act of placing two contrasting things close together or side by side. Example: The interior designed admired my juxtaposition of the yellow couch and green table.
16)Luminescent (noun) – emitting light. Example: Her luminescent velvety brown eyes are stunning.
17)Naiveté (noun) – state of being naïve; innocent and artless. Example: He found her naiveté charming.
18)Ornately (adv.) – flashily, excessively, or showily decorated/adorned (in style or manner). The palace was decorated ornately in the style of Louis XIV.
19)Paradoxical (adj) – something which seems absurd or contradictory or nonsensical, but which in fact shows a possible truth. Example: Religious and philosophical truths often are often paradoxical.
20)Platonic (adj.) – spiritual and ideal, not physical or sexual; Example: His admiration for her was purely platonic.
21)Pompous (adj.) – excessive self-esteem; arrogance. Example: He was a pompous minor official.
22)Prognosis (noun) – prediction of a disease’s course. Example: The prognosis for your condition is good.
23)Queasy (adj.) – nauseas; sickened. Example: The boat ride made me feel queasy.
24)Self-effacing (adj.) – modest; not drawing attention to oneself. Example: Clark Kent’s self-effacing behavior is meant to encourage people to ignore him.
25)To Usurp (verb) – to take over or occupy without right; to seize wrongfully through force. Example: The pretender tried to usurp the throne.