CRYSTALPALACE SHOW - ( 10 - 14 - 06 ) :Ok "waxers"....I'm going to warn you in advance that this is going to be a very long commentary! Believe it or not....some have complained that a few of my recent commentaries have beentoo short....go figure! I'm guessing that some of these same people would tell youthat Ole "A-Bob" is alsotoo quiet! I'm just joking as I consider it flattering that some "waxers" want me to write more. However, by the time you get done reading my comments this week there will probably be many changes in the world. Hopefully, the war in Iraq will be over, you will have celebrated several birthdays, and the sign in front of McDonalds will indicate that 6 billion more hamburgers have been sold! The only thing that will remain the same will be Bobby....he never changes....does he?

Saturday finally got here....and I couldn't wait to get to the CrystalPalace as that is one of our favorite venues. I had 32 reservations and earlier in the day I called Greg Lack, owner of the Palace, to find out how many tables we were going to have. Greg told me three but I was hoping for 4 as 3 can bea little cramped when you sit 10 at a table. Greg immediately then told me that I could keep my 3 tablesup front and that he would give me two more right behind them...which was very generous! Greg is just great to me...and he does everything he possiblycan to make sure thatour evening at the Palace is an enjoyable one!

Gail,Gwinnie, and myself left Florence at about 5:30 to head to the Palace. The first thing we did was to stick in the new Hot Wax CD....."Saturday Night Raw" to get us in the right mood.Then I explained to Gwin that Ole "A-Bob" has a"one play" rule....and that rule is....that no matter how much you might like a song on the are only allowed tohear it once....and you may not replay it! My reasoning is that some of my all time favorite "Hot Wax" showsongs are onthat CD....and I love them so much....that I don't want to take a chance that I will tire of them or that they will get stale! The Ottoman once gave Gail a CD with nothing on itbut TommyCasino singing Cara Mia 28 times over and over again! I had to destroy it....the temptation to play it was just too mere mortal could resist that temptation!

As we were driving to Fairfield...I worried a little bit about what kind of crowd we were going to have. After all....this was about the 25th show of the year....and "Hot Wax" was no longer new to the Palace as this would be our third appearance at this great club. I am anxious for us to draw well at the Palace because it is such a great venue....and we enjoy seeing our boys perform there. When we arrived at the Palace...I worried even a little bit more because as I glanced at the marquee in front.....I noticed that "Hot Wax's" name was not on the marquee....and that was a little puzzling to me....and made me worry some more about how many people were going to be at the show. I did hear quite a few commercials all week long on that made me feel somewhat better....but I was still concerned! I knew that we had drawn two of the largest local crowds of the year at the Palace...but still ...Ole "A-Bob" is a worrier.

However, as it turns out, Ole "A-Bob" was worrying needlessly. What Ishould be worrying about is why I keep referring to myself in the third party....but I digress! Anyway like I said ....there was no reason to be worried as Greg met us at the door...and he was smiling from ear to ear. Greg then proceeded to tell me that they had more tables reservedfor Saturday night than any other show of the year! I'm guessing that "Hot Wax's" first show in May was the previous record holder! This record crowd should not come as a surprise to any of us "waxers" because "Hot Wax' has shattered attendance records all over the tri-state area this season!

In March, "Hot Wax" packed in over 600 people at the very prestigious Murphy Theatre in WilmingtonOhio. Later, "Hot Wax" rolled into Lawrenceburg Indiana on a Thursday night.....and drew over 3000 people which more than doubled the previous largest crowd of 1500 people in Lawrenceburg! Later on this Summer..."Hot Wax" made their maiden voyage into Evendale's beautifuloutdoor venue....and easily drew their largest crowd ever! "Hot Wax's triumphant tourcontinued into the city of BellevueKentucky....andfor the 7th year in a row...thousands showed up to see "Hot Wax"! "Hot Wax" then rolled south to the city of Cold Spring. During intermission of that show a city official announced over the PA system thathistory had been made.This city official announced that "Hot Wax" had drawn the largest crowd ever to attend an event (4000 or more)in the entire history of the city of Cold Spring!"Hot Wax" then traveled farther south to FalmouthKentucky, the capital of "HotWaxLand"....and packed their terrificGriffith amphitheater with their largest crowd ever to end this very successful outdoor season!

After that resume...I ask myself ....why doI ever worry about "Hot Wax's" drawing power! The only answer that I can come up with.....and my lovely wife will that I care....and that it is my nature to worry! To sum up this portion of my commentary....the CrystalPalace was as crowded as I have ever seen it during my 8 trips or so to this great venue....and that just added to the Atmosphere....and also added to the fun!

