Mental Health Interagency Coalition (MHIAC)

Date: September 1st, 2015

Time: 11:30 am – 1:00 pm

Location: St. Mary’s Hospital, Lower Level Conference Room #1

Call-In Information: Toll Free: 1-866-334-5976 Code# 4649623913#

Time / Agenda Item / Speaker / Summary/Discussion / Action
11:30 / Welcome & Introductions / All / See roster
11:35 / MHIAC & AODA Merger Plan / Katie & Laura / Katie and Laura met with Ann Cirilli and began to develop bylaws.
·  Email list will be combined.
·  Surveys will be sent out to determine meeting days and times
·  Oneida County may combine technical assistant roles to the coalitions from 3 assistants for AODA and MH to one.
·  Looking at co chairs for AODA and MH (Laura and Katie)
·  AODA and MH will keep money where it is at. Consider three pots of money (AODA, MH and combined pot).
1145 / Suicide Prevention Subgroup
·  QPR
·  Hockey Puck / Sub Committee Members / QPR
·  Tammy Boers to join sub committee.
·  Looking at partnering with Nicolet to develop a panel of support for Nicolet with a mental health focus.
·  QPR Training for LUHS Teachers and service staff.
·  Northland Pines to identify additional needs.
Hockey Huck
·  Identify NAMI benefit to raise money for Hockey Huck initiative in February. Suicide awareness initiative.
·  Include team members in some way (wear EMIS or suicide awareness ribbon). Fab Lab 3 D printer.
1200 / Frank B. Koller MH Summit Update / Andrea / MH Summit planning team April 15 at Reulands. Focus on Healthy Management of Social Media with an adolescent focus. Overview of the topic and agenda shared.
Booth brainstorming: Domestic abuse, NAMI, ADRC, OCHD, Koinonia, Marywood, Vilas Co PH, AODA and MH coalition, AHEC, Birth to Three
1210 / Drop in Center / 2 Committees which are peer run.
1.  Fundraising Committee –
a.  Quilt Raffle, see attached
b.  Snowball Gala on 1-30-15
2.  Steering Team: responsibilities include infrastructure and program development.
1220 / Tell Your Story Campaign WISE: Wisconsin Initiative for Stigma Elimination / Andrea / Wisconsin Initiative for Stigma Elimination or WISE is an evidence based initiative to decrease stigma through impactful story telling. A plan would include education WISE Basics (1.5 hour) which is free and presented by Susan McKenzie of Roger’s Memorial near Milwaukee. The coaching is provided as part of a grant that Roger’s has obtained. Ministry will provide the workbooks. Andrea has requested the group to consider this initiative as a sub-committee for the coalition.
Wisconsin Initiative for Stigma Elimination: and to view their videos:
Training to be scheduled early 2016
1230 / Vilas Oneida County Transit / Laura / Vilas and Oneida counties partnered in acquiring a State Grant for public transportation. First day of pilot operation was 11-2-15. More information will be shared once the program is solidified after the pilot period.
1:00 / Close
Next Meeting Jan 5, 2016
11:30 to 1:00 PM / Recommended agenda items.
·  AODA and MH Merger of bylaws and work plan
·  Oneida and Vilas Transit