The primary function of high school cheerleading is to support athletic teams, promote school spirit, encourage and display good sportsmanship.

These VPA guidelines are to be the official guidelines followed.

All safety rules in Vermont follow the National Federation 2016-2017 Spirit Rules Book and the AACCA 2016-2017 Safety Rules for School Teams (note that at the bottom of the school rules, letter I, there are additional restrictions for Elementary, Middle and Junior High School).

All coaches should obtain a copy of the National Federation 2016-2017 Spirit Rules Book from their athletic director or rules interpreter Heath Haskell at . Click the link for AACCA Safety Rules for school teams, or go to the AACCA web site at

All rules apply for the regular season and competition. These rules apply to cheer programs in grades 5 through 12.

·  New rules are in bold type and italicized.

·  Reminders are in bold.

·  Important information and rules are in bold type and underlined.

Like all other sports, cheerleading coaches must be certified in an approved coaching education program, which includes either the NFHS Fundamentals of Coaching course or the ACEP Coaching Principal’s course. In addition, coaches must complete an approved sports safety training program (i.e. - the NFHS Sports First Aid or American Red Cross Sports Safety or ACEP Sports First Aid) and a Concussion Education/Management course. As of 7/1/16, all coaches are now required to receive additional training in CPR (compression only), AED’s and Emergency Action Plans.

For more information, contact your athletic director or Amy Molina at .

In order for squads to be allowed to perform partner stunts, pyramids and/or gymnastics at games, public appearances, basketball tournaments or cheerleading competitions, a coach must successfully pass an AACCA safety certification by mid-December if they are not presently certified or their previous certification has expired. Certification is now available online via the NFHS Learning Center. It is listed under Spirit.

In addition, all coaches of athletes in grades 9-12 (competition and game-only teams) must attend a National Federation Spirit Rules Review. The rules review is also required for middle school teams that compete and is highly recommended for all scholastic teams in Vermont. The NFHS Spirit Rules review will take place at the Vermont Cheerleading Coaches Association clinic on Saturday, December 3 from 8:30AM to 2:30PM at Mill River HS. The deadline to register is Wednesday, November 30. The VCCA has emailed a registration brochure to all coaches and athletic directors.

1. Clinics: During the winter cheerleading season no school shall sponsor a team to participate in competition or clinics that are not sanctioned by the VPA.

2. Season length shall be defined in the VPA policies for that particular season. Practices begin according to the VPA rules for that particular season. Cheerleading for basketball begins on November 28, 2016.

As of the Fall 2017, all music being used by Cheerleading Teams must meet music copyright compliance. All copyright permissions must be properly and completely obtained by the individual or group that is responsible for creating the routine music for a team. All recordings mixed together in cheer routines should be properly licensed and written confirmation of such licenses should be provided to the VPA by January 6, 2017. Attached to the guide is the VPA Cheerleading Championship music copyright compliance form.

3. Games and Competitions:

A. Teams may cheer up to 20 games during the winter season (middle school squads should review VPA middle school guidelines). These limits do not include VPA tournament or championship games. Principals and A.D.’s discretion should be used.

B. Due to the nature of the sport, cheerleading is exempt from the VPA guideline that limits participation to two events per week, Monday through Friday. The combination of boys and girls basketball could lead to more than two home games in some weeks and other weeks where there are no home games. Coaches are encouraged to be prudent about how many weeknights athletes are away from home.

C. Teams may compete in up to 4 VPA sanctioned cheerleading competitions per season. If a team plans to compete in the VPA State Cheerleading Championships, they must participate in at least one competition prior to the state championships. If a team intends to compete in all 4 allowable events in the winter season, one of them must be the VPA State Cheerleading Championships. Teams that earn an invitation will also be permitted to compete in the New England Championships.

4. Separate tryouts must be held for each sport each season. High school cheerleading teams must be comprised of VPA eligible students in grades 9-12

5. Squad size:

A. The size of the basketball cheerleading squad during the season will not exceed 20 on the floor. The Athletic Director of the host school will determine the allowable number of cheerleaders on the sidelines, up to 20 in number, based on the space around the gym floor.

B. Semifinals and finals will follow VPA guidelines for basketball tournament play.

C. Teams may not place more athletes on the competition mat at the CVCC, VCCA or NVAC competitions than are listed as “starters” on their application for the VPA State Cheerleading Championship.

6. Coaches' responsibilities:

A. Coaches must supervise their team at both home and away athletic events and should be in attendance at all practices. If someone else substitutes who is not certified, no partner stunts, pyramids or gymnastics will be allowed.

B. Cheerleading coaches are expected to inform their squad to act respectfully during any half time activities being performed by the other squad.

C. Cheerleading coaches should discuss the length of pre-game music being played to allow ample time for both squads to perform their pre-game cheers.

D. Cheerleading coaches should design cheers that encourage and promote positive crowd response and participation.

E. Cheerleading coaches must determine if the level of difficulty of partner stunts/pyramids/gymnastics are within the ability of the present squad to perform. As each squad changes, so will the material to be performed.

7. Host school responsibilities:

A. An administrator, or designee - not a coach - from each school should be present during all athletic events and should announce before each game that fans are expected to display appropriate behavior.

B. Each host school should provide the visiting team and cheerleaders a place to change that is locked or is off limits to the general public - such as a separate classroom.

