Software Release Notes / Version 08011.1 / 11-10-2008 - Page 1 of 14
Software Release Notes
Roll Master Retail System / Version 08011.1
Sales Processing:
- In the Order Entry module, if your system is operating with multiple branches, the default will automatically be changed on the following prompt: No Inventory Found In Branch XX. Do You Wish To Check Another Branch (Y,N). Previously, this has always defaulted to “N” for no, but with this update, where the system sees more than one Branch within a Company, the default will automatically switch to “Y” for yes so that you will only need to hit enter to check another Branch for available inventory.
- In a few of the Sales Processing modules, some older options that are no longer needed have been removed from screens and menus. Those removed include the following: In the Over the Counter Sale feature of the Order Entry module, the Preliminary Notice option has been removed from the Select Option menu; in the Order Entry and Quotation Entry modules, the (F6) to Read Barcode option has been removed; and in the Quotation Entry module the Read Model option has been removed.
- In the Progress Billing Invoicing module, the footer verbiage on Progress Billing invoices will use any existing verbiage entered in the Footer Section of the Invoice Header Maintenance module as of this update. This applies even if you’re using a graphical invoice print.
- The Invoice Register - HISTORY report can now be exported to Excel. As with all reports that are now exporting to Excel, the data in each column will not automatically total; you will need to use Excel formula functionality to create totals.
- In the Open Order Report (New) print module, a new print option has been added that will appear as follows: Print (L)abor Only, (M)aterial Only or (B)oth? The default is “B” for both which is what the report currently displays; however, if you would like to limit the print out to only Labor lines or only Material lines, you can make that change at this prompt.
- The Sales Tax History report can now be exported to Excel. As with all reports that are now exporting to Excel, the data in each column will not automatically total; you will need to use Excel formula functionality to create totals.
Inventory Control:
- In the Special Price Mtc. (Date Range Pricing) module, to allow for creating special pricing byCustomer Type, a new pricing feature has been added along with a new feature to create special pricing by Level and Sub Type. When you enter this module the menu will now appear as follows:
The Enter Customer Type Pricing Level option is tied to a new field in the Customer Maintenance module called “Customer Type.” You will first need to set up at least one Customer Type in the Accounts Receivable Customer Maintenance module (see instructions below) in order to utilize this new feature. For this example, we’ll use a “BUILDER” Customer Type that we have set up for explanation purposes. When you select this menu option, the system will display the following Customer Level Pricing box as follows:
Using the (F6) Lookup option, select a pre-setup Customer Type from the lookup box and the cursor will drop to the Enter Default Pricing Level field. At this field, type the A-F pricing level you would like to prompt for this Customer Type. For example, you may wish all of your BUILDER Customer Types to prompt at “C” level pricing. Additionally, in the Enter Special Pricing menu option, when the cursor is positioned in the Customer field, the system will now prompt the following: (F2) – Change to Customer Type. This feature will allow you to enter special date range pricing for all customers grouped together within a Customer Type rather than programming for individual customers. Also, when you use the (F2) Print Existing feature to print a list of special date range pricing programmed through this module, you will now have the option to print that data by Customer Type.
