Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 4th July 2016 at 7.15pm at the Memorial Hall.

Present: Cllr. Hutchinson Chairman. Cllrs. Babington, Stedman, Watson, Hammond, Thompson. Cllr. I. Stokes joined the meeting at 7.20pm and Cllrs. Critchley & Sharpe joined the meeting at 7.25pm. Cllr. Rodger co-opted.

1.Apologies: Cllr. Critchley, Sharpe & I. Stokes for lateness. Cllr. S. Stokes-personal commitments. Cllr. R. Wootten- illness. Apologies will be recorded only.

The Clerk reported that Cllr. Wootten had been in hospital between meetings, a card wishing him well had been sent from the Parish Council.

Cllr. I. Stokes joined the meeting at 7.20pm.

2.Co-option of Vacancy Gonerby Ward:

Two letters of application had been received from Sarah Rodger & John Prater following the advert for co-option of one councillor. As J. Prater was unable to attend the meeting it was agreed not to ask S. Rodger to speak as a matter of fairness.

Cllrs. Critchley & Sharpe joined the meeting at 7.25pm.

The letters were read out and the following nominations received. Cllr. Stedman proposed J. Prater seconded by Cllr. Thompson. Cllr. I. Stokes proposed S. Rodger seconded by Cllr. Babington. Cllr. I. Stokes proposed that S. Rodger leave the meeting whilst discussion took place. This was not seconded and not carried. Voting took place by a show of hands. Sarah Rodger gained the majority vote and the Chairman declared her duly elected, she signed the Declaration of Acceptance Form and joined the meeting. Clerk to contact J. Prater and thank him for his interest. Clerk to contact LALC re: amendment to Standing Orders and voting practice.

Cllr. Thompson suggested that anyone who was thinking of standing down could use this as an opportunity knowing that we have an interested party.

3.Declaration of Interest/Dispensations:

Cllr. Hutchinson declared an interest- see 8. Financial Matters. Cllr. Thompson declared an interest – see 9a) Planning.


Cllr. I. Stokes asked for the following amendment to be made to the minutes re: Larkfleet development: Cllr. I. Stokes would also be speaking against the application. Following the amendment the minutes were signed as a true record. Proposed by Cllr. Babington and seconded by Cllr. Watson.

5.Official Correspondence:

The Planning Inspectorate advised that a public meeting will be held on Tuesday 29th November 2016 at Gonerby Social Club to determine the amendment of Kesteven County Council definitive map & statement modification order 1985 and modification order 1991 to add a bridleway covering the full width of a track commencing at Belton Lane between the properties known as 45 & 47 (known locally as Monks Road /Gadds Lane). Clerk to display notice on notice board.

CPRE wrote inviting Council to join CPRE. It was agreed not to.

Highways England acknowledged our comment re: route strategies (Marston A1 turnoff).

LCC sent an update re: Street Lighting Transformation Project.

LCC Highways replied re: hedge Green Street overhanging pavement, a letter would be sent to the resident requesting that next time the hedge is cut that further width be allowed for pedestrians.

SKDC Enforcement officer replied re: flue on the house on the corner of Green St/High St, this is being pursued and will not be allowed to remain in its current form. Cllr. Thompson reported that the chimney had now been removed.

Realise Futures sent details of their outdoor furniture products.

LCC sent Travel & Transport Briefing, which had been circulated.

Lincs Rural Housing association sent details of their funding bids. Clerk to pass to Memorial Hall Committee.

SKDC sent July alterations to the electoral register.

LCC advised that overnight roadworks information which can now be found on

Prince Clean sent details of their cleaning services.

Grant Thornton Auditors requested further information re: audit which the Clerk had supplied.

NALC sent details of Fly a Flag for the Commonwealth. Council already fly a Union Jack flag on this day and did not think it was necessary to purchase a Commonwealth Flag.

LCC advised that Footpath 2 (The Wong) had been reinstated & two new footpath signs had been ordered.

Between meetings the following had been reported to Highways- sunk kerbside drain cover B1174-gully to be reset, tree canopies require lifting on Green near St. Sebastians- LCC has requested a quote for this work, blocked gully opposite The Wong- to be jetted.

LCC replied that Network Rail have inspected the sleeper fence on the B1174 and are satisfied that it is solid and no work is immediately required.

R. Thompson gave a report on wild flowers growing in the Mini- Meadow at the Playing Field. The newly sown seeds are growing well.

Chattertons Solicitors acknowledged invoice payment. Council to advise when build is near completion, so that the lease can be activated.

The Pension Regulator wrote informing that our staging date is 1st October 2016 and gave the next steps required.

Anglian Water wrote re: private pumping stations. These are now being taken over by Anglian Water gives advice for owners.

SKDC sent details of consultation for Mayoral Combined Authority for Greater Lincolnshire. Documents can be found on

The following for selective circulation: LCR, Clerks & Councils Direct, RIBA Architecture directory.

6.Matters Outstanding:

The Clerk reported that the Defibrillator had now been fitted in the telephone box. Community Heartbeat Trust to arrange registration and training meeting.

Councillors to consider ideas for the Pond area. Clerk to put on September agenda.