Greg told me that he usually doesn't have time to pay much attention to a band's sound check but Saturday morning our boys sounded so good and tight that he just had to stop and listen for a few moments. Greg was really impressed with our boys! Well, as you might guess, between the size of the projected crowd and Greg's very positive comments about "Hot Wax"....Ole "A-Bob" was a very happy camper! All of that just set the tone for the terrific time I was about to have Saturday evening!

When Greg escorted Gail and I to our tables....he apologized for telling us that we were going to have 5 tables....but because of the size of the crowd....he could only give us 4 tables. However, that was fine...because with 32 people....we were able to average 8 to a table.....and that is very comfortable. Greg told me that by giving us 4 tables instead of 5 that he then could move our good buddies the Helwigs or the Hilton sisters up to the front row. That worked out great ...because Paris and Paulette and Selena were able to join our fast growing front line of chair dancers. Our line of chair dancers consisted of the Rickmeister, Ethel, Gwinnie, Gail, "A-Bob", Tiffany. Angie, Paulette. and Paris. I can't really explain exactlywhat our chair dancers you have to see it to believe it! We basically mimic every choreography move that "Hot Wax" makes....while sitting in our chair in the front row! It was very funny to watch the reaction of Bobby as he stood off to the side....and witnessed our leg kicks while Einstein was singing New York, New York!

With Greg cutting us back a table.....then Jean was also able to get a better table and a better view of the stage. We are all such good friends that we all try to help each other....when we can. I know that Jean absolutely loves when it was time for the Elvis portion of the show....I switched seatswith Jean and let Jean have the best seat up front and dead center for Bobby's Elvis. It was great watching Jean enjoy Bobby's performance up close and personal!

Now, let me get on to describing Saturday evening. Just like we hoped and planned, "waxers" showed up early and in big numbers! Greg knew that we had a lot of dancers show upearly so he had his very good "Bar stool Gypsies" band play 15 minutes earlier than normal....and we appreciated that! When the Gypsies started playing, "waxers" rushed the dance floor. "Waxers" are used to seeing each other in a "Hot Wax" setting....but Saturday night we got to see each other in a different setting and a different atmosphere....and it was fun!

"Waxers" were everywhere on the dance floor! We danced as a group, we jitterbugged in couples, we slow fact ...we had it all...just like Bogey and McCall! I think Ijust got sidetracked therejust a little bit. We had a large circle of talented "waxer" dancers consisting of Paris Hilton, Lucy, Gwinnie, Gail, Denny, Loma, Judy, Ethel, Tiffany, Angie, Dee, Cassie, new "waxer", Sue and Ole "A-Bob"! Tommy C. and his lovely wife Patty were jitterbugging and so was Cadillac Charlie and his lovely wife Bonita. Einstein and his lovely wife, Kim, were cutting a rug also. I know you all will find this hard to believe....but Einstein is a much better dancer on the dance floor than he is on the show stage. Einstein looked pretty smooth out fact all of the band members who dance are pretty doggone good!

While Gail and I were slow dancing....I glanced to my right and there was Mr. Buddy love himself....dancing with his main squeeze, the very lovely Liz....or as buddy likes to refer to her, "Baby Girl". I must say...that Mr. Love was pretty light on his feet...and looked pretty comfortable out there on the dance floor....who knew?

I felt bad for my other two amigos as the Jimster and the Rickmeister were working so hard....that they did not get much of a chance to dance. I did see where the Jimster and his cutey....the "Little One"....did sneak in a slow dance or two. By the way...."Dance Fever" was so contagious that both the lovely Pat Roth and the equally lovely Miss Selena who are restricted to their chairs for now...could not contain themselves and they were rocking away in their chairs!We truly had a ball....and I don't think I sat out for more than a couple of songs all evening! Even the "waxers" who didn't dance journeyed down to where we were...and watched and laughed at the rest of us who did.....and that was cool also!

Obviously, we "waxers" always have a good time with each other at the "Hot Wax" shows! However, just like the picnic we had in Bellevue....and now the dancing we did at the Palace, it's fun to do other things together also ...just for a change of pace. The Palace is just a perfect venue for us "waxers" as we get to see the great Show band "Hot Wax"....and we get to dance also when "Hot Wax" is not performing....just perfect!