One other feature that is new to the Special Pricing Mtc. module is the ability to create groupings or levels of products and pricing for individual Customersso that you can quickly update the pricing for all those items grouped together. This setup will begin in the Enter Special Pricing menu option and then pricing updates will be handled thereafter in the Update Pricing by Level/Sub Type menu option now accessible in this module. This process begins with entering special pricing in the Enter Special Pricing menu option. That screen will now appear as follows:
Below the Price field in this screen, you will now see two new fields as follows: Level and Sub Type. The Level field is a numeric field and the Sub Type field is an alphanumeric field and the reasoning behind this is so that you can create a level group by number and under that number create sub types such as “CA” for carpet, “WO” for wood, etc. Using a builder client as an example, if you wanted to select five different carpet styles and set them at all the same price for all colors the screen would look much like the following:
If you wished to offer four other carpet styles to this builder at the 12.00 price, you would continue building those items using the Level 01 and Sub Type CA. You could then create a Level 02 series of products to sell for 15.00 but using the same Sub Type of “CA” for carpet and so on. If you sell hard surface to a builder and had set products and pricing you would then create different Sub Types for those products and different levels for different pricing. Once your programming is complete, the best part of this new programming is that you will be able to update pricing on all of these Levels quickly via the Update Pricing by Level/Sub Type menu option. When you enter this menu option, the screen will appear as follows:
Complete the top five fields as they are currently programmed, using the available lookup options as needed, and when you get to the Price field, type in the new price you would like to apply to his Level and Sub Type and all products/colors previously selected will instantly be changed to reflect this new Price. Use the Cost field only where Labor pricing has previously been entered. A completed screen will appear as follows:
Enter all the way through this screen to save your changes. When records have been changed, the system will prompt the following message:
- In the Inventory Listing report, you can now print by two additional options: By P.O. Number and By Receive Date. If you wish to customize this report by either of those two options, simply enter to that option in the Select Option menu prior to hitting enter on the Print option. The By P.O. Number will prompt you to enter a specific P.O. Number and the By Receive Date will allow you to enter a specific date or a range of dates.
- In the Inventory Valuation (freight split) report, you now have the option to print By Vendor. If you wish to customize the report by this option, simply enter to that option in the Select Option menu prior to hitting enter on the Print option. This will allow you to type in one Vendor ID to customize the report.
- In the Inventory Valuation (As Of) report, you now have the option to print By Vendor. If you wish to customize the report by this option, simply enter to that option which now appears at the bottom of the Select Option menu prior to hitting enter on the Print option. This will allow you to type in one Vendor ID to customize the report.
- In the Inventory Audit report, you can now run the report for a specific style and you have the ability to perform an (F1) Lookup to select the style from a list of catalog items.
- A few changes have been made to the Safety Stock Evaluation Report. Under the Method option, the default is now set to “N” for “No – A single item in a branch must meet safety stock requirement” as this seems to be the more popular option. Also, upon selecting the Print option, a new prompt will appear as follows:
This option was added so that you could combine Branch quantities to determine safety stock requirements by selecting “No” at this prompt; otherwise, simply enter through to leave Branch quantities separate. The system will then now prompt the following:
At this prompt, you can hit enter so that all quantities will be considered in the count or you can eliminate smaller inventory balances by typing a minimum size to count at this prompt. Once you have entered through this prompt, the system will begin processing and printing the report.
Purchase Orders:
- In the P.O. Maintenance module, the ability to add comment lines to individual P.O. Lines is now available. There are still P.O. Notes that relate to the entire P.O., but when you enter into each P.O. Line, you can now add notes that relate specifically to that P.O. Line. These notes can then be viewed and/or added to from the Receive Inventory module and in A/P Open Item Maintenance during the Review P.O. History process. When you enter into a P.O. Line screen, you will now see the new (F3) Notes option to the right of Edit P.O. Lines. Once the cursor is positioned at the Product Code field, you can access this feature by hitting the F3 key. You can also access this feature via a new menu option titled “View Line Notes.” These new features appear in the Edit PO Lines screen as follows:
- In the Receive Inventory module, the new P.O. Line Notes feature can be accessed line by line via a new prompt at the top left of the screen once a P.O. has been selected. When the cursor is positioned in the Ln Num. field, a new prompt will appear at the top of the screen as follows: (F1) PO / (F2) Line Notes. The F1 key will display any existing P.O. Notes and the F2 key will display any P.O. Line Notes related to the existing line. In addition to viewing these notes, you can also add additional notes from these screens as well. Once you enter through the Ln Num. field, the prompt at the top left will change to the following: (F6) Line Notes. This option will allow you to continue accessing any notes on the current P.O. Line as you begin receiving material.
Installation System:
- In the Job Labor Maint./Installer Payments module, when using the (P) to Print Payments feature, if an item has been posted and paid, that data will now appear on the print out.
