NOTE:You must hand write these questions. Please print these questions to turn in, but you do not need to print the figures located in the other files. These are for reference. (you can print if it will help – but remember they are in your book. (remember yellow you don’t need to do if your summer work is great! – if you think other overlap summer work let me know before you do them….remember this is to help you)
Learning Log Chapter 1
1.Using Figure 1.4 explain the hierarchy of structural levels inbiological organization. Explain how the properties of life emergefromcomplex organization.
2.Distinguish between discovery science & hypothesis-based science.Explain whybothtypes of exploration contribute to ourunderstanding of nature.
3.Distinguish between quantitative &qualitative data.
4.Distinguish between inductive & deductive reasoning.
5.Describewhat is meant by acontrolled experiment & describe the elements ofgood experimentaldesign.
6. What ismeant by thephrase “science as a process?”
7.Usingallthe elements of good experimental design, design an experimentto test whether or not gettinga good night’ssleep has animpacton athletic performance.
8. Does the presence of poisonous coral snakes affect predation rates on their mimics, kingsnakes? Fig. 1.27
9. Look at figure 1.22 – what is descent with modification and what is the variable that changes from one yjr the large cactus ground finch to a medium ground finch?
Learning Log Chapter 2
1.Review the discussionofemergent properties inChapter 1. Explain how table salt and water have emergent properties. See fig. 2.3
2. Is a trace element an essential element?
3. In humans, iron is a traceelement required for theproper functioningof hemoglobin, the molecule that
carries oxygen in red blood cells.Whatmight be the effects of iron deficiency?
4. In Figure 2.9, if 2or more elements are in the samerow, what do they have in common? If 2 ormore elements are in the samecolumn, what do they have in common?
5. Describe 2 biological applications thatuse radioactive isotopes? (fig. 2.6)
6. Why doesthe structureH-C=C-Hfail tomake sense chemically?
7. If you were a pharmaceutical researcher, why wouldyou want to learn the three dimensional shapes of naturally occurring signalmolecules?Be thorough.
8. Light energy can excite and electron to a higher energy level. Is energy being absorbed or lost? Fig. 2.7
9. Write an equation thatuses the products of photosynthesis as reactants, and the reactants of
photosynthesis as products. Add energy as another product.This new equation describes a process that occurs in your cells.Describethis equationin words. Howdoesthis equation relateto breathing?
Learning Log Chapter 3
1.What is electronegativity and how does it affectinteractions between water molecules?
2. What wouldbe the effect on the properties of thewater moleculeifoxygenand hydrogen had equal electronegativity?Why?
3. Describe how the properties ofwater contributeto the upwardmovementof water in atree. Fig. 3.3
4. Explain the saying “It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity.”
5. How can thefreezing ofwater crackboulders?
6. Water striders have legsthat are coated with a hydrophobic substance.Whatmight bethe benefit?
What wouldhappen if the substance were hydrophilic?
7. Compared with a basic solution at pH 9, the same volume of an acidic solutionat pH 4 has times as many protons (H+)?Show your work.
8. Aceticacid (CH3COOH) can act as a buffer, similar tocarbonicacid.Writethe dissociation, identifying the acid, base, H+acceptor & H+donor.
9. Why does ice become a barrier and how is this beneficial to organisms? Fig. 3.6
Learning Log Chapter 4
- How dothe properties ofcarbon allowit to be thebasis of most life formson Earth? Explain in detail.
- What conclusion did Stanly Miller draw when he found amino acids in the products of his experiments? Fig 4.2
- How are gasoline & fat chemically similar?
- Draw the 6 functional groups and state the common namefor each. Also,indicatewhether each is polar or non-polar & what biological compounds would have each one.
- In what ways does a methyl group differ chemicallyfromthe other 6 functional groups?
- What chemical change occurs to ATPwhenit reacts with water & releasesenergy?