The only major disappointment during the entire evening was that some...or most of the lovely "Hot Wax" ladies did not make it to the show! My favorite "First lady," the lovely Miss Tina, missed her very first show in over 9 years.....and that's hard to believe! I hope the fear of dancing with Ole "A-Bob" did not scare her away and make her end her streak! I would have thought the same thing about Doc's lovely wife Katie....except she has already had the pleasure of dancing with Ole "A-Bob"....but then again....maybe once was enough! I did not see Queen Spanky, Tito's lovely better half, either. Ialso don't think that I saw Carol, Bruno's lovely young lady or TGS's pretty lady either! We missed all of you gals! Hmm....maybe Ole "A-Bob" did scare them all away! Boomer's lovely wife Angie was there but did not get there until the show was almost over.

Anyway, maybe all of the lovely spouses will make it to the Xmas show at the CrystalPalace on the 2nd of December! Although no one remembered to mention this....don't forget that kids are allowed and encouraged to attend the Xmas show! By the way, Greg told me that he had a nice table reservedfor the "Hot Wax" gals....and that he will always have one for them....and I'm sure the girls will appreciate that!

Before we knew was 8:30 and it was time to re-enter the main showroom and get ready to see what we all came to see and that was the main attraction, the "Hot Wax" Show band! Greg jumped up on stage and had some very nice and humorous commentsabout us "waxers!" I think Greg gets a kick out of us....but I'm notsure if Greg quite knows what to make of us all....LoL! Before the show startsGreg always has some very nice remarks about Ole "Ambassador Bob"....and this show was no different....and I am always flattered and I truly appreciate his kind words!

Greg and I have a great relationship going and Greg always does everythinghe can to make it as easy as possible for me to bring as many people as I can to his great establishment! I wished that I could say that about all of the "Hot Wax" venues....but I can't ....and that is somewhat puzzling to me.

Before our boys hit the stage..."waxers" noticed something very different on the stage. We noticed that there was a red drum kit on stage instead of Sticky's very familiar gold set. This was a little sad as we reflected on Sticky not being there. We also noticed thatthe bass drum was about twice the size of Stickys. However, what really caught our eyes was the large clear Plexiglas wall thatsurrounded the drum kit. You don't see that too often with local groups....but you do see that a lot with the big time national acts. We should not be too we are always hearing from other bands in an admiring and envious wayabout all of the great first class equipment "Hot Wax" always has access to....and once again...this would be a prime example of that!

While we were missing Sticky....the one thing that made us feel better was the confidence in "Hot Wax's ability to always bring in some great talent....and they will settle for nothing less! Bubba Q. or Denny , our drummer from last season, was simply outstanding! Sticky or ken followed Bubba this season...and while his style was a little different...Ken was superb also! we have another very talented drummer....and again his style will be somewhat different from the previous two drummers.....but believe me ....he is very good also.....and yes he does have a name! "Waxers"...please welcome, D.C. Driver, to "Hot Wax!"

DC seems to be a lot more flamboyant and outgoing than our previous two drummers. I also think that DC is what you would call an "old school" drummer. DC...I believe uses a left handed grip that all of the great drummers of the past used going all of the way back to the very talented, Gene Krupa. Not too many drummers these days seem to use that grip anymore. The younger drummers of today all seem to use a grip where you are basically holding both sticks very similarly.There are still some very famous drummers around that use DC's "old school" style like Charlie Watts of the Rolling Stones. There is also Max Weinberg who for many years and may still bethe great drummer of Bruce Springsteen's E-Street band! Max is now currently playing in a TV band for the Conan Obrien show. I personally think that DC's style allows a drummer to be much more flexible and versatile.....but I digress. Geez....I apologize for rambling on so much here...but like my very good buddy, Denny Mcgee, I am fascinatedby drummers....and I enjoy watching them!

DC has only beento four rehearsals.....but it was amazing how well DC played...Saturday night.....just incredible! The only thing I noticed being different was that our encore song was faster paced....not wrong ...but faster paced. I knew that because my feet had a hard time keeping up when our dance line was dancing at the end of the show. I owe Tiff a big I stomped on Tiff's foot at least twice!

Ok....gang ... let's take a break....were about two thirds of the way through! Smoke em if you got em! Go get a snack.....and I'll meet you back here in 20 minutes!

With the new drummer, DC, in place..."Hot Wax" can now start to work on new material for next Summer's show! They also need to be working on a few Xmas songs also ....I would think. I am very excited about next Summers's show....especially thestyle and format! I will be fine as long as they leave in the show....Bobby's "Hurt", "Only Make Believe", and "Trilogy"....and maybe Bobby brings back "Diana" or "Time Won't Let Me"! Yep...that will work! Now we need to keep Bruno's "I Who Have Nothing", "Wildwood days"....and "I Don't Know Why I love You"and maybe bring back "This Magic Moment"....yep...that looks good! By the way....we "waxers...unanimously love the song "Baby come back To me!"