- In the Installer Payables History module, when viewing detail on a paid labor item, the system will now display the posted date next to that item as follows:
Also, if you type a “D” or hit enter to get detail on an item, the system will display the following information which now includes the Date Paid:
Accounts Receivable:
- In the Customer Maintenance module, a new field has been added that appears just below the Default Job Type prompt as follows: Customer Type. This field is tied to the Special Pricing Mtc. (DateRange Pricing) module found in the Inventory Control menu so that special pricing can be updated by the type of customer rather than by each individual customer. In order to use this feature, you must first create at least one Customer Type although this field can be skipped and left blank if this feature does not apply to a customer. All Customer Types must be added via the (F2) Customer Type Maintenance feature, which displays at the top of the Customer Maintenance screen when you first enter this module just below (Enter) ID Lookup prompt. When you hit the F2 key, the system will prompt a Code field and you can then type a new Customer Type up to eight characters. For example, if you wish to create a Customer Type called “BUILDER” for all builders, you can then enter Special Pricing for all those customers tied to that new Customer Type provided that code has been added to all applicable Customer ID’s. The system will prompt a (F6) Lookup function option when the cursor is positioned in the Customer Type field. Please see the Inventory Control section of these Release Notes for instructions on using the Customer Type code to set Special Pricing.
- In the Account Status Inquiry module, there is a new option that will allow you to add notes to individual Invoices. When you hit ENTER TO SEE OPEN ITEMS in this module once a Customer is selected, at the bottom left side of the screen you will see a new function prompt that will appear as follows: (F6) Invoice Notes. When you hit the F6 key, the system will prompt the following: Enter Item To Enter Invoice Notes:. You will need to type the exact Invoice Number in this field and then hit enter and the system will pull up an Invoice Notes box for you to type any applicable notes for this Invoice. When you have finished typing your notes be sure to save those notes at the prompt as you exit this screen. You will be able to review and add to these notes from this module until the Invoice is moved to history. Also, you will be able to view these notes under each Invoice on the A/R Aging Report (Retainage) if you select by Salesperson during the print options.
- If your system has the Excel export functionality, you can now export the A/R Aging Report (Standard) and the A/R Aging Report (Customer Deposits) to an Excel file. This will work for both the Detail or Summary print options. Also, in the A/R Aging Report (Standard), the system will now prompt the current date in the AGING DATE field rather than leaving it blank for you to type a date. If the current date is not applicable, simply override with the appropriate date though changing the date will not have an impact on the data on the report.
Accounts Payable:
- In the Open Item Maintenance module, if you delete an Invoice number and then re-add that same Invoice number, the system will now allow you to do that while creating a unique file record automatically. When you type in an Invoice number that the system recognizes as having been deleted for the selected vendor, you will now receive the following prompt:
When you click Ok, the system will then prompt the following:
If you select Yes at this prompt, the system will then prompt the following:
The system will not display the *01 in your look-up screens or reports but it will be used by the system identify that it is a unique item. In the past, when adding back a deleted Invoice, you would have to perform this process manually and the system would display the characters you used to make the item unique.
Also, in the Review P.O. History feature in this module, while reviewing and approving costs on P.O. Lines, where P.O. Line Notes exist, the system will denote those lines with an “N” for Notes to the far right of the screen and you can hit the F1 Key to view any notes or also to add notes to a P.O. Line.
- In the Bank Reconciliation (Graphical) module, the system has been updated to display the current date in the Cleared column, which will display until the reconciliation process is completed. As soon as you hit enter at the Cleared column for an item the system will prompt the current date next to the “Y” for yes.
Important Note: With more and more customers using lines of credits and credit cards in the Graphical Bank Reconciliation module during the reconciliation process, we wanted to make sure that when you reconcile one of those accounts that the Ending Balance needs to be entered with a
(-) minus sign. The reason for this is that these account types are listed in the system as Liability accounts and should reflect a credit balance on your Financial Statements.
- In the Invoice Listing (As Of) report, you will now have an option to print the data on this report in Summary or Detail. When you enter through the Enter As Of Date prompt, the system will now prompt the following:
The default is “D” for detail, which will give you the regular report data. However, if you would prefer to only see a summary of the data for each vendor listed you can type an “S” at this prompt.