7.Review Internal Audit Plan & Health & Safety Policy:

No amendments were made to the Internal Audit Plan. Section 4 of the Governance & Accountability for Smaller Authorities in England document was considered and it was agreed to annually review at the July meeting the audit arrangements along with the Internal Audit Plan.

The Health & Safety Policy was reviewed and no amendments were required.

8.Financial Matters:

The Clerk reported on the Petty Cash, the balance being £40.83. The Chairman counted the cash and the Petty Cash Account was signed as a correct record.

The following accounts were passed for payment, proposed by Cllr. I. Stokes and seconded by Cllr. Babington. The Chairman signed off the payment schedule.

Date / Payment Method / Payee / Details / Net Amount / VAT / Gross Amount
8.6.16 / Cheque / Great Gonerby Memorial Hall / Donation for new Hall build / £42,888.00 / £0.00 / £42,888.00
13.6.16 / Bank Transfer / Great Gonerby Memorial Hall / Rent April, May, June, July / £80.00 / £0.00 / £80.00
13.6.16 / Bank Transfer / Great Gonerby Memorial Hall / Donation for new Hall build / £3,406.00 / £0.00 / £3,406.00
29.6.16 / Bank Transfer / A.Jackson / Work at burial grounds/play area / £121.00 / £0.00 / £121.00
29.6.16 / Bank Transfer / Staff Costs / June staff costs & computer / £673.65 / £0.00 / £673.65
30.6.16 / Cheque / HMRC / Tax April -June / £66.00 / £0.00 / £66.00
Total / £47,234.65 / £0.00 / £47,234.65
9.6.16 / Transfer from Moneymaster Acc to Current Acc / £42,888.00
13.6.16 / Transfer from Moneymaster Acc to Current Acc / £3,406.00
29.6.16 / Transfer from Moneymaster Acc to Current Acc / £3,000.00

The water payment for the Pond Troughs was reviewed. Cllr. Hutchinson declared a pecuniary interest and left the room. Cllr. Thompson , Vice-Chairman, took over the Chair for this item only. It was proposed by Cllr. Hammond and seconded by Cllr. Babington that the water payment remain at £12. Unanimously agreed.

9.Advisory Groups:


S16/1337 lawful development certificate (proposed) for the erection of ground mounted solar panels Homelands Old Great North Road-invalid.

Permission had been granted by SKDC for S16/0810 single storey extension to rear of garage 35 Covill Close, S16/1114 erection of single storey side and rear extension and single storey rear extension 9 The Knoll, S16/0354 erection of a gas to grid anaerobic digestion plant land east of A1 Gonerby Moor- Cllr. Thompson declared a pecuniary interest for this application.

S16/1066 application for prior approval agricultural building to dwelling house 9 Newark Hill – application withdrawn by applicant.

b)The Environment:

The Clerk had received a complaint that a flag had not been flown for the 100 Years of the Somme. Council apologised and agreed that it was remiss. If members of the public have a request for a flag to be flown for a particular event they are welcome to contact the Clerk so that the request can be considered by Council.

Cllr. Thompson reported that he continues to weed spray the areas requested. If Cllrs. see further areas in the ownership of the Council that require spraying please inform the Clerk.

Cllr. I. Stokes reported that the grass verge on Easthorpe Road had been cut by SKDC. Cllr. Thompson confirmed that any hedges on Easthorpe Road that require cutting were the responsibility of the land owner. Cllr. Thompson reported that he had now got the Clock in St. Sebastians keeping good time.

c)Amenity Areas:

Cllr. Hutchinson reported that some parts of the rail and post fence at Hill Top Cemetery were rotten. A. Jackson to quote on replacing rotten parts. The Clerk reported that she had viewed the area that may be available for further burial spaces at the burial ground adjacent to St. Sebastians and this area had already been used for burial spaces but they did not have headstones placed on them. Between meetings the Chairman had authorised that this area be reseeded. A. Jackson had carried this out. An estimate of £80 had been obtained from A. Jackson to uncover and edge cremated remains plaques that have been covered over by grass. This was agreed.

d)Highway Matters:

Cllr. Babington reported a pot hole on Marratts Lane, Cllr. Critchley reported briars growing over the footpath in the cutting Newark Hill, Cllr. Hammond reported the 30PMH sign on Newark Hill was overgrown, Cllr. Stedman reported that trees on the Elms View Green were growing over the footpath- Clerk to report to Highways.

e)Memorial Hall:

Cllr. Hutchinson reported that the Hall build was going to plan, a village event could be considered on completion of the build.

10.Notice of Motions for Future Meetings:


11. Any Matters for Urgent Discussion:

It was agreed that a new bank mandate would be required and the List of Members would be reviewed at the September meeting now that a new councillor had been co-opted. Councillors to consider tasks required for proposed speed sign-Clerk to put on September agenda. Cllr. Hammond reported that rubbish bags had been ripped open at the playing field-Clerk to contact Community Cleaner to do litter pick. Cllr. Watson reported that the bench at the rear of Cox’s Walk had been repaired by SKDC.

The meeting closed at 9.10pm.

Flag Flying Days: September 11th 9/11 Twin Towers

September 15th Battle of Britain Day