AP Calculus – AB 2014-2015
Welcome to Success!
Mrs. Hu / 626 965 3448 Ext. 3247
Dear Student/Parents/Guardians,
Welcome to the 2014-15 school year at Rowland High School. I am very excited about being your math teacher this year. I have high expectations that everyone can and will learn in Calculus class. In order to achieve the success in the class, the following information is very important. I am looking forward to a successful year with you and your child.
Course Description:
This is a college level course in introductory calculus. Students in AP Calculus will analyze functions and graphs, apply limits and continuity to functions, and apply differential and integral calculus to a variety of problem situations. Technology will be used regularly by students to reinforce the relationships among multiple representations of functions, to confirm work, for experimentations, and to assist in interpreting results. Students will be able to express and solve problems geometrically, numerically, analytically, and verbally. The course covered all topics that are included on the AP exam (given early in May). This material is covered in chapters 1-7 of the text. Following the AP exam, other topics will be covered as time allows. Please note that the course does not end after the AP exam.
Calculus of a Single Variable, by Larson, Hostetler, and Edwards (8th edition)
Text Book; 3 ring binder, Graph Paper for any turn in work; a 3 ring binder spiral Graph notebook; pencils; pen; ruler; Graphing Calculator (TI-83, TI 84, or TI-89)
Homework / absent work / late work
- Homework will be given daily, and, unless otherwise stated, will be due the following school day at the beginning class. It is understood that a part of every assignment is the reading and studying the section assigned.
- Assignments, tests, or quizzes missed due to an excused absence may be made-up for full credit. The student is responsible for asking and returning all absents work.
- No unexcused late assignments will be accepted for credit.
Tests and Quizzes:
Chapter tests will be given after each chapter. Quiz will be given each week. Quiz may or may not be announced.
Grading Policy: Chapter Testes: 40% Grading Scale: 90-100 A
Quizzes: 30% 80-89 B
Homework: 20% 70-79 C
Final Exam: 10% 0-69 F
During School Help:
I am available to help students during lunch on Wednesday. I am also available during nutrition break most of day, or the students can make a special arrangement with me when they need it.
Classroom Rule:
- No food or drinks will be allowed in class except water.
- No Cellular phones, Mp3 and games will be used in class (including use as a calculator)
- Anyone cheating on homework, quiz or test will be given zero and referred to office
- Be on time. No talking when teacher is talking.
Raider Goals
Successful students will be...
Ask Questions
Set Goals
Solve Problems
Utilize Technology
Work Collaboratively
Act Responsibly
Behave Appropriately
See Globally
Read for Understanding
Write with Clarity
Speak with Confidence
Listen with Care