C. Administrators and cheerleading coaches should approve all signs that are hung or held at athletic contests and should see to it that any objectionable signs are removed.

8. Guest school responsibilities:

A. Cheerleading coaches should assure that the squads abide by the rules of the host school while present at that school. Visiting coaches to advise host school in advance whether they will be participating at the game and whether they will need changing facilities.

9. Crowd control:

A. Cheerleaders and fans should not compete with the other cheerleaders when they perform their floor cheers.

10. Participant conduct:

A. Cheerleaders shall not perform taunting cheers.

B. Cheerleaders are not to yell when the opposing team is taking foul shot attempts.

C. If stunts and pyramids are to be used, proper training, spotters, etc. shall be used. NFHS Spirit Rules are to be followed.

D. Per NFHS rules, no jewelry allowed; this includes all body piercing jewelry. Religious or medical medallions must be taped to the body. Per VPA rules, nylon stockings must not be worn. Participants on a squad shall only wear athletic type shoes that are safe and appropriate for all routines. Please note: Uniform tops and bottoms must meet; no bare midriff.

11. Procedures:

A. The visiting cheerleaders at basketball games are to perform the cheer between the 1st and 2nd quarter. Home team has cheer between 3rd and 4th quarter. Home team has first time out cheer. Teams will rotate time out cheers thereafter.

12. Band directors and/or pep bands should work together with the cheerleading squads rather than compete with each other when the cheerleaders are doing their floor cheers.

13. If any squad violates the regulations put forth in these guidelines and it is documented by a coach, A.D. or Principal and received at the VPA office, the VPA policies will be in effect.


At semifinal and final basketball games, 20 cheerleaders, and their coaches, will be admitted at the team entrance for the session in which the team is scheduled to play. These seats will be in the special cheerleading section. Not more than 20 cheerleaders, 12 at Barre, will be on the sidelines at any time. Between quarters and during time outs cheerleaders will be limited to one cheer per school. In the event that a cheer has not been completed when the buzzer sounds, the cheerleaders are to leave the floor immediately. In each tournament game, one school is designated as the visiting team, and the other as the home team. Cheerleaders will follow the pattern set down in the regular season guidelines for cheering at a game. Confetti and streamers must not be thrown and the cheerleaders should discourage their fans from using such things.

Cheerleading activity may take place during half time on the playing court during semifinal and final games only by pre arrangement with the VPA tournament director. Half time cheers will be allowed at the play down games and quarterfinals since these games are usually played at the schools instead of Barre or UVM as is the case for the semifinals and finals. Keep cheers as brief as possible. In the event of a school using more time for cheerleading than is practical, the tournament observers shall instruct the cheerleading squad to shorten its cheers. The coach must sit with the cheerleading team at all times. If a cheerleading team’s coach is not AACCA certified, they may NOT stunt at basketball tournament games.


The divisional alignment for the cheerleading state championships will be determined by the size of the cheerleading squad. There will be two divisions and they are to be divided as equally as possible in terms of numbers of teams. Size of the squad is to be determined by the number of “starters” listed on the application that will be submitted by January 16, 2016. Number of “alternates” (strength of program) listed on the application will be used as the tie breaker. Schools who wish to petition to Division I automatically, will be allowed to do so on the application.

1. All high school varsity winter cheerleading squads are eligible to compete.

A. To participate in the state championships, a school must complete the online competition application no later than Saturday, January 14, 2017.

B. The entry fee for the 2017 state championships is $125 per team. Checks should be made payable to VPA and should be sent to the VPA Office by Saturday, January 14, 2017.

2. Dates and sites: State Championships – Saturday, February 18, 2017 – Vergennes Union High School, Vergennes, VT.

3. Detailed competition information will be emailed to competing coaches and athletic directors by Monday, February 6, 2017. This information will include a specific arrival time for each team based on their order of appearance.

The cheerleading competition is scheduled to begin at 7:00PM on February 18, 2017. The tentative plan is that the earliest arrival time will be 6:00 PM.

The warm-up process for 2017 remains the same as in 2016. Each team will be given 5 minutes to stretch on a mat, followed by 5 minutes to warm-up tumbling on a second mat, and followed by a 5 minute period on a full sized mat. Additionally, teams will have five minutes for travel time and 5 minutes to rest before going out to the main competition mat. Teams will then move directly to the competition floor. There is only one round of warm-ups.

4. The state championships will be determined by open divisional competition. The order of appearance in each division will be based on each team’s highest score from any of the in-state competitions prior to states.

5. There will be one round of competition.

6. Any ties for the state champion or runner-up will be broken by summing the technical scores. These categories include: Partner Stunts, Pyramids, Motions, Jumps, Gymnastics, and Dance. If a tie still exists, co-champions and/or co-runners-up will be named.

7. Judges:

A. Judges will be certified judges. The judging coordinator will recommend judges to the VPA cheerleading committee for final approval.

B. A maximum of four judges will be assigned to each division in the competition. No high or low score will be thrown out.

C. Judges will be sent a copy of the score sheet and other appropriate material in advance so they will be prepared to judge.

D. Judges will be required to make comments on their score sheets to aid coaches in knowing what they need to work on.

8. Competition requirements and procedures:

A. Each squad will perform a routine up to 3 minutes in length which will include cheer and dance.