Spanish 3 Honors/Spa 101-102

Summer Reading Assignment

Story:¡Viva el toro! by Lisa Ray Turner and Blaine Ray (story is provided)

Rationale:¡Viva el toro! is a story about an American teenage girl who is an exchange student in Spain. She lives with a host family and learns about Spanish customs. Through these experiences, she learns a lot about herself. I chose this story because it is set in Spain and discusses culture. In level 3H/Spa 101-102 we focus our geography and readings on Spain so I thought this would be a good introduction reading for next year.

Objectives:1. To read and comprehend a story in the target language.

2. To build on information previously learned.

3. To increase reading skill level.

4. To introduce relevant cultural customs that will set the stage for next year’s curriculum.


1) Read the complete story and complete each of the chapter vocabulary sheets. The vocabulary sheets are all available for printing on the Hamilton Prep website; Go to faculty, click on my name, click on Level 3H and then go to ¡Viva el toro¡, you will find them there.

2) Complete the chapter multiple choice questions according to the sheets. You will find these in the same place as the vocab sheets.

All assignments and vocabulary are due: Monday, August 15, 2011at the beginning of class. You are required to turn in hard copies of the vocabulary and exercises on this date. At this time discussion will take place about the customs contained in the story. All work must be handwritten; you may not to complete the work on the computer. You will be tested over vocabulary and comprehension of the story after August 15.

It is in your best interests to read this story and complete the work over the summer. You will not have time to do any of this work once school starts. Don’t put your self in this position.

Honor Code:Please remember that the Hamilton Prep Honor Code is applicable to the summer assignments.You may not receive help from anyone on any of the assignments. This also means that you may not work on any part of this assignment with another person. It is to be your own work.

Summer contact:If you encounter any problems please contact me right away at . I will not entertain any last minute emergencies that could have been resolved over the summer.