Please mail this form toKESW 2017Conference Office:

Last Name: / First Name: / Title:
VAT Number
Street: / Email:
City: / Phone:
Postcode: / Country:
Preferred Name for Conference Name Tag:
Are you presenting a paper/tutorial/keynote at KESW 2017? YES  NO
Note: If more than one paper is being presented, please indicate names of all papers in the “Title” box opposite / Title of paper/tutorial/keynote:
Do you have any special meal requirements (e.g. vegetarian)?
Please indicate whether you are one of the following: / General Chair PC Chair Other OC Chair
Keynote Speaker Tutorial Presenter

Registration Payment

Regular and Academic fee includes: Admission to all sessions of the conference, coffee/tea breaks, lunch, reception, banquet, social events. Student, Poster and Attendance without paperfee includes: Admission to all sessions of the conference, coffee/tea breaks, lunch, reception.

Early Registration
(By 15 September 2017) / Regular fee / 300 €
Academic fee / 200 €
Student fee / 100 €
Poster (position papers) / 100 €
Attendance without paper / 100 €
Late Registration
(By 07 November 2017) / Regular fee / 350 €
Academic fee / 250 €
Student fee / 150 €
Poster (position papers) / 150 €
Attendance without paper / 150 €
On-site (from November 8-10, 2017) / Regular fee / 450 €
Academic fee / 300 €
Student fee / 250 €
Poster (position papers) / 250 €
Attendance without paper / 250 €
Additional Banquet Ticket / (per additional ticket) / 50 € / # additional tickets

Payment by Bank transfer

When paying by bank transfer, please ensure the amount due is the actual amount received by the KESW 2017 Organization, i.e., make sure that all bank expenses are supported by the attendees. The bank transfer operation should mention "KESW 2017" and refer the attendee's full name, as in the registration form. After the operation, please send to the WISE 2009 Organization the bank transfer receipt using mail . Use the following information:

Account holder: Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie

Account holder adress: Al. Piastów 17, 70-310 Szczecin

Bank name: Bank Zachodni WBK S.A.

Bank branch: 3. Oddział w Szczecinie


IBAN: PL 02 1090 1492 0000 0000 4903 0242

Transfer title: KESW 2017 – name and surname

Additional Notes:

  1. Registrations will be confirmed by email and will be sent to the email address indicated by yourself at the top of the form.
  2. For cancellations before October 08, 2017, there will be a charge of 50 €. In case of a cancellation afterwards (but before the start of the conference), 50% of the registration fee will be retained. Cancellations after the start of the conference will not be entertained.
    Changes and cancellations must be mailed and faxed to the Conference Office (fax: +48 91 449 